Chapter 325

Methamphetamine, the strengthening should be three bone marrows or cyclones, but he didn’t feel any strengthening right now.

Even if he mobilized methamphetamine to strengthen it, he didn’t have any traces of tempering it three times in the past.

It was also when his second tempering was almost complete, the body of Dirty Poison had an abnormal movement, and I wanted to estimate that the body of Ice Poison was also the same.

But it is not without gain, Xing Yi’s biggest gain is that his own energy can already be materialized.

Relying on the strength of the body of methamphetamine, not only Spirit Power can be materialized, together with Qi and blood, the power of attributes can also be materialized.

The privileges of the sixth-order Practitioner can be used by oneself, not only that, but the harvest of the ice body, together with the own cyclone and blood, has also been strengthened by a large wave.

However, if you want to materialize, you have to practice more yourself. Now let Xing Yi try the power of materialization, maybe it is better to not materialize.

Open the system panel:

Friendly value: 5841319 points

Blood value: 14010 cards

Spirit Power value: 52300 cards

System space: 66310 cubic meters (increases with strength)

System functions:

Probe: (You can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, 10 points of friendship at a time.)

Concealment: You can hide all your talents and strengths. (Consumption of ten friendly points per minute)

Stealth: You can hide your body shape. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Breath simulation: Any breath can be simulated. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Saving space: The saving space in the body can store the excess energy in the body, which can be used at any time, and can save up to ten times of its own strength.

Absolute defense: One percent of the devouring effect. (Ascension will increase with strength)

Talent: Balanced Body, Practitioner Body, Earth Attribute Talent Body, Water Attribute Talent Body, Metallic Talent Body, Grime Burning Poison Body (Incomplete), Wood Attribute Talent Body, Fire Attribute Talent Body

Unlock Talent: 10,000,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 10000000 points friendly value

What I lack the most now is the high-rank Martial Skill, and the Martial Skill that can be used is also in the palm of the fire, and I am afraid that it will be heaven-defying to cooperate with the own Poison Burning Body.

However, Xing Yi didn’t dare to use it. At most, he used his fire attribute talent and Fire Cloud Palm to forcefully increase his power, but Xing Yi was not in a hurry.

The reason why Xing Yi showed up on defense is to prepare someone to challenge him, and then it will be an opportunity to learn Martial Skill by himself.

Xing Yi has accumulated a large amount of scum poison in the savings space, and he can cultivate up to 300 calories a day with scum poison cultivation.

But if he only transfers the poison to the storage space, Xing Yi will be able to transport all of his own power into it in an hour.

In other words, Xing Yi can store nearly 50,000 calories of poison in the savings space on average every hour.

By the next day, the absolute defense of the defense can be changed.

The same is the spirit poison, the speed of absorption and strengthening, the dirt poison is not weaker than the burn poison, and the dirt poison pays attention to defense, and the defensive ability is also stronger than the burn poison.

Poisonous poison may be more suitable than poison burned. Before Xing Yi used poison burned to keep the essence because he wanted to take the opportunity to cultivate his own body of burned poison, after all, he had just gotten his hands.

Early the next morning, the defensive area was already full of people, all because of the shield that suddenly appeared outside the monument.

It is said that Xing Yi did it, but it seems that this shield doesn’t seem to be very good. After all, the scope of this defense is too big.

Xing Yi’s own strength is so small, the formation that he puts out is definitely not good.

No, outsiders haven’t come to attack Xing Yi’s absolute defense, but there are a large number of students from this school who are already ready to move.

“Do you think this can prevent people from seeing offensive people outside!”

“I guess it’s a bit hanged. I saw Xing Yi used it yesterday. It took a lot of effort to protect myself, not to mention the size of the monument, and the shield on Xing Yi’s body was much thicker than this yesterday.”

“Get up, get up, let me try.” A second-order Practitioner came out first.

“Don’t, what if you break it!” someone worried.

“If even I can break it, what’s the point of setting up this defense to make it shine at night!” The man who walked forward turned his head and said.

“Well, then don’t use all your strength.”

They also want to see how much energy this thin layer of defense has.

Seeing that man slowly walked towards the monument and punched it, the second-order Practitioner Spirit Power couldn’t get rid of the body, but it could cover his own hands.

A punch on it, the shield did not move.

The man saw that he didn’t even strike a punch with a punch, and simply let go of his full strength, even using the Martial Skill.

But the defense still cannot be broken.

“I’ll go, so great.”

“Let’s try it too.”

This is the absolute defense that Xing Yi spent all afternoon yesterday. Even if the scope is exaggerated, it is not a problem to prevent the attack of the second-order Practitioner.

After all, even if they use Cultivation Technique, the biggest one is only a yellow rank.

“What are you doing, you guys?” Ding Ming, who had just left the customs today and broke through the third-order Practitioner, felt that he was invincible, especially the strength of his Siamese Practitioner also broke through to the second-order level.

Ding Ming felt that he had swelled, even if he couldn’t beat Bai Yiling, but when he was a “goalkeeper”, he should be regarded as the main force.

Ding Ming had noticed the layer of things outside the monument, but hadn’t understood Closed Door Training.

“This is the formation that Xing Yi came back yesterday and personally arranged. Let’s try its strength.” Someone said.

Xing Yi will come back and will form!

“How is the intensity?” Ding Ming said.

“It’s very strong. We can’t break it together. I’m afraid it can really block the attacks of those outside.”

“Yes, yes, we haven’t seen any weakness in this formation after playing together for so long. We just don’t know how to maintain it.”

“I’ll try it.” As he said, a flaming Spirit Power appeared around Ding Ming, and the Spirit Power was released, marking that Ding Ming had broken through the third-order Practitioner.

Another breakthrough Tier 3 Practitioner, or Tier 3 Practitioner with talent.

A crowd quickly gave way to Ding Ming, who also enjoyed the process.

I think that when I was in school and potential classes, he was also a man of the wind, but when he arrived at the Chinese University, he almost became a passerby.

After finally breaking through the third-order Practitioner, Ding Ming finally got back a bit of the original feeling.

Ding Ming, who has a talent for fire attributes, even if he is a breakthrough third-order Practitioner, he is still very strong when it comes to explosions.

Especially the Spirit Power with fire attribute is simply invincible, and the attribute of Spirit Power is the advantage of the talent Practitioner.

A Spirit Power gathered in his hand and burst out with full force, and Spirit Power immediately gathered on the absolute defense arranged by Xing Yi.

In an instant, a layer of light red shield cracked and disappeared in a moment.

And Xing Yi just came over, why did he fly over to absorb the burnt poison scattered around, even if the burnt poison is harmless, it is also burnt poison, and there is no guarantee that it will be upgraded after a long time.

“Okay, you Ding Ming, your strength is good!” Xing Yi came to Ding Ming and patted Ding Ming on the shoulder.

“Damn! Don’t talk to me.” Ding Ming said speechlessly. When he saw Xing Yi’s first face, Ding Ming knew that the gap between him and himself was getting wider and wider.

“I broke your arrangement, you won’t…” Ding Ming still looked at Xing Yi cautiously. Even if the shield strength is not good, Xing Yi spent energy to arrange it.

“It’s okay, if you don’t fight, I have to fight myself, just to help me.” Xing Yi said nothing.

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