Chapter 324: Ice Poison Body

This room is just one of the huge spiritual reservoirs. I don’t know how many such rooms there are.

But this one is exaggerated enough to give to Xing Yi. Generally speaking, this kind of poisonous block is cleaned up once a month, and the weight is exaggerated enough.

It should be known that the energy of a piece of poisonous block is almost the same as that of a piece of Spirit Stones. For people like Xing Yi, the poisonous block is no different from Spirit Stones.

Give Xing Yi 10,000 “Spirit Stones”, or “spares” a month, how much is its value, even if it’s just this one room.

If Xing Yi could really consume all the poisonous blocks in it, hundreds of millions of calories of energy, just thinking about it would be terrifying.

Ten thousand pieces of Spirit Stones occupies an area of ​​about ten square meters. Even if Xing Yi can’t consume them, Xing Yi has enough space to store these poisonous blocks.

“Uncle Zhang, this is too much!” Xing Yi simply calculated it, and knew the value of it.

“It’s nothing more than poison. You are treasures for things that everyone hates.” Zhang Zhaozhong waved his hand and said casually: “Let you take it and hold it.”

“By the way, you can prevent these filthy poisons from leaking out!” Zhang Zhaozhong said.

The poison has leaked out. Although it is not troublesome to deal with, it can be recovered after compressing it with Mental Energy, but it will definitely cause panic.

“No problem, even if the poison breaks out, I can take everything back.” Xing Yi promised.

“Then it’s okay, yes, there is something to give you.” Zhang Zhaozhong took out a ring from his hand and threw it to Xing Yi.

“Using Mental Energy… Spirit Power is okay. This is a storage ring, so I should reward you for helping me deal with this poisonous revenge.”

Xing Yi ended up ringing, “Interspatial Ring!” Xing Yi didn’t shirk this time, but took it directly in his hand.

Chinese has researched out space equipment early on, but Interspatial Ring is not for takeaway, but it can be used as a reward for some people with special contributions. School points can also be exchanged for the price of a Martial Skill.

The Martial Spirit sent by Xing Yiguang is more valuable than this Interspatial Ring, and Xing Yi also needs a ring as a cover for his system space.

The biggest difference between Interspatial Ring and its own system space is that the space ring is completely enclosed, while Xing Yi’s system space has many functions.

Some are completely enclosed, and can be connected to their own body alone, allowing them to cyclone through the system space to directly absorb the Spirit Power inside, and there are spaces that can simply connect to the outside world.

“Go try it!” Zhang Zhaozhong urged. He also wanted to see what kind of effect the legendary Poisonous Body is, and how strong Xing Yi who has absorbed the Poisonous Poison can be.

Xing Yi didn’t talk nonsense either. After Zhang Zhaozhong set up a barrier, Xing Yi sat directly on the dirt block.

With the body of filthy poison fully opened, Xing Yi immediately felt the richness of the filthy poison around him. There are still many rooms like this, and all he has seen is just the tip of the iceberg.

But Xing Yi didn’t continue to explore, but frantically absorbed the dirt and poison around it, much faster than absorbing the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones.

The most important thing is that you are missing one link, that is, transforming through cyclones. Spirit Power is your Spirit Power only through the rotation of Qi.

This is also the most wasteful time step, but there is no need to absorb dirt and poison at all.

The body of toxic poison absorbs toxic poison just like absorbing the Spirit Power that it has stored in the storage space.

He quickly filled his own body, and Xing Yi’s Qi Practitioner’s strength was also rapidly Ascension.

It’s too fast, Xing Yi feels that if he uses the body cultivator to refine the Qi Practitioner, his own cultivation speed will be at least three times as fast as Ascension.

It used to be able to cultivate 100 cards of Spirit Power a day, but now it can expand to 300 cards.

However, there are certain side effects, that is, if you continue to do this for a long time, you may not have any Spirit Power in your body, it’s all poisonous.

Although Die Du is stronger than Spirit Power, this is China, where Di Du is a place everyone fears. If we cultivate ourselves in this way, we must fight with blood and energy in future battles.

Qi and blood are okay for close combat, and for long-range combat, the consumption is too serious, and the supplement and recovery are too expensive, but this is not a problem for Xing Yi now.

The poison in his body is enough for the body of the Practitioner to swallow, and hematopoiesis is fast enough.

After tempering the qi and blood for the second time, even without using the body of the Practitioner, own qi and blood can simply swallow the filthy poison in one’s own body to strengthen oneself.

Seeing that Xing Yi absorbs the poison so quickly, this speed is not like a Tier 4 Practitioner, but like a Tier 5 Practitioner that has been tempered with bone marrow or a cyclone.

Thinking about Xing Yi’s talent, Zhang Zhaozhong was relieved, Xing Yi had probably tempered it again.

“The authority has already been opened for you. Just this one. Just remember to deal with it later. If you forget, it’s estimated that the poison in it will be gone.” Zhang Zhaozhong said.

Zhang Zhaozhong is not afraid that Xing Yi will forget to deal with it, because there will be people on duty every day. Even if Xing Yi forgets, some people will take out the full of poisonous blocks and store them separately, and give them to themselves when they come.

“Okay, thank you Uncle Zhang!”

After Xing Yi thanked him, Zhang Zhaozhong also left.

And Xing Yi also cultivated for a while, separating these thousands of dirt and poison blocks and placing them in the system space and the Interspatial Ring.

Transfer all the Spirit Stones that can be directly absorbed in the system space to other spaces, and put the dirt and poison blocks in.

From now on, myself

Xing Yi has already planned to give up completely absorbing Spirit Power. There are endless poisons to absorb, so what else to absorb Spirit Power.

Back to the dormitory, Xing Yi took out all his Martial Spirits, sorted them out, and left 22 yuan for the second-order Martial Spirit.

Send them back to Chen Aunt with three pieces of Tier 2 Martial Spirit and 19 pieces of Tier 2 Martial Spirit, or three pieces of Tier 3 Martial Spirit.

Thinking about it carefully, Xing Yi still intends to send the third-order Martial Spirit back. Chen Aunt and the others are very old, so cultivation is definitely not good at them.

If you don’t give them Martial Spirit, maybe that level is their limit, and the third level Martial Spirit can at least make them have no major problems with their bodies.

And Zhang Chen’s kid can also give him a high enough starting point, far beyond the starting point of ordinary people.

Now think about it carefully, just oneself can make a little brother of one’s own family have such a high starting point, but what about those big families?

I am afraid it will only be stronger. It is said that Martial Spirit cannot be used, and Practitioners are not allowed to be killed. However, the number of Practitioners that die each year is not a small number.

The number of missing Practitioners is an exaggerated figure.

Thinking about Xing Yi’s coldness, there must be stronger people in his class, and there will certainly be.

After looking at the value of own friendliness, there are already more than ten million.

Xing Yi decisively unlocked a new talent.

In an instant, all Spirit Power in Xing Yi’s body seemed to be frozen, and after a while, ice crystals appeared on Xing Yi’s body.

Methamphetamine, a water-based spirit poison, a person with methamphetamine, the Spirit Power in the body will be frozen slowly, and will be frozen in the body forever.

And the body will gradually be affected. When there is too much methamphetamine, even the Practitioner will have to freeze to death.

A spiritual poison that can threaten life is more cruel than dirty poison, and it seems to be a little more cruel than burnt poison.

And now because the body of methamphetamine had just been acquired, the Spirit Power in Xing Yi’s body was instantly frozen, and in the next second, the body of balance and the body of Practitioner appeared along with other talents.

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