Chapter 259

Absorbing Li Jiayao’s breath is the second most important thing. Xing Yi is only observing Li Jiayao’s appearance, actions, language and temperament.

Since Li Jiayao is a member of the defense team of China Wuhan University, there is too much room for manipulation. Don’t forget that Xing Yi will still have another Martial Skill.

Transformation art, as long as he is still an individual, he can completely imitate it himself.

Also, Li Jiayao came here for the concealment technique, and he waited here for two weeks for the concealment technique.

Instead of being himself, Xing Yi asked himself, if he didn’t particularly want it, Xing Yi would not wait.

Since Li Jiayao wanted it so, then turned into his appearance, hiding his breath, could it be possible to pretend to be his identity to defend the point.

Originally, Xing Yi was only planning to try the worst second-tier Wuhan University to attack and try, but now he sees the strength of the third-order Practitioner.

At the second-tier Wuhan University, most of the people there first cultivated the Huang-level Cultivation Technique, which means that if they breakthrough two kilocalories, they are already the third-level practitioners.

It is true that I have more Spirit Power than them, but my Practitioner level is low.

Xing Yi felt it was a bit embarrassing when he couldn’t beat them anymore.

God-level Cultivation Technique, a talent, Spirit Power crushed, but when it came to defeat, it was too sad.

There are risks. Xing Yi still intends to give it a try at Zhongwu University.

Not to mention what Zhongwu University gave, when the time comes, the old man will also give himself rewards, then he will not have to look for reasons, and if he shirks a little, he will say to send a classmate.

The friendliness value is directly credited to the account.

But now Xing Yi urged me sadly. Xing Yi wanted to see Li Jiayao up close. He was pressed and beaten by Li Jiayao, and he had no power to fight back.

The breath was collected, but I still didn’t remember what he looked like and whether there were any characteristics in him.

No way, Xing Yi’s metallic talent had to be exposed. The colorless Spirit Power was exchanged for changes, and the metallic Spirit Power covered his whole body for a while.

The attack on Li Jiayao from the bottom was a little better, and he squeezed his body and walked towards Li Jiayao step by step.

Li Jiayao was also taken aback when he saw Xing Yi actually have a talent for metal. He didn’t expect to encounter a guy with a talent for metal.

Actually being able to rely solely on Spirit Power to release his own offense, his envious eyes, and the fleeting sense of guilt in his heart.

While resisting the pressure, he walked forward. Although he couldn’t get close to Li Jiayao, at least he could see clearly. There was a mole under his right eye, which was very small.

There was a small scar on his right hand. After carrying it for a few more minutes, Xing Yi finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and ran straight away in five steps.

Seeing Xing Yi who was running away, Li Jiayao smiled disdainfully. What if he is talented, it’s not being beaten by himself.

It’s hard to even get close to himself. Li Jiayao didn’t go after Xing Yi, so he could just teach him a lesson, as he was delayed for two weeks of punishment.

However, Li Jiayao still feels incredible that the Chinese University can have such a capable student. The strength is not bad.

In the freshman year of China Wuhan University, it should also be among the best.

Shaking his head, Li Jiayao also entered the concealment technique cultivation room.

As for Xing Yi, even though his clothes were protected by Spirit Power, he was beaten to pieces.

“Good boy, very good.” As soon as he came downstairs, he heard the old man guarding the library praise him.

Of course everything in the library couldn’t escape his eyes. Li Jiayao didn’t know what was going on with Xing Yi. This old man knew too well.

Xing Yi shouldn’t be a Tier 3 Practitioner. A Tier 2 Practitioner can resist for so long under the full attack of the Tier 3 Practitioner, even with the blessing of the metallic Spirit Power.

The most gratifying thing for the elderly is that Xing Yi was breathless when he came out, which means that Xing Yi successfully learned a Martial Skill of Martial Skill in two weeks.

It’s still a martial skill with tired functions.

This talent is terrible.

You know, Li Jiayao just used Xing Yi with only a mysterious Martial Skill and didn’t even have the qualifications to approach him.

Xing Yi’s Spirit Power is about five hundred lower than him, as well as the blessing of Qi and blood. In terms of comprehensive ability, Xing Yi is definitely stronger than him.

But the reality is that Xing Yi was unilaterally slammed.

This shows the power of the mysterious Martial Skill, but it is an offensive Martial Skill, and the difficulty of cultivation is far below the functional Martial Skill.

Xing Yi can learn in two weeks, and one can imagine how terrible the talent is.

If you are an ordinary person, even an ordinary person at the Wuhan University, it will take at least one month to learn a Martial Skill.

The old man is still very satisfied with Xing Yi. Although Xing Yi is a Chinese student, he is the opposite of Zhongwu University, but in general he belongs to Shenzhou University, and he is also from Central Plains.

“Well, do you have any clothes? I can buy one.” Xing Yi said embarrassedly.

Looking at Xing Yi’s clothes again, there is only a trouser leg left on the lower body, and the upper body is even more revealing, saying that it is not too much.

“Wait, I’ll help you get one.” The old man didn’t think much, Xing Yi really couldn’t see his clothes, and he was still willing to help the old students with good talents.

After speaking, he went back to the house and took out a school uniform and handed it to Xing Yi.

“Put it on!”

“School uniform?” Xing Yi was not too happy to mention it.

The school uniforms of Wuhan University are issued, but few people wear them, and not many people wear them.

Li Jiayao is one of the few people. He wears school uniforms. This addition of details can be said to be a big help.

The old man has accumulated a lot here, and it’s nothing to give Xing Yi one.

“It’s okay, you can wear it, just a piece of clothing.” The old man smiled.

“Then, thank you.” Xing Yi is really grateful.

After changing his clothes, Xing Yi didn’t stay too much, and found a place where there was no one. Xing Yi started using transformation art.

The appearance and appearance have become Li Jiayao, if it is not particularly familiar or relying on breath identification, it is not Li Jiayao but Xing Yi.

After the change of identity, Xing Yi found the defensive point of Wuhan University, a place similar to Chinese, in the middle of the square.

A huge stone stele tree is black, more than ten meters high, without a word on it.

People can enter from all directions, there is no defense, only some people wandering back and forth.

It seems that there is no defense, but Xing Yi is sure that if he walks in with his own identity now, he will face own being bombarded by Spirit Power.

The more confident a school is in its own school, the less it will be able to do some defenses that some do not have, and all kinds of details will be disdainful for China Wuhan University.

Only weak schools will take the defensive points very strictly.

After staying for a while, watching the details of the defensive team entering for a while, Xing Yi walked slowly.

There is no breath at all, and Xing Yi is not holding it up, but uses the concealment function of the system to conceal his own breath.

Sure enough, the moment Xing Yi entered the playground, he immediately ushered in a bunch of sights, all staring at Xing Yi.

Feeling the absence of Xing Yi’s body aura, the focus of his eyes becomes even denser.

Until someone said: “Li Jiayao, you learned the occult technique!”

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