Chapter 310 Passive: Martial Skill Self-study

At the last level, there is nothing.

All Xing Yi could see was a transparent wall, which sealed the surroundings of own, and he couldn’t even mobilize the surrounding attributes.

There are also ten Daoist shadows, which are black and look no different from the previous ones. Without attribute bonuses, they look exceptionally ordinary.

“These ten figures, break them up, and you can go out. Bai Yiling is still waiting for you in Chinese!” Although he was a little reluctant to say this, Bai Jun still said it.

Without him, Bai Yiling saw Xing Yi’s record outside, not to mention the continuous capture of so many Wuhan University, even Xing Yi has been named on the top of the list of the Wuhan University.

Inspired by the pressure, Bai Yi felt that he also needed to do something, and the best way to perform in school was to defend his own ground.

And Bai Yiling’s strength may be the top group in the Chinese University, but it seems a little insufficient for the entire Shenzhou Wuda.

He couldn’t stop it at all. The Bai Jun, who was dejected every day, was secretly checking his daughter in the distance and wanted to kill.

Can’t wait to pretend to go and help Bai Yiling guard the monument.

“wait for me?”

I told Bai Yiling that I wanted to go back. I stayed for a long time. After such a long time, I haven’t gone back and haven’t sent a message. Maybe I’m a little anxious.

It seems that I need to go back soon.

Facing these ten figures, Xing Yi also wanted to own strength, can he quickly disperse these ten figures.

Ten figures, each with a strength of 20,000 cards, the overall strength is worse than the current self, but the number of people has an advantage.

I just don’t know if these figures will be able to Martial Skill. If they could, it would be a bit difficult for me.

“Lie down!”

Ten human figures and ten different mysterious Martial Skills were shot at the same time, and Xing Yi didn’t dare to resist in Tuo Da.

Absolute Defense screamed out directly, Burning Poison. This is the first time Xing Yi has used this toxin.

Absolute defense directly absorbed nearly 10% of the offense to strengthen itself.

The absolute defense has not been broken, but has become much stronger. This is also the first time that Xing Yi has truly used the absolute defense in the state of burned poison.

Ten human figures, all of which are 20,000 cards in strength, and they are all using Martial Skills of the Mysterious Rank. They did not break their own defenses when they shot together.

Of course, it may have something to do with not using all their strengths, and the mysterious Martial Skills they use are also the lowest-level Martial Skills.

The defense was also expected, but Xing Yi was still excited for a while.

In the next second, Xing Yi’s face was dumb, and the strengthened absolute defense was beaten by ten people in one blow, and Xing Yi inside was also directly shaken off.

This Martial Skill strength!

It is the same as the one used for the first time, but the strength is far different.

Stabilizing his figure, Xing Yi started to run quickly at the first time. He must not be able to beat his hard power, and he can only break through one by one with speed.


“Depend on!”

All of them have Movement Technique Martial Skill, and Xing Yi, who is moving at high speed, is beaten around like a ball, and has no temper at all.

Xing Yi had no choice but to take off, and all ten people flew up in the next second.

The breath is hidden and hidden, and ten people are bombarded in scope.

Let alone ten, Xing Yi now doubts whether he can win one.

Even Xing Yi’s proud consumption power is like the difference between heaven and earth in front of ten figures.

“Don’t think about it, you won’t be able to use a hundred.” Bai Jun kindly reminded him.

Can’t beat, can’t run away, and can’t even consume.

Except for being passively beaten, Xing Yi couldn’t think of any way to get out.

The Phantom Finger, the mysterious high-rank Martial Skill, can hit the Spirit Power in one’s own fingers and explode. The speed is extremely fast and only the afterimages can be seen. The power developed to the extreme is even more than 90 times the Spirit Power used.

One of the top Martial Skills of the Mystic Rank is popular with many people for its coolness, simplicity and ease of use.

Xing Yi didn’t like it very much now, and when ten figures who sold sesame seeds pointed at him, a blood hole would appear in his body immediately.

After being accused of hiding in Tibet for a long time, the skin that had just been tempered was beaten and dissipated again, but the flesh had a lot of toughness.

Until the blow Phantom pointed to the center of Xing Yi’s brow.


The feeling of being surrounded by many Martial Skills at Xiqing Wu University has returned.

Xing Yi felt that the time around him seemed a lot slower. The most important thing was that those Martial Skills hit him. Xing Yi had a little more memory of the Phantom Finger in his mind.

The more attacks by the phantom finger, the more this kind of memory, as if learning the phantom finger.

The specific Spirit Power structure, arrangement, and release method of the Mirage Finger seemed to gradually become clear in Xing Yi’s mind.

It became clear that Xing Yi had forgotten the instinct to hide.

Looking at Xing Yi’s current situation, Bai Jun also wondered if he was too difficult to solve this problem for him.

This guy doesn’t seem to be tired of attacking Martial Skill, he can only be beaten, not attacking.

It’s right to think about it, how much Xing Yi’s Martial Skill costs, and what Xing Yi’s family is like, Bai Jun also investigated clearly, after all, he had contact with Bai Yiling.

Naturally, it is necessary to investigate the background clearly. No Martial Skill is of course normal. Even Xing Yi’s mysterious Martial Skills were won through potential class competitions.

That is, the simulated Martial Skill is estimated to be the same as that of Wang Kai, and it may have been taught by Zhang Fu.

I was about to consider whether to lower the difficulty for Xing Yi, strengthen these figures a little, and replace them with melee combat, giving Xing Yi a chance to fight back.

I saw that Xing Yi was actually studying ten figures in a decent way.

I want to learn the Phantom Finger, I really think I can learn it by just being a style.

Seeing Xing Yi’s appearance, Bai Jun suddenly laughed.

This guy is not stupid. It would be too easy to release Martial Skill by imitating actions. The most important thing about Martial Skill is how to use Spirit Power.

Martial Skill is an extension of Spirit Power. The action is just that they feel smooth when they release Martial Skill.

This kid actually wanted to learn the enemy’s Martial Skill in this way, and he was afraid that it was not a whimsical one.

Until Xing Yi really pointed it out, a transparent Spirit Power shot straight out and disappeared when he encountered a figure.

“Fuck!” Bai Jun’s turn was shocked.

Are you afraid that you are not joking with me again, or that you will Phantom Finger before but you have never used it.

Unlike, Xing Yi is obviously not what he used to be. Martial Skill is not proficient in release, Spirit Power cannot be used, and power is not good.

But he is indeed the Phantom Finger, it is impossible to learn it in the battle.

Bai Jun shook his head and directly denied that no one can see matter through the surface, unless his Mental Energy is already strong enough.

It can be analyzed and understood the moment Martial Skill is released.

Xing Yi is obviously not, then he can only do it before.

Xing Yi fought back. Seeing Own Phantom Finger successfully pointed out, Xing Yi was also excited and pointed it several times.

The power is stronger than once.

Seeing this situation, Bai Jun also directly affirmed that Xing Yi was able to release his skills before.

However, the Bai Jun still changed several Martial Skills to show that he continued to attack Xing Yi to prove that it was almost impossible for him to be a real guess.

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