Chapter 300 System Functions

Xing Yi also wanted to try the limit of own absolute defense.

Even if his own defense is broken, Xing Yi still has no problem going out. Even if Xing Yi does not have Martial Skill, he can definitely stand by virtue of his talent advantage.

The five-attribute talent strengthens the body and complements each other, whether it is explosion or defense, it is far beyond the previous Xing Yi.

What’s more, now Shan Zhirong can’t break his own defense alone.

Xing Yi let more people come and want to try the limit of own, provocation is only second.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard Xing Yi’s words, Shan Zhirong couldn’t help it. He didn’t retain any Spirit Power, and all attacked.

However, Xing Yi’s absolute defense was still not broken, and he added a lot of Spirit Power to Xing Yi’s defensive shield.

The biggest difference between the third-order and the fourth-order is the control of the Spirit Power that has been released.

The offense of the third-order Practitioner is often a one-off, just like a cannonball.

Like splashed water.

The fourth-order Practitioner is different. The fourth-order Practitioner can control the Martial Skill that has been released. In this regard, compared with the consumption, the third-order will never be the fourth-order opponent.

One is for sustainable use, and the other is for one-time use.

Xing Yi’s absolute defense is similar to the Martial Skill that a Tier 4 Practitioner can use, even if it has been released, he still has certain control rights.

Think carefully about the functions unlocked by Xing Yi’s system. In fact, they can all be regarded as Martial Skills.

It can also be regarded as a way of using other talents.

Such as hiding and stealth including breath simulation, these several applications of Spirit Power conversion, Wang Kai will be able to do it.

And compared to the system, it is not inferior in use.

Wang Kai, who knows how to turn, is a piece of cake for these three system functions of Xing Yi.

Regarding the conversion and use of Spirit Power, there should be no stronger person in this world than Wang Kai who possesses Spirit Power.

The absolute defense can swallow the offensive part of the Spirit Power to strengthen itself. This function is simply a basic application of the spirit swallowing body.

Shuang Qianyi definitely will, and may be stronger than Xing Yi. The proportion of Spirit Power consumed will increase as Shuang Qianyi’s strength increases, but Xing Yi’s system function will not.

Both god-level Cultivation Techniques have an accompanying Martial Skill package, and Xing Yi also has it, but Xing Yi has not developed it.

There is also the system space, which is better explained. Almost every Martial King will have its own space equipment.

They can open up an own space to store their own things.

The savings space in the body belongs to another kind of extremely strong spatial talent.

Open up your own unique savings space in your body to replace the function of cyclones and increase the Spirit Power stored in your body.

To put it simply, the things unlocked by Xing Yi’s system functions are accessories brought by other people’s talents. Compared to unlocking talents, the price is not too high.

A kind of talent cultivation to the extreme, the enhancement it brings is absolutely terrifying.

Is the water attribute weaker than the ice attribute?

In fact, ice attribute is only one direction of the progress of water attribute. As long as you cultivate the talent of water attribute with your heart, you can also have characteristics like ice attribute.

The ice attribute is just a process of cultivation ascension of the water attribute, allowing her to grasp the Spirit Power of that attribute in advance.

Just like Xing Yi now, the control of soil attributes seems to be releasing qualitative changes.

To be precise, the poisonous body in Xing Yi’s body changed again.

Xing Yi didn’t know what switch he had touched in his body, and the body of Dirty Poison was a little out of control.

Kudu unexpectedly helped himself temper his body again, producing too much blood.

Fortunately, the blood produced by Xing Yi can be moved to the savings space and turned into an absolute defense of his own, so as not to cause exposure to scum and poison.

As Xing Yi’s absolute defense accumulated Spirit Power and more and more blood, the color of the absolute defense also changed.

At first it was pure white transparent color. After Xing Yi added the metallic talent, it changed to gold, but now there is a layer of blood red on top of the blood.

It is absolutely impossible for Shan Zhirong to break the defense.

And now Xing Yi is also anxious to leave, can’t delay any longer, must figure out what changes have been released in his body.

Xing Yi didn’t hide it anymore. Although Xing Yi’s Qi Practitioner was stronger, Xing Yi was best at hand-to-hand combat.

Xing Yi’s control over Qi and blood is definitely much higher than Spirit Power.

Qi Practitioner’s Tier 3 strength will also increase Xing Yi’s physical strength. In general, Xing Yi’s physical strength is completely comparable to Tier 4 Practitioner.

Shan Zhirong, who was overly consumed, was instantly killed by a punch when he encountered Xing Yi.

And Xing Yi also ran outside quickly. At this time, he couldn’t take care of that much. There was still time to spend here. Finding a hotel to study himself is the most important thing.

Xing Yi ran outside quickly. At this time, the people watching were not calm. Shan Zhirong was actually beaten by Xing Yi for a second, and he did not harm Xing Yi at all.

They also had to make a move. If Xing Yi urged Xing Yi to run out, then they would be too embarrassed.

There are too many people and fewer people.

For a while, the dazzling Martial Skill was thrown at Xing Yi.

A group of people quickly appeared in front of Xing Yi, and there were also more than 20 people.

Xing Yi didn’t care about it at all. The absolute defense with vitality and metal strengthening can not only resist it, but also strengthen a wave with their offense.

As long as Xing Yi’s absolute defense can’t be broken at once, attacking it, its defensiveness will become stronger and stronger.

Obviously a group of people added a wave of attributes to absolute defense.


“What the hell is this Martial Skill, is it so defensive!”

Lin Gao had seen it from a distance. Xing Yi’s absolute defense was not too strong at first, and he would never be able to hold his own attack.

But his defense seems to be getting stronger and stronger, which is a bit too much.

Although he could break it with one blow, it was himself, not these eighth-level juniors.

The defense is so strong, how could the offense be weak, at this time Lin Gaoyong is already worried about whether they can stop Xing Yi with so many people.

Rather than considering whether he can teach Xing Yi a lesson.

This gap is a bit big, Xing Yi’s own strength does not seem to be too strong, but the release of this Martial Skill is a bit nonsense.

The Martial Skill used by this thing is like a third-order Practitioner can be used, which at least requires a fourth-order Practitioner.

That’s right, the real defense Martial Skill, in fact, can only perform its due function until the fourth-order Practitioner.

But Xing Yi seems to be able to use it perfectly, which is a bit scary.

It was obvious that Lin Gao was not the only one to see, and Li Danyang didn’t dare to look down on Xing Yi at this time.

Xing Yi’s strength today is very strong. Although Li Danyang is confident that he can resist so many attacks from Tier 2 and Tier 3 Practitioners, he will definitely not be as relaxed as Xing Yi.

Not only did Xing Yi’s pace not slow down, but it was even faster. In the face of everyone, Xing Yi jumped over everyone without even seeing it.

At all, I am not afraid of the disadvantage that they take the opportunity to attack, and they are not easy to avoid in the air.

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