Chapter 196 Skyrocketing! One thousand calories!

‘‘After knowing that talent is also a method of cultivation, Xing Yi also tried it directly.

Integrating the attribute Spirit Power into oneself is easy to say, but Xing Yi has never tried it.

Ding Ming said that after integrating the attribute Spirit Power into himself, the effect is almost the same as that of the body Practitioner.

But isn’t Spirit Power always fusing itself? While cultivating Spirit Power, Spirit Power is actually transforming the Practitioner’s body.

The first-order qi Practitioner, like the physical Practitioner, first strengthens its own bones.

Although the effect is much worse than physical training, after all, it comes from Qi training.

Don’t care about yourself at all, just feel free to go for cultivation, you don’t have to worry about the pain value of bone quenching, and you don’t have to worry about the cumbersome steps of bone quenching, just like Xing Yi’s breathing.

However, the body after the transformation of the ordinary Spirit Power cannot reach the strength of the Practitioner, but it is different for those with attributes.

Not only can it reach the strength of the body Practitioner, but the speed of fusion is not the same as the speed of refining the body.

Even if the level is not enough, it can be integrated in advance.

Like an ordinary Practitioner, the first-order can only strengthen the bones, and the second-order can only temper the flesh.

Even if you want to temper other parts beyond the boundary, it is futile, but having attributes is different.

Not only is it easier, but it can also be integrated anytime and anywhere, after all, it is an innate talent.

By then Realm, the Spirit Power obtained from cultivation does not need to be fused and transformed, and the cultivation speed will also increase.

This is also the reason why everyone is so vying for elemental spirits.

A talent strengthens a part, so Xing Yi has enough talent to keep Xing Yi busy for a while.

Seriously, Xing Yi hasn’t really cultivated the Eight Classics.

There is no need for Xing Yi to cultivate in Qi training, and there is a body of Practitioner plus a body of dirt.

As for the second tempering, Xing Yi hasn’t started yet, and here Xing Yi can’t do it rightly.

Now I just found something for Xing Yi to do.

Xing Yigang just mobilized his metallic Spirit Power to his skin.

Xing Yi could clearly feel the difference, which is too different from Practitioner.

If tempering is to change the physical quality little by little through qi and blood, you have to take care of your own body’s endurance, and you need to change little by little, too much.

The talent fusion is completely different. This is completely automatic. Xing Yi only needs to send the Golden Spirit Power over.

Xing Yi can feel that his own skin is like a long-dried earth, and Golden Spirit Power is nectar.

There is too much difference with tempering, tempering own energy and blood is to lick the dog, and talent integration, the golden Spirit Power is the one being licked.

No wonder everyone likes to practice Qi, who doesn’t like this feeling!

As for the fused skin, Xing Yi could clearly feel that it became stronger little by little.

If all parts of the body can be tempered like this, then what kind of body training is there to talk about.

The effect is almost the same, and the cultivation method is more comfortable, faster and more worry-free.

It’s a pity that only talented Practitioners have such privileges, and they are only part of the cultivation, not the whole body.

Five attributes Spirit Power, Xing Yi realized the true power of the five attributes.

Xing Yi used his brain to convert all of his Spirit Power into gold Spirit Power, directly covering the surface of his skin.

The change visible to the naked eye, the skin changed from the group to the general.

Xing Yi’s length is relatively white, and after the fusion, his skin turns yellow again.

Xing Yi looked at the skin after the fusion, thinking that in this way, no one would say that he was a pale face.

The skin color now is at best whiter than the average person, and it’s too far away from Xiao Bai’s face.

Xing Yi felt that the main reason for his face was that he was so handsome!

The gold Spirit Power of more than two hundred cards is all covered on his skin, and his strength has become stronger, but Xing Yi also has no Spirit Power in his whole body for this reason.

Fortunately, the Spirit Power in the spiritual pressure room is strong enough that Xing Yi can recover.

While changing the metallic talent, Xing Yi continued to experiment with several other attribute talents.

In addition to the metallic talent, Xing Yi also has an earth attribute talent and a water attribute talent.

The soil attribute talent affects the physical body. Like the physical Practitioner, Xing Yi tried a little bit to be sure.

The water attribute talent is different. The water attribute talent affects the five bodies is the bone marrow, while in the Qi Practitioner, the water attribute strengthens the cyclone.

Xing Yi didn’t know where the Spirit Power of his water attribute worked.

Xing Yi wanted to try it on the bone marrow first, but it didn’t help much now.

The purpose of tempering bone marrow is to restore vitality and blood. Xing Yi doesn’t need it now, at least not now.

Xing Yi immediately tried the cyclone again, and it did.

Water attribute talent can actually strengthen two parts.

Moreover, the water attribute body strengthens the cyclone so quickly.

Water attribute Spirit Power was swallowed by the cyclone as soon as it touched the cyclone.

Immediately afterwards, the cyclone changed. Although the size did not change, the speed was much worse.

One plus ten, ten plus one hundred.

To be honest, Xing Yi was shocked, or completely dumbfounded.

After the change, the cyclone absorbs Spiritual Qi more than a hundred times faster.

Moreover, Spiritual Qi has not been converted in the cyclone at all, making it the own Spirit Power, which directly plays a role and strengthens the own cyclone.

For this reason, one step is omitted.

It is also the most cumbersome step, and the speed is not too fast.

The cyclone was so strong that there was no trace of Spirit Power in Xing Yi’s body, which was terrifying.

You know, Xing Yi has hundreds of cyclones.

Xing Yi hurried out and rushed to the 20th floor.

The Spiritual Qi there is stronger.

As soon as he entered the door, the powerful spiritual pressure directly crushed Xing Yi to the ground, but Xing Yi cyclone absorbed faster.

But it was still far from enough. Xing Yi quickly took out ten bottles of Spirit Power water from his system space and poured them all into his mouth.

Ten bottles of Spirit Power water still couldn’t keep up with the strengthening speed of the cyclone, and the Spirit Power of ten bottles of Spirit Power water was swept away.

None of them were swallowed by the cyclone.

Xing Yi understands that he can’t cultivate at all now, unless he converts Spirit Power into Spirit Power of other attributes.

Otherwise, if the cyclone doesn’t upgrade, he won’t be able to cultivate it any time.

However, as the cyclone was escalating, it was also opening up itself, and Xing Yi’s cyclone had automatically stabilized.

One stay was half an hour, during which Xing Yi drank another twenty bottles of Spirit Power water, which means that Xing Yi’s will is strong enough, if he is an ordinary person, even if he can become stronger without limit, he won’t be a one-time cultivation. Finish.

In more than forty minutes back and forth, Xing Yi’s strength Ascension’s speed is so fast that it is terrifying, but unfortunately there is only one chance.

Open the system interface:

Friendly value: 58314 points

Blood value: 290 calories

Spirit Power value: 1010 cards

System space: 1300 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Function: Probe (you can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all of the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, and ten friendly points at a time.)

Concealment: You can hide all your talents and strengths.

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, earth attribute talent body, water attribute talent body, metallic talent body, poisonous body (incomplete)

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 100,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 100,000 friendly points

The integration of water attribute talent directly brought Xing Yiqi Practitioner’s strength to 1,000 calories.

Ascension of eight hundred cards took less than half an hour.

If this spreads out, it will probably cause an uproar again.

What’s more terrifying is that the cyclone after the strengthening is nearly ten times faster than before.

It turns out that the fastest for the early Cultivation Base Ascension is not the other talents, but the water attribute talent!


When someone else’s Tier 4 Practitioner strengthens the cyclone, people with water attribute talent don’t know how strong it is.

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