Chapter 260

Concealment, they all know, it can be said to be one of the most useless Martial Skills.

Generally speaking, few people spend millions of points to redeem such a Martial Skill.

Millions of points, not to mention the Chinese in Wuhan University, such a wealthy Wuhan University, even so, if a person has no special contribution from beginning to end, it is too difficult to learn a Martial Skill.

From the moment of admission to Wuhan University, most people may not be able to harvest a Martial Skill from the beginning of saving money to the end.

The Martial Skills of the Wuhan University Library are generally the cheapest price on the market. Most Martial Skills are worth 1 million points.

If you buy it in the market, I am afraid that the cheapest mysterious rank Martial Skill will not be less than 10 million, and there are also ground ranks and heaven ranks above the ranks.

Schools generally provide every student with the opportunity to learn two Martial Skills and one Martial Skill.

This is almost the only Martial Skill that most students can cultivate.

The only Martial Skill, I choose a Martial Skill that does not increase their combat power. To be honest, most people will not choose.

So Li Jiayao wanted to learn Martial Skill, most people actually knew about it. After all, there were too few people who cultivated this Cultivation Technique.

Feeling that there was no aura in Xing Yi’s body, the others looked at it carefully, and they did not pay attention to Xing Yi’s body.

Xing Yi took a look at the strengths of these people. The worst has more than 5,000 Spirit Power values, the lowest level is also the third-order Practitioner, and even the fourth-order Practitioner has already arrived.

Xing Yi has already experienced the strength of the third-order Practitioner. Before he can use the Martial Skill that can use the mysterious attack or the defensive Martial Skill, he will not easily challenge them anymore.

Too bad!

Obviously, I feel that the spirit of their big moves is random, and Spirit Power must consume a lot more than myself, but it is not the case.

When I was in the library, I was slammed by Li Kayao. The Practitioner body and the water attribute talent body were almost consumed by Li Kayao. Li Kayao was not consumed.

Vaguely, Xing Yi felt that Li Jiayao didn’t actually use too much Spirit Power, but the effect of Martial Skill magnified the Spirit Power effect, so that he was single-sidedly slammed and at the same time could not consume him.

Fortunately, he still has a Martial Skill qualification in his hand, and it will not be too late to learn by then.

Xing Yi didn’t relax either. Xing Yi felt that the people in it seemed to have their own responsible area, and everyone only wandered around in their own fixed area.

There seems to be no defense, but there is a little disturbance, and everyone’s eyes can be concentrated immediately.

There are two people who practice against each other, as well as those who directly sit on the spot regardless of direct cultivation, and don’t worry about any unexpected circumstances that will affect their own cultivation.

There are also people who move a small bench and sit there playing mobile phones, but Xing Yi doesn’t dare to underestimate them, after all, the strength is there.

I don’t know what Li Jiayao usually looks like. Xing Yi didn’t rush in either. Instead, he chose to take out a mobile phone, pretending to be indifferent, and playing with it.

Suddenly, someone spoke.

“Fuck, this year’s freshman students are a bit fierce!”

“What’s the matter?” When everyone heard the man talking, they all surrounded him. Seeing this opportunity, Xing Yi hurried over.

“There is a man named Wang Kai who has already captured a Wuhan University. Although he is only a second-tier Wuhan University, he is a freshman after all!” That person did not dare to believe.

Xing Yi was also shocked when he heard that Wang Kai was too familiar with him!

I remember that before the start of school, his strength seems to be inferior to own, but Xing Yi can see that the clerical department has a website that specializes in statistics of student strength.

As a freshman, Xing Yi hasn’t been updated for a long time because of his strength.

What Xing Yi is really good about is the strength of the Practitioner. Even if it has not been updated for a long time, Xing Yi still ranks first, including the entire Wuhan University of China, Xing Yi is firmly ranked first.

But that was before, and now the top name on the list is Wang Kai.

Instead, Qi Practitioner ranked tenth on the list after the update of the strength of Double Thousand Yi, while Wang Kai ranked eleventh in the Great One Practitioner with a Spirit Power value of 5,900 calories.

Five thousand nine hundred calories, it’s hard to imagine that Wang Kai’s strength would actually Ascension so fast.

“Which school is Wang Kai from?” someone asked.


“Then do we have any representatives in Wuhan University?”

“There is a man named Dong Mengqi, but he ranks second on the freshman Spirit Power list, but his actual combat ability does not seem to be good!” someone said.

“What’s the meaning?”

“At the time of the potential class competition, it seemed that a freshman who is now a Chinese major was given a trick. It is said that that person is still a Practitioner.”


There was silence.

It’s already a good result to rank second on the smart list, but there is actually such a dark history.

Xing Yi silently opened Dong Mengqi’s profile.

Name: Dong Mengqi-second place

Strength: 7050 cards Spirit Power value

School: China Wuhan University

Xing Yi had an impression of Dong Mengqi. He seemed to have a strength of four thousand calories at the beginning, and it seemed that the cultivation technique was still ground level Cultivation Technique.

But Dong Mengqi, who he clearly remembers, seems to be just a kind of talent, how could her strength become stronger so fast, it is simply unreasonable.

He was already enough to hang up, and he helped Shuang Qianyi, and Bai Yiling opened up together, but in the end he couldn’t compare to these people with a single talent.

“Did he go out?” The meaning is obvious. As a member of Wuhan University, they don’t want to be compared with other core Wuhan University.

“I went out and cultivated a movement technique Martial Skill. It should also be able to capture a second-line martial arts university. It’s just a matter of time.” Someone who knows the situation said.

“How about that Chinese-speaking boy, have you gone out?”

“Just him!” Some people disdain: “That person’s strength is far worse than that of the potential class. The freshman Spirit Power list is still in the past.”

“The strength is not good, go out to die?”

“Don’t talk about him, the person with the strongest Chinese strength seems to be called Shuang Qianyi. With a strength of more than six thousand cards, it is probably a second-generation, but it seems that he has not gone out, but is defending at home!”

“For that kind of school, what’s the use of arranging one or two strong ones? If you don’t have top strength, you don’t want to go in casually.”

It’s not that they are disdainful of Chinese. Even if the Chinese has a profound background, they are confident. As long as they originally cultivated Movement Technique Martial Skill, they can also make a name for their defensive points.

“I don’t know why they have to independently come up with a Chinese language major and do their research. Isn’t it a lofty status? Now they have to pull out Losing Face.”

“It is estimated that their senior management is still worrying about how to defend their school. In the past few days, there have been more than a dozen people who have successfully made a name in Chinese.”


“What’s the use of sending more people to defend. Like our Chinese Wuhan University, if we make it clear that they can attack, most people don’t dare to come in.” There was a little pride in his speech.

“That is, no one dared to come with the door open!”

“Nonsense, do we have a door here, but does anyone dare to come!”

Looking around the open space, everywhere can be used as offensive points, which is also a point of their pride.

But in the next second they will be silly.

A bright light rushed directly up the monument from bottom to top.

I saw a line written on the top level.

Chinese Grand-Class of 2018-Xing Yi!

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