Chapter 311

too strong!

For the first time, Xing Yi experienced the power of the mysterious offensive Martial Skill, using the least Spirit Power to achieve the greatest effect.

With the Phantom Finger, I feel that I am defensive, even if I put it all out, I can break it.

Mirage refers to the point of attack is too small, facing absolute defense, it is easy to single-point breakthrough.

Of course, the most important thing is that Martial Skill is too strong, able to play Spirit Power more than ninety times, of course Xing Yi still can’t do it.

It’s fast enough to be able to play ten times the effect. If you want to really use the strength of this Martial Skill, you need to practice and research more.

But even if it can only play ten times the effect, this is far better than Xing Yi’s random distribution of Spirit Power.

However, compared with these figures, I was too far behind, and I couldn’t compare with Martial Skill alone.

The most important thing is that these figures are the strength of Tier 4 Practitioners. The biggest difference between Tier 3 and Tier 4 is not to refine the gap between Meridians, but that the Martial Skill they release can be controlled again.

The Martial Skill released by Xing Yi can only be in a single point direction.

Simply put, their bullets can turn, and they are more powerful than their own.

This is very difficult to fight, but being beaten can help Xing Yi understand this Martial Skill, Xing Yi is a little happy, painful and happy, it is the state of Xing Yi now.

Although he didn’t know what it was that awakened, Xing Yi faintly felt that it should be related to his own breathing.

It seems that learning Martial Skill by myself is based on breathing determination.

However, after awakening, Xing Yi has a certain understanding of his talent, and he can use his physical body to resist the Martial Skill used by the opponent.

It should be that own breathing definitely seems to be able to automatically analyze the basic principles of this Martial Skill, but it needs to resist many attacks.

Like this time, how many hours Xing Yi had to learn the Phantom Finger, if I changed to an ordinary person, I am afraid that it would be gone.

And this talent should become stronger as one learns Martial Skills. After all, there are more ways to use Spirit Power, and it will be easier to understand other Martial Skills.

“The Martial Skill is changed!” Xing Yi was beaten, while counterattacking to practice his own Phantom Finger.

But all of the Martial Skills used by the shadows suddenly changed, with ten completely different Martial Skills.

Although the power is stronger than the Phantom Finger, it is not bad.

Xing Yi felt indifferent, even a little ecstatic. What he lacked the most was Martial Skill. He could learn so many Martial Skills at once, Xing Yi was eager.

But Xing Yi soon discovered that something was wrong, and this time he couldn’t learn these Martial Skills by fighting against these Martial Skills.

On the contrary, it became a living target and could only be beaten.

Gradually, Xing Yi also discovered the law. At most, he can only learn three Martial Skills at the same time through hard resistance at the same time. If there are more, there will be no effect.

But even if he couldn’t learn Martial Skill, Xing Yi found that he was exposed to more Martial Skills, and he could analyze one or two things with the naked eye.

And Bai Jun’s plan is like this, through all kinds of Martial Skills to give Xing Yi the last class, making it easier for him to learn Martial Skills in the future.

As long as you have seen enough and been beaten enough, you will know how to deal with such Martial Skills.

Even in the face of a Martial Skill that you haven’t seen before, you can also analyze why it is a Martial Skill, and it is easy to deal with.

Xing Yi was dazzled.

A bubble floated slowly towards him, and all of his own attacks passed directly through, without breaking, until he was in the bubble sleeve, and the bubble instantly became firm.

Comparable to own absolute defense.

There are also similar bubbles, colorful, but they will explode at the touch of a touch, just like a bomb, giving Xing Yi a good lesson.

There is also a dragon-shaped Martial Skill, which is as vivid as a real dragon, and its power is even more terrifying.

Flying Martial Skill, Movement Technique Martial Skill, Melee Martial Skill, Long-range Martial Skill, Functional Martial Skill.

Xing Yi felt that the Martial Skill he had seen on the Internet, he tried it all here.

After going out, I can say that I have been beaten by all these Martial Skills.

While gaining insights, the number of Martial Skills Xing Yi can learn at the same time also increases by one. This is Xing Yi’s biggest gain.

However, because the Martial Skills of the ten human figures switched too frequently, Xing Yi didn’t learn one at all except for the original Phantom Finger.

But Xing Yi was already satisfied.

And all of Xing Yi’s hole cards, except for the balance body, were almost all exposed to the white army, including the body of burned poison.

Bai Jun almost grabbed it. If it hadn’t stripped out a single talent, it would be too harmful to the human body, and the kid was a friend of his daughter, and Bai Jun was afraid it would have been grabbed long ago.

This is the body of burning poison, one of the five spiritual poison physiques. It is ridiculous that he has the body of Practitioner. Apart from dirt, he has no chance of winning against the other four spirit beasts.

Especially when facing the poison, even if you have the body of the Practitioner, you dare not let the poison enter your own body.

Because the decay poison is too terrible, it will directly devour the vitality, without playing like this.

Facing the spirit beast corresponding to the poisonous poison, the body of the own Practitioner has no time to swallow the poisonous poison, and the vitality of his own is quickly passing away.

When I just broke through the Martial Emperor, I was very energetic and wanted to find the trouble of the guy on the poisonous land. If it weren’t for the guarantee of the Dragon Emperor, I almost never came back.

This is also the shame of the dragon emperor’s life.

Five spirit beasts, the most powerful is the wood decay, the master of the deadly poisonous body, known as the strongest Martial Emperor!

Even if the body of the Practitioner restrains all toxins, it has to evade it when facing the decayed poison.

Poison-burning body can definitely help you. Ascension has a lot of strength, at least it can make yourself a little emboldened when facing other spirit beasts except dirt.

We must know that the controller of the Poisoned Body, even though it was subdued and sealed, was still the most destructive among the five spirit beasts.

Because burnt poison is also the only spiritual poison that can directly affect external substances, other spiritual poisons are the same as Spirit Power, as long as people don’t absorb it into the body, it’s okay.

But the burnt poison is different. The burnt poison is tangible, just like the black flame, it can be used as a kind of energy, or as a flame that never goes out.

The continent shrouded by the burned poison is also the only place where there are no living creatures. There are black burned poison everywhere, constantly growing, and more and more.

But it seems that the Dragon Emperor has already gone there to check the situation.

When it was known that Xing Yi had a body of burning poison, Bai Jun guessed that this kid must be more than just showing his identity.

Even the Poison Burning Body can’t even get it, and it’s the guy who can get it.

Observing Xing Yi’s face carefully, apart from being handsome, he looks a bit like that guy and has the same talent, but I haven’t heard that the guy has a son!

But in any case, the background is the same. Bai Jun is sure that only Xing Yi has not had any accidents, and his future achievements will be extraordinary.

It may even surpass that person. After all, that guy does not have a Practitioner body. The own Practitioner body is the strongest and does not explain.

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