Chapter 346

The exact same human beings are distributed in every corner of another world. Most of these people in another world are in hostile relations with Blue Star.

Even most people in another world don’t treat the Blue Stars as human beings at all. The reason is that the Blue Stars have special talents.

Martial Spirit is the best cultivation resource in the world, and the carrier of Martial Spirit is the Blue Star people.

For their people in another world, there is no faster and easier way than hunting and killing the blue star cultivation.

And Mr. Gu said that what Huan Tian Jiao did in Blue Star was nothing compared to those in another world.

Those in another world who caught the blue star really feed the blue star people as cattle. Those who were born in another world have their destiny and misfortune.

Not only that, another world is not only a human existence, Demonic Beasts and Yao Zhi are also terrifying existences that threaten human lives.

But it’s just understanding, another world is still far from Xing Yi now, at least half a year away.

In the sophomore year, the school also allows students to experience the atmosphere of another world, that is, experience only, it will not let students really stay inside.

Will Xiao Yi be in another world?

Only when Shuang Qianyi is in another world can he not see him. After all, another world is very big.

What the hell did Xiao Yi do? What kind of people are he with him? Reaching out is tearing the space apart. At least this kind of strength can only be achieved by the Martial King.

It’s not that Xiaoyi is the same as Bai Yiling, he is a second generation of Wu, or a very powerful second generation.

After all, if Martial King can pick him up in person, his status is self-evident.

What kind of existence is another world? Xing Yi now eagerly wants to see another world.

But if you want to go to another world, you have to wait until the sophomore school to lead at least, otherwise it is impossible to go to another world.

Xing Yi felt the energy in his body, but the energy of the body already had a terrifying aura.

It’s a pity that no one has come to challenge myself for a long time, and my ranking on the Billboard has not changed.

The Practitioner competition has already begun to warm up on the Internet. In order to gain popularity, various Wuhan universities have also put the list of entries on the Internet.

In addition to the eighth-level students who are all Chinese, there are actually two students in the Military University who are freshmen.

Being able to beat a group of sophomores in the freshman year and represent the school in the Practitioner competition, its strength is self-evident.

The eighth-level freshmen of the First Military Medical University have become so strong at all times.

As for the students who can participate in the Practitioner competition in their freshman year, in addition to Wang Kai and another person from Junwu, the entire core Wushu University also participated in the Practitioner competition, Dong Mengqi.

It can be said that the Military University gained a lot of limelight before the start of the game, but I don’t know what the real strength is.

However, the most topical people are those who are in the top ten on the Billboard. Everyone’s topic is exaggerated to the point of explosion.

For example, Xiao Cong of Nanwu University has never been enthusiastic. His every move is eye-catching, and he even opened up the original blocking craze with one hand.

The strength of Tier 4 peak has occupied the second place on the Billboard for a long time.

There is also the only woman in the top ten, Li Danyang’s talent for ice attributes, is even more dare not to look down upon.

Even if the hard power is stronger than Li Danyang, he has to be cautious in the face of the realization of Spirit Power.

And just as people were watching the Practitioner competition, a khaki ghost in the prison suddenly appeared and disappeared.

The surrounding formation is looming, the formation is broken!

The dirt ran out.

The dirt and poison in the sky was completely absorbed by the dirt in an instant, and the strength was instantly Ascension, and then immediately ran in one direction as if he was mad and concealed his breath.

A gap in space, the White Emperor slowly walked out.

“How did it come out, zero?” The one responsible for suppressing the dirt is a divine tool, and the dragon emperor personally found one. It is impossible for the dirt to escape.

There must be some external factors.

“You stand there first, don’t run away.” The White Emperor stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the dirt that was still slowly recovering, like pinching a toy.

But in the next second, the dirt in the hands of the White Emperor suddenly exploded, together with Mental Energy.

The violent energy swallowed the White Emperor in an instant, and then spread out like the surroundings.

“Like, you are so crazy!” The White Emperor saw that the dirt dog actually exploded his origin, but the next second the White Emperor knew what the dirt wanted to do.

He wanted to go back, go back to another world, and rebirth to another world, but he really thought that he would be able to run away when he reached another world. It was so naive.

But with such violent energy in front of him, even if his own body has left some backhands on this sub, it is only the strength of the Martial King.

The White Emperor instantly covered Mental Energy over the entire explosion area of ​​the dirt, and then directly compressed it. His own strength even went directly to the inside of the dirt.

At this time, he can no longer care about what will happen to the dirt after another world is reborn. If the problem here cannot be solved, then I am afraid that there will be no difference between Blue Star and another world in the future.

There are dirt and poison everywhere, but the Martial King’s strength is not enough to restrain the original explosion of dirt.

A few Daoist shadows appeared again in an instant, shook his head and immediately joined the road to suppression.

The dirt actually ran away, and he was able to show his strength.

At this time, the dirt that was reborn in another world was a thick layer of poison. The dirt was reborn and reborn in another world.

As the dirt figure formed, a few Daoist shadows appeared around the dirt instantly, floating silently on top of the dirt.

“Do you go back by yourself, or let us send you back.” The voice came, and the dirt after rebirth was not put in To put in one’s eyes.

Originally from the destruction, the dirt strength is naturally gone. I don’t know how long it will take to recover to the peak. They also have the strength to completely seal the current dirt, and even let the dirt fall into a deep sleep.

“It’s really dying, isn’t it good to stay there honestly, run out with great effort, this time you just stay here!” said another person.

“Want to run.” The surrounding space was instantly blocked and reinforced.

No one would think that the current dirt can escape. This time it happened to take advantage of the weakness of the dirt to completely seal the dirt, and there is no need to worry that the dirt will explode in a large area.

“Chaos! chaos!” The dirt figure slowly dissipated.

“Quickly, stop him, he will blew himself up.”

The majestic Spirit Power combined with the power of space instantly blocked the dirt, but suddenly a strong power of space struck.

Even a group of Martial Emperors had to hurry to defend, and the dirt exploded in an instant, and the poison began to mess up on this continent again, swallowing wildly and exploding.

The filthy poison that soared into the sky turned everything into nothingness wherever it went, but several Martial Emperors did not stop it, and there was no time to stop it.

Hurry up to find the next resurrection site of the dirt, and I felt the spontaneous explosion of the dirt before arriving, and the process of reciprocating, the original source of the dirt was almost exhausted.

However, Du Du had also returned to its original state again, constantly devouring it. Following the chaos of the Fire Territory, the Earth Territory also began to become chaotic.

The fire spirit beast was subdued and suppressed, and the earth spirit beast also exploded continuously, and the dirt poison and burn poison also returned to their original form.

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