Chapter 351 The Perverted Wang Kai

“Don’t look, let’s go.”

Yan Qiuyuan drove the car and led the way. Xing Yi also studied this navigation system. He didn’t expect that this another world would also have navigation. I don’t know how Shenzhou did it.

And there are many signals in the center of the navigation, which should be the signal for help when they arrive at the White Imperial City.

It turns yellow that someone is ready to go to rescue.

Looking at the navigation time, Xing Yi also took a look at the panorama of this another world through the 3D map.

The ups and downs of the mountains seem to have no end at all. There are few plains and most of them are hills. The area displayed on the map is limited, and the end of this continent is not visible at all.

After leaving the city gate, the biggest feeling is yellow. If it weren’t for the special equipment in the car, it would be hard to see the road.

The dirt outside is too strong, let alone watching the scenery, you may not be able to see the five fingers even if you stretch out your hand, and even the road conditions are generalized through the device.

I thought that Wang Kai would be as curious as he was.

“Hey! Have you cultivated spiritual power in the end?” Wang Kai said suddenly.

“Huh?” Xing Yi didn’t expect that Wang Kai would suddenly say something like this. He should know that he can use the blood and Spirit Power.

“Don’t lie to this king, on the cultivation of Martial Skill, I am definitely your daddy level.”

“Furthermore, Spirit Power and Qi and blood cannot only be converted, and coexistence is not impossible.” Wang Kai said: “You should coexist!”

Regarding the conversion speed of Spirit Power, I can achieve a seamless connection because of my own talent and spiritual rotation, but Xing Yi’s ability to do it is a bit exaggerated.

Therefore, Wang Kai guessed that Xing Yi’s dog should have Spirit Power and Qi and blood coexisting in his body, and he should not have cultivated his spiritual transformation at the beginning.

Seeing that Xing Yi didn’t speak, Wang Kai said directly: “Although I don’t know how you did it, there are people who coexist with gas. At least I’m not the only one to see you.”

Wang Kai has indeed seen another person who coexists with the same gas as Xing Yi, but the world thinks that he is just a Qi Practitioner, and has never practiced his body.

But that was just the surface. The dog was tempered three times like the White Emperor, and he had been hiding his own strength.

Part of the fact that he was killed directly at the beginning was because he accidentally saw his secret and took action to clean up himself. Wang Kai even suspected that the guy wanted to shut himself up.

“I don’t care if you are coexisting with gas, but you stop first.” Wang Kai directly stopped Xing Yi.

Xing Yi thought for a while and wanted to send a message to Yan Qiuyuan and slowly stopped the car: “What do you want to do.”

“Repay the money!”

Speaking of Xing Yi, he felt that a weak energy wanted to enter Own’s body, but it was too weak and had too little impact on Own.

“Spiritual engraving, I will help you improve Martial Skill.” Wang Kai hurriedly arrived. His Mental Energy had just recovered, and he couldn’t hold on for too long, so he could help Xing Yi improve his spiritual skills.

Xing Yi let go of his defense, Wang Kai Mental Energy took action immediately, and Xing Yi was also careful about Wang Kai, after all, this was Mental Energy.

Although I don’t know how Wang Kai awakened, as long as Wang Kai dared to make changes, he would immediately swallow his mental energy with the body of the Practitioner.

As for whether he will be injured or not, it is not within the scope of own consideration.

However, within an hour, Wang Kai’s spiritual writing was over, and there were not many things, just writing some things to improve spiritual power.

It has become a Martial Skill for sustainable cultivation!

Xing Yi instantly changed from being indifferent to a shocked face.

I originally felt that it didn’t matter because I had a strong ability to learn Martial Skills, not bad for one of Wang Kai’s Martial Skills. Besides, what Martial Skills can be improved by Wang Kai.

Xing Yi didn’t even think about improving his spiritual skills.

At first, this can only be regarded as the spiritual transformation skill of the Martial Skill of the Mystic Rank. It will become more and more difficult with the cultivation of the Martial Skill, but there is only one chance.

As long as your cultivation is successful, you will be finalized, and it is impossible to think about cultivation. Therefore, learning requires that you must first practice physical training before you can cultivate spiritual power.

What I am afraid of is that only one level of breakthrough will stop, but the fact is that most people can only cultivate to the level of spiritual transformation.

But through Wang Kai’s improvement, it seems that spiritual transformation can be achieved through cultivation, just like ordinary Cultivation Technique.

That’s terrifying, and in the end, it is possible to pass Wanfa through spiritual cultivation.

It is very good to cultivate spiritual skills, and then to cultivate other cultivation techniques will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

“We are both clear!” Wang Kai said with satisfaction looking at Xing Yi’s expression on his face.

However, the friendliness value sent by Xing Yi has not changed at all, and it has already arrived.

“How did it happen?” Xing Yi really had a hard time believing that Wang Kai could improve his spiritual skills.

And why Wang Kai didn’t turn to Shenzhou for improving Zhuan Linggong. You must know that the two major research tasks of the current Chinese University are the defects of improving Zhuan Linggong.

If Wang Kai puts out his own contribution, he will definitely be able to do it. Then Wang Kai will have nothing to do, let alone cultivate resources.

There is no problem for Wang Kai to ask two Great Masters to be bodyguards.

“You care about me!” Wang Kai gave Tsundere a face, as if he didn’t take improvement to spirituality seriously.

“I said why don’t you hand over the improved spiritual transformation to Shenzhou, then you will have nothing you want.” Xing Yi said.

It was not that Wang Kai had not thought about it when handed it over to Shenzhou, but that Wang Kai was afraid of attracting the attention of the Blue Star high-level officials, even though the Poison King was dead.

But he was not dead. Although his own aura was transformed by himself, Wang Kai was still afraid of being recognized.

The most important thing is that Wang Kai didn’t have much sense of belonging to Blue Star at the beginning, and he didn’t want Blue Star to learn his own unique Cultivation Technique.

The reason why he is willing to give Xing Yi now is because Wang Kai has figured it out.

Own Ling Zhuan is unique, and so is Ling Zhuan. It is impossible to have one’s own strength after the cultivation of Zhuan Ling Gong, and it is also good to let the blue star people with higher cultivation and transformation skills do own shield.

At that time, he would die. On the one hand, there was a reason for the Dragon Emperor, and the most important point was also because the cultivation technique and talent he cultivated were too abnormal.

A person’s perversion can be obliterated, but if a group of people is perverted or even a planetary person is perverted!

“I’ll give it when I go back.” Wang Kai ignored Xing Yi and went to study his own machine gun alone.

And Xing Yi had no choice but to digest the spiritual transformation that was improved by Wang Kai, and turned to look at Wang Kai, only to find that this person had never seen it through himself.

How strong is Wang Kai if the transfer function can be improved!

The greatest effect of Zhuan Ling Gong on oneself may be the replenishment of Qi and blood. After all, Spirit Power and the recovery speed of Qi and blood are not at the same level.

The physical Practitioner combat is also mainly close combat. The reason is not that once the vitality is restored, it takes a lot of energy and time to recover.

And the higher the level of spiritual skill cultivation, the faster you can learn Martial Skill, and maybe you won’t have to fight so many in the end to learn.

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