Chapter 315: Strengthening the Poison Body’s Attributes

Breakthrough, fourth-order Practitioner.

Xing Yi felt the Spirit Power in his body, a full 50,000 calories.

To break through the fifth-order Practitioner, Xing Yi needs a Spirit Power value of 500,000, which is more exaggerated than the difference between the second and third-order Practitioners.

And Xing Yi is a god-level Cultivation Technique. Naturally, it is more difficult. If you want to break through to become a fifth-level Practitioner, it is not enough to take out all your remaining Martial Spirit.

At this time, even if Xing Yi was in a hurry, there was nothing he could do, as he had to cultivate honestly.

After breaking the idea of ​​breakthrough, Xing Yi only then looked at his own body.

The third-order tempering is the Meridians, and the fourth-order tempering cyclone, the difference in Spirit Power value is second.

The biggest difference from the third-order Practitioner has been revealed, and that is the control of the Spirit Power that has been released.

Xing Yi slowly pulled out a part of Spirit Power from his body and took it into his hand. Following Xing Yi’s heart, this small part of Spirit Power quickly turned around Xing Yi’s fingers.

The main reason is that the Spirit Power is very small and the offensive is not strong. Xing Yi can easily control it. But after all, he has just broken through the fourth-order Practitioner. Even if Xing Yi’s Spirit Power value is high, one is not careful, that small part of the Spirit Power suddenly Threw it out.

In the middle, Xing Yi wanted to control it again, but found that he was out of the scope of own control.

Controlling the Spirit Power that has been separated is the test of how well a person can control the Spirit Power.

Now Xing Yi’s limit is ten meters. Beyond this range, Xing Yi’s control of Spirit Power completely disappears, just like the third-order Practitioner.

But as Xing Yi became familiar with Tier 4 strength, this range was also rapidly expanding, doubling in just one hour.

Following the cultivation, Xing Yi also found that in the end, his control of Spirit Power was roughly the same as his control of the surrounding attributes.

Even if it exceeds this range, Xing Yi can only slightly affect the surroundings of Spirit Power, and it is not a control at all.

The scope control is closely related to Mental Energy.

Now Xing Yi doesn’t even know what Mental Energy is, let alone cultivation, and can only force Ascension own control by virtue of his talent.

The reason why Xing Yi has the scope of Ascension is because the mental energy of a person is also a little related to strength. Generally speaking, even if mental energy is not cultivated, with the ascension of one’s own strength, mental energy will be more or less ascension.

Once Mental Energy is developed, at first, like Spirit Power and Qi and blood, there will be a period of rapid expansion.

But Xing Yi was still too far away from that time.

Mental Energy, the standard configuration of the sixth-order Great Master.

Tier 3 tempering skin, Tier 4 tempering Meridians, that is, the special field of fire attribute talent, generally speaking, after breaking through the Tier 4 Practitioner.

Regardless of whether it is the use of Spirit Power’s turning speed or power, there is a great Ascension.

But now the strength of his own Practitioner seems to be a little far away from the Qi Practitioner.

A fourth-order Practitioner has more than 50,000 calories, and a second-order Practitioner has more than 7,000 calories.

But the speed of body refining is too slow, even if Xing Yi has tempered the bone marrow now, the Ascension speed of Qi and blood is only five times that of Ascension.

With 50 calories a day, it is faster than the Qi Practitioner cultivation in the same year, but it is comparable to Xing Yi’s Qi Practitioner.

Halfway down, Xing Yi’s already tempered bone marrow has the same effect as Qi Practitioner tempered the cyclone.

I can only hope that the second or even three times of tempering the bone marrow can catch up with the speed of Qi training, after all, the cyclone can only be tempered by talent once, at most, plus half of the Qi tempering.

But body refining itself is slower than qi training, and since Xing Yi hasn’t tempered his body to complete his body, Xing Yi couldn’t break through the third-order Practitioner at all.

Cultivation is useless no matter how much energy and blood.

Xing Yi’s top priority now is to temper his body, not to grow bigger and bigger, just not to throw it too far.

It is still very easy for Xing Yi to refine his body for the second time. After all, he has a lot of qi and blood strength, far more than the same type, so much that the aura produced by the refinement has to be put into the savings space by himself.

What is really difficult is the three times of tempering, and the process of tempering the body twice, even if Xing Yi didn’t use his heart to temper, he didn’t have time to temper, but because Xing Yi’s energy and blood strength was too high.

It is far beyond the general second-order Practitioner, even if Xing Yi did not deliberately practice, Xing Yi’s second tempering process is almost over.

As for the three times of tempering you need to use a special tempering potion, I didn’t buy this thing myself!

When I left, I didn’t expect that I would Ascension so fast. Now there are still several bottles of Bone Quenching Water.

You can only wait until you return to school to cultivate, but you can complete the second tempering first at the current time, and you can directly temper three times when you return to school.

The Qi and blood of more than seven thousand calories were mobilized by Xing Yi to cultivate Qi and blood at a time, and the speed was also extremely fast, which was equivalent to the ordinary Practitioner using the strength of the third-order peak body Practitioner to do the work of the second-order early stage body Practitioner.

Even if Xing Yi has been tempered once, it is still very easy, not to mention that Xing Yi has not much progress left at all.

The strength of Xing Yi was also raised by the large amount of blood produced by tempering his body, but after more than nine thousand calories, there was no way to go to Ascension.

Excess blood was transferred to savings space by Xing Yi.

Others need to swallow a large amount of energy and need resources to assist cultivation, but Xing Yi doesn’t need it. If there is no energy in his body, he just swallows Spirit Power.

Anyway, Spirit Power is enough.

The more he tempered twice, Xing Yi felt that the filthy poisonous body in his body was also a sudden change, and the original feeling returned.

The Poisonous Body has begun again.

And the White Emperor who was far away in the prison city also slapped his head: “Tsk! Forgot to tell that kid that the stamina of the poisonous body helped him temper three times!”

“Forget it, let Bai Yiling talk to him next time!”

After all, Poisonous Body is also a kind of attribute talent, and it also has its own strengthened parts, and Poisonous Body is still the top one among the attributes.

Although the three tempering is extremely difficult, it is just achievable.

But Xing Yi didn’t know that the body of burning poison could help him temper three times.

As soon as the own secondary tempering of the flesh is over, the poisonous body is out of control.

With such a great restlessness, Xing Yi thought that Poisonous Body was about to engage in the same situation that he had done last time, and that the Poisonous Poison broke out by himself.

I quickly suppressed it with a balance body, and at the same time sent a message to Luo Jianming: “Tomorrow I will take a day off, and I want to break through cultivation. Go to the local Practitioner to register yourself!”

After sending a message to avoid being disturbed by Luo Jianming, Xing Yi began to suppress his own dirty body.

But at this time Xing Yi discovered that the own balance body didn’t seem to care about the riots of the dirty poison body.

But when I suppressed myself today, I actually sensed the slightest reluctance of the balance body, as if I really didn’t want to suppress the poisonous body by myself.

Until Xing Yi’s negligence, Du Du helped Xing Yi temper his body, Xing Yi’s whole person was dumbfounded.

The body of filthy poison is tempering for itself, and continues tempering on the basis of the second tempering, and the third tempering!

Then Xing Yi tried to let go of the Poisonous Body a little bit again, really helping himself temper.

Unlike the five-attribute Spirit Power, it used to control its talents to help itself temper, while the body of the deadly poison completed its own tempering after the second tempering.

The last change seems to be the same. The second refining of own is about to be completed, but it was beaten back to the starting point by Xiqing Wu University.

This horrible poisonous body!

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