Chapter 345 Another world

I didn’t get a dime in, and I made so much money in vain.

Ten Chu Ling Pills were worth a million, but Chu Ling Pill himself had no plans to send it out, and he could harvest five hundred Spirit Stones every month. This was something Xing Yi didn’t even think about.

Because I didn’t feel that the absolute defense I had arranged was great, but it looked different to outsiders.

Even the current Xing Yi can hardly cause any damage to the formation, which shows its solidity.

If you want to say that you don’t want anything in this kind of formation, let alone you are old, no one will believe it on anyone.

Xing Yi has never asked for any reward.

In addition, the principal gave him the power to deal with so many scumbags, all of which were cultivated by him, which in itself was a kind of reward.

But in any case, Weng always gave the reward to himself, and with less than a month left, if he had been able to cultivate the spirit pill all the time.

It is not a problem to break through tens of thousands of cards.

I have never known where the own limit is, and I have never encountered anything like a bottleneck.

It has always been a matter of course, and when it arrives, it will be a breakthrough. There is no bottleneck as mentioned on the Internet. A card can take several years or even a lifetime.

Probably because own talent is too much, and there is a balance body to help him integrate, Xing Yi does not know how high the upper limit is.

Perhaps before the breakthrough Great Master, there may not have been any decent bottleneck to let yourself experience.

There is almost a month left before the competition, and it has entered the second half of the semester of the year.

Ordinary universities have already opened, and there were some big news that shocked the world during the New Year. The biggest one was when Shenzhou took the lead and destroyed a large base of Huantianjiao.

According to statistics, the number of victims is as high as hundreds of thousands. Although most of them are foreign, the level of blood and blood also makes everyone in Blue Star angry.

And the sale of Martial Spirit has once again been criticized on the surface, and a few more laws have been added to restrict it.

The most important thing is that a new course is also opened in the next semester, which is about another world.

Today is the first session of this course, and it is also the one with the highest attendance rate.

Many students who didn’t have classes today also came, and even those who didn’t have a few classes at all came to the classroom.

Luo Guangbin asked for leave as soon as he was in class, but he also came to the classroom for an unprecedented time.

Xing Yi also came, and Bai Yiling and Dingming came.

Regarding another world, everyone just knows this world, but they have never been to it, and have never seen it. Everything about another world is not announced to the real world.

The only place to learn about another world is the school’s class and those very private books. It is almost difficult to find it online.

They say that another world is a purgatory on earth, but they have never seen it before. Everyone wants to know what another world is like.

How old is it?

What is the geographical environment?

Is there a sun?

How did it go?

Questions are everywhere, and my mind is full of question marks.

Even in the sophomore year, as a member of the Chinese University, everyone would go there, but the thirst for knowledge is still so strong.

“Do you know what another world is like?” Xing Yi whispered to Bai Yiling before the teacher came.

“I’ve seen a few photos, but I don’t have all of them. I only know that they are very big.” Bai Yiling thought of what her dad let herself see when she was a child, and it was already very vague.


Suddenly a man with white hair but a strong body came at the door.

“Lao Weng!” Xing Yi did not expect that Lao Weng would be the teacher of another world class.

“Okay, let me introduce myself first. Most of you have also met me. My name is Weng Yifu. I am 120 years old this year. You can call Teacher Weng.”

At the age of 120, Xing Yi knew the age of Lao Weng for the first time. He didn’t want to be called Lao Weng and Uncle Weng, saying that he was older than his grandfather.

I didn’t believe it, but now.

A hundred and twenty years old, except for his hair like an old man, nothing else at all. It is more like a middle-aged man who insists on exercising and dyed his hair.

Sure enough, when I heard Weng Yifu’s age, there was a lot of noise below, all talking about Weng Yifu’s age.

Practitioner has a long lifespan, but many people do not have an accurate concept of how long it is.

But after knowing Weng Yifu’s age, many people have a concept.

“Okay!” Weng Yifu patted the table to calm the scene: “There are quite a few people here, I guess I want to know what another world looks like!”

All answer, Weng Yifu had to stop again.

“Another world is very far away from our Blue Star, but also very close.” Weng Yifu threw out a concept: “Let’s say it’s close. Depending on our current technological strength, we may not be able to reach another world for a lifetime.”

“But if you want to talk far, I can easily cross two worlds through a gate.”

“Are the two worlds connected by a space tunnel?” Xing Yi asked aloud.

“You can also understand this way.” Weng Yifu said to Xing Yi: “However, this kind of tunnel cannot be reached by human forces.”

“As for how the tunnel appeared, it is still a mystery.”

“Teacher, what does another world look like, is it bigger than our Blue Star?” someone asked.

“Blue Star placed in another world can only be said to be Changhai.” Weng Yifu shook his head and said: “Blue Star is too small compared to another world.”

“However, the intensity of Spirit Power in another world is much stronger than Blue Star, and in most places it is more than a hundred times stronger than Blue Star’s Spirit Power.” Weng Yifu continued.

“Then why is it called The Underworld? If that’s the case, isn’t it cultivation Sacred Land?” Someone wondered.

“Because of the existence of spiritual poison!” Weng Yifu wrote two words heavily on the blackboard: spiritual poison.

“Dirt poison is one of them. The concentration of spiritual poison in another world is not worse than the concentration of Spirit Power.” Weng Yifu said: “That is to say, if you don’t use a spiritual shield to protect yourself in another world, it won’t be long before you will. Covered by spiritual poison.”

As soon as Weng Yifu said this, the environment of another world changed their imagination in an instant.

What is a world full of poisons? Cultivation Sacred Land, cultivation The Underworld is almost the same.

“Then how does another world Practitioner survive?”

That’s right, another world is poisonous, so when your Spirit Power is consumed sooner or later, how to replenish it because it is poisonous.

That won’t be finished sooner or later.

“Then rely on formation. A powerful formation can strip away the spirit poison.”

“The formation is where people live, which is the only place where people live. In the first place, we explored another world…”

After that, Weng Yifu talked about some of the original Blue Star’s exploration of another world. There was poison everywhere. The past Practitioners were all abandoned without exception.

The formation owned by Shenzhou in another world is also built by its ancestors step by step. Before that, there is no place to rest in another world.

Just like an ordinary person wandering on the endless ocean, it is several times more difficult than that.

A lesson, just talk about the efforts of the ancestors, I didn’t finish it.

When class was about to end, Weng Yifuye said: “Another world has humans exactly like us.” He left directly.

A lot of people who do it are stunned.

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