Chapter 301

In one jump, this wave of operation is actually not much different from the real humiliation under the crotch.

Just do it hard, and the people below Xing Yi are indeed like this at this time, not only the people below but also the onlookers, at this time, they can’t help but make a move.

Obviously, relying on these people, there is no way to stop Xing Yi, and more people must act together.

Unanimously, people close to Xing Yi chose to shoot at this time.

The dazzling Martial Skill is like fireworks from all directions attacking Xing Yi. Even though it is daytime, the gorgeous Martial Skill is also impressive.

Such a terrifying attack, if Xing Yi could resist it, it would be a bit scary.

Li Danyang watched this terrifying attack, and a few hundreds of people attacked at the same time, even though the Spirit Power was scattered.

But the total energy is so terrifying, even if it is oneself at this time, it is impossible to help Xing Yi carry it down.

“It’s over, it’s a big game!” Lin Gao was shocked in his heart. At this time, it was too late to make a move. He could only hope that the teacher in the school would make it.

Lin Gaoyong didn’t expect that Xiqingwu University could have so many people attacking Xing Yi at the same time. With hundreds of people attacking, the Spirit Power alone would have millions of cards.

Not to mention that this is Spirit Power released through Martial Skill.

No one can guarantee that Xing Yi can resist.

Several million cards of pure Spirit Power, coupled with Martial Skill’s increase of tens of millions of cards, are possible.

At this time, even the teacher who was hiding from the side watching was stunned. No one expected that so many people would suddenly appear to attack Xing Yi, as if they were well organized.

However, the teachers were quick to move. Mental Energy wanted to surround Xing Yi in an instant, but then a more terrifying Mental Energy cut off their desire to support.

It’s fleeting, but it’s too late to support Xing Yi.

Xing Yi saw so many offenses, and knew that he had made a big shot this time, and he did not dare to resist, but Xing Yi was able to dodge part of the offense, and Tayun continued to jump up with five steps.

Just like that, he avoided a few attacks, but was still hit by most Martial Skills, and there were many more Martial Skills.

Hundreds of Martial Skills seemed to fall into a short-term balance at this time. This was the effect of Xing Yi’s balance body, but it was only a moment.

In the next second, there was an explosion storm, centering on Xing Yi, exploding everywhere, and the huge storm and Lin Gao used them with them. The Tier 4 Practitioner also swept in.

Even if the group of people standing below was not the target of the attack, they were seriously injured due to the powerful aftershocks.

When the scene stabilized, only Xing Yi was left on the court.

The absolute defense was broken, the skin was open and fleshy, the bones were bare, and the crystal clear three-time bone quenching was not a big deal, but the other parts had been washed out.

Flesh and flesh are all good, more parts are left with traces of flesh and bones connected together, and there is no dead angle attack at 360 degrees.

Xing Yi no longer has a good part on his body, and the clothes are even more luxurious.

There are wounds everywhere, he is completely bloody, and he can’t see his face at all.

It was a miracle that Xing Yi could still live, and Xing Yi was still standing in the center.

Xing Yi didn’t die but he didn’t feel well. Most of the flesh and blood in his body were destroyed, and all the abnormal movements of the poisonous body in his body disappeared.

The flesh and blood that has been tempered is destroyed, and it is not as simple as healing the wounds to restore it.

It is easy to return to the level of a normal person, but Xing Yi needs to re-cultivation if he wants to return to the previous strength.

Xing Yi was already confused at this time, and he could still stand by his last breath.

If it hadn’t been for the power of attributes all over his body, Xing Yi might have been gone, and now he could live all relying on the power of attributes remaining on his body.

Xing Yi stood with the uncontrolled and frantic movement of the Practitioner’s body, and the first thing was to help Xing Yi’s deadly organs recover.

Everywhere was crazy recovery, and the water attribute talent did not dare to fall behind, using the Spirit Power that Xing Yi could use to help Xing Yi recover his flesh and blood.

Fortunately, there are enough Spirit Stones and dirt poison in Xing Yi’s system space, and the Practitioner’s body also has enough energy to swallow it.

Breathing will never stop helping Xing Yi recover the Spirit Power in the system space.

The scene returned to calm, and several teachers appeared around Xing Yi in an instant.

Someone wanted to investigate Xing Yi’s injury, and someone immediately stopped him: “Don’t move, he can recover by himself.”

Of course, the Great Master present can help Xing Yi recover, but Xing Yi is too weak now, with little flesh and blood, and can’t stand the help of others.

Unless someone uses the water attribute Spirit Power instead of ordinary Spirit Power to help themselves.

This is not dead, this kid is too dead.

In this state, he can still think of recovering from his injuries. If it were not for this will to survive, I am afraid that people would be gone!

Seeing that Xing Yi could rely on himself to stabilize the injury, several people also gave a little relief.

But then there was anger, surprisingly anger, in the West Qingwu University actually took action to hurt people like this, if it weren’t for fear that the aura would interfere with Xing Yi.

At this time they are going to educate this group of students who don’t know the severity of their shots.

At this time, someone had noticed Xing Yi’s bare bones.

The whole body was rotten, but the bones alone seemed to have nothing. The crystal clear milky white, the sign of the third-order bone quenching, this kid actually had the bone quenched three times.

“Look at his bones!” among them, they said with Mental Energy.

Since the rest was stunned after seeing it, Xing Yi actually had bones quenched three times, who was the last person who quenched his bones three times!

The White Emperor!

Moreover, when did the Baihuang breakthrough Practitioner, he didn’t know the year of the monkey when he completed the three times of bone quenching.

This kid has actually completed the bone hardening, reaching the level of the second-order Practitioner, how old he is!

How long will it take for the threshold of three times to harden the bone, and the blood limit of two hundred calories.

How long does it take to refine the three times? This kid is an eighth-level student. A group of people silently turned their heads to look at the memorial monument. This is indeed the case, an eighth-level student.

Three times of tempering, big news!

At this time, the students who had slowed down began to watch the situation on the field. A group of teachers on the field stared motionlessly around Xing Yi.

And Xing Yi’s injury is even more exaggerated. Xing Yi is not dead. Why don’t the teachers help Xing Yi recover?

Where did Xing Yi recover himself, and Xing Yi suffered such a serious injury, the teachers will not fail to take action!

There are still some girls who have not seen the big scene, they almost cried when they saw Xing Yi’s situation.

Most people have seen Xing Yi’s situation. At this time, they can only pray that Xing Yi is okay. There is something about SLR, they are all sinners.

Although some people did not take action, they did not stop it, and more people were still booing.

The sharp-eyed person discovered that Xing Yi’s body injuries were extremely serious, but only his bones were intact.

The crystal clear milky white, is it three times to quench the bones?

The legendary three-time bone quenching was actually practiced. This is the highest Realm in the body Practitioner, and the God-level Cultivation Technique in the Harmony Practitioner is of the same level.

Only exists in the legend.

And Xing Yi, who had been attacked by hundreds of Martial Skills, recovered from his injuries, and Xing Yi also found that he seemed to have awakened something…

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