Chapter 316

The automatic tempering of the body of burned poison does not even need to be controlled by Xing Yi at all, it is completely carried out step by step from the bottom to the top.

Orderly, and Xing Yi discovered that the body after three times of tempering, not only the body is stronger than the second tempering, but also has an additional effect.

That is rapid recovery, not ordinary recovery, but recovery to the state of three tempering.

You must know that the Practitioner is usually injured at every turn, and after the injury, as long as the body or the skin is injured, it needs to be tempered again.

Think about the speed of tempering. One temper is okay, but it is difficult to recover from the second or even the third tempering.

In general, even if it recovers, it is just an ordinary person’s strength. It takes a lot of time, energy, and resources to return to the original state.

The more serious the injury, the more it costs.

However, after three times of tempering, he could directly and quickly return to the peak state. Based on this, Xing Yi dared to fight for consumption with confidence.

Trading injury for injury is Xing Yi’s best play style.

I just don’t know if the three-time bone quenching has this effect, the strength of the three-time bone quenching is far more exaggerated than the physical body, and even Xing Yi himself can’t break the defense at all.

There is no way to experiment, if there is one, so much the better.

Xing Yi didn’t have to worry about himself for the three times of tempering, and all of Xing Yi’s energy was transferred to the cultivation of Suo Ling Gong.

Although this Martial Skill restricts own Martial Skill, it can at least allow yourself to put the burned poison into the absolute defense.

In the middle, Xing Yi asked Luo Jianming to wait for two more days.

In three days, three times of tempering were finally completed, and Xing Yi learned the Ling Ling Gong. Even if the use may not be smooth, Xing Yi mainly injects burned poison into the absolute savings space, and is not afraid of being discovered by others.

After completing the three times of tempering, Xing Yi’s vitality and blood also soared to 12,000 calories, which exceeded the 2,000 calories of the starting point of Tier 3 Practitioner.

The surface of the flesh is tempered once, and the surface of the flesh is a little more red, while the second temper is golden. On the contrary, the color of the third temper is similar to the color of the untempered, but it is slightly transparent.

After the breakthrough, Xing Yi immediately felt the power of blood and blood in his body, as well as the terrifying defensive ability. Xing Yi felt that perhaps his current body could resist the attack of his own Qi Practitioner.

And it’s 100% resistant, the kind that can’t break the defense.

The most important thing is the strength of Xing Yi’s body itself, even if he doesn’t need blood and blood, Xing Yi feels that he has a few thousand calories with a wave of his hand.

Relying on his body without qi and blood, Xing Yi now feels that he can fight a Tier 4 Practitioner with terrifying physical strength.

Xing Yi even wanted to give up Qi training and devote himself to body training. The effect of three tempering was too strong.

Being able to resist, fight, and export means to have a piece of clothing that can match one’s own strength.

Otherwise, Xing Yi would rather be a remotely operated Practitioner.

And Luo Jiming had already registered his own identity with the local Practitioner department, and granted him permission.

Luo Jianming was so excited that he couldn’t sleep. You have to know that the permissions opened to him have always been websites dedicated to Practitioner’s Internet access.

No one can comment and watch is Practitioner, and the content on these websites is not known to me before.

The prices of various resources, Martial Skills, Cultivation Techniques, and weapons are dazzling. What makes Luo Jianming the most eye-catching is a variety of exotic treasures.

The effect of heaven-defying is so intoxicating.

When he understood these things, Luo Jianming knew what Xing Yi gave to own, Martial Spirit.

After knowing the Martial Spirit, Luo Jianming naturally knew how the Martial Spirit got it. When he first knew it, Luo Jianming’s heart was extremely uneasy.

This is all taken from the Practitioner, so that you can break through the Martial Spirit of the second-order Practitioner in one fell swoop. It must be taken from the third-order Practitioner in one fell swoop!

In other words, Xing Yi had killed people, and he was still a Tier 3 Practitioner. There might be more than one Practitioner. Otherwise, Xing Yi wouldn’t give himself one so easily.

Regardless of what Lenovo Xing Yi is and Xing Yi told himself before that he was taken from a member of the Huantian Sect.

Searching for Xing Yi’s deeds from the Internet, it turned out that Xing Yi was captured by Huan Tianjiao in those days. Xing Yi managed to escape from it and saved a group of people.

Luo Jianming was relieved now, but after looking through Xing Yi’s deeds, Luo Jianming realized how exaggerated Xing Yi was.

It is simply the most representative one of eighth-level students.

Luo Jianming still knows that he ranked second in the number of conquering Wuhan University, and the first person to conquer the core Wuhan University.

But what Luo Jianming didn’t expect was that Xing Yi had resisted so many attacks by himself a few days ago, no wonder where he had been waiting for him for so long.

With so many Wuhan University rankings, Xing Yi just occupies an eighth-level place, or the top five hundred. You must know that the entire eighth-level student is only two people.

Another named Wang Kai ranked ninth hundredth.

As the understanding deepened, Luo Jianming also learned that Wang Kai and Xing Yi came from the same place, and they were both the two people who were the first to cultivate dual gas.

Born in the most unpopular Body Tempering class in the society, I pretend that those potential class competitions are the top of the two rankings.

Only then did Luo Jianming know what kind of awesome man he was following.

Although there is no history of single-player battles, Xing Yi has done everything to make him stand out among eighth-level students.

Even if Wang Kai’s record seems to be stronger than Xing Yi, the two people’s reputations are simply very different, and there may be reasons for their appearance.

Shuai is also a bonus item.

However, the Houtian of Xing Yi’s Martial Skill hadn’t come up yet, and Xing Yi gave up cultivation and started the life of salted fish.

I took my mobile phone and started browsing the Internet.

As soon as the phone was turned on, the website dedicated to Practitioner never stopped the news, and Xing Yi subconsciously blocked it.

But there are too many news, Xing Yi also read dozens of news, most of them are ridiculous ridicule, or praise.

There are those who hold the injustice for themselves, some who disagree with their rankings on the rankings, and some who criticize themselves for relying on Martial Skills for offense and defense.

Scolding oneself for victory without martial arts, not talking about martial ethics.

There are also many eighth-level students from Xiqing Wu University who came to ask for an appointment. The last time the storm passed, the students in Xiqing Wu University were severely punished regardless of whether they participated or not.

It’s normal to find yourself.

Seeing Xing Yi also smiled, he didn’t care about his reputation on the Internet at all, strength was the last word.

Xing Yi never posted a message on this website, but his personal homepage has attracted hundreds of thousands of followers.

But the comments on the Internet seem to be unfriendly to me, because I haven’t exposed myself to the Internet, so I can judge myself as a person on the Internet.

Comparing himself with Wang Kai, saying that his strength is not worthy of the reputation he should have now.

In addition, the ten million donated by myself last time was regarded as an operation, and even more so, I was criticized, and many of them were well-known students.

Even if Xing Yi is really purposeful and is for the value of friendship, but the good deeds he has done are at least true. These people’s evaluation of themselves is nothing more than that they have not come up with the strength to convince them.

Then follow the rankings of the ranking list this time to pick it up!

Just by the way, expand own Martial Skill!

Of course, you need to go back to school first.

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