Chapter 352

After walking for nearly a morning, Xing Yi saw the first person he was about to pick up.

I saw that person was walking in the sky full of poisonous poison, and his body had been invaded by the poisonous poison, which was already the worst result, and he simply wandered directly in the poisonous poison.

Just wait for someone to come to the rescue.

Xing Yi opened the door and got out of the car as the car walked to the side of the person.

As soon as he got out of the car, Xing Yi felt the dirt around him and began to move.

There is nothing special about the dirt around here, but Xing Yi is completely different. Fang Yuan doesn’t know how far away the dirt gathers on Xing Yi like crazy.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Wang Kai immediately ran back into the car again.

The person who connected, depending on the situation, ran away. The poison would invade the human body, but it was not such an invading method.

Gathering on people like crazy, it’s horrible.

The unrestrained poison, encountering the body of poison, just like recognizing the master, Xing Yi feels that he can control all the poison around him.

However, he couldn’t control the poison to gather to himself, even if it was blocked with a spirit shield, a large amount of poison could instantly break through Xing Yi’s spirit shield.

“Fuck! Dog, what are you doing?” Wang Kai was also shocked inside. In this situation, he was left with the ability to control the poisonous dirt.

But with his current strength, he couldn’t control so much poison at all.

But isn’t the dirt sealed up?

What’s the situation now, I can’t see it at all.

“How do I know.” Xing Yi was also dumbfounded.

The Poisonous Poison has lost control and rushed towards him like crazy, the closest Poisonous Poison is already close to the entity.

Xing Yi hurried to the car, but Wang Kai wouldn’t let Xing Yi do what he wanted. Looking at the battle, Xing Yi is going to run up, afraid that the car will not even be lifted.

“You go down first, aren’t you afraid of poisoning!” Wang Kai shouted.

This f*ck has so much poison, and the quantity change has caused a qualitative change. Wang Kai is still afraid that so much poison will enter his body, so he forcibly unlocks a body of poison.

When the time comes, the silly dog ​​of dirt will find himself troublesome. He has already suffered such a loss once, so how can he commit it again.

I remember that the last time I accidentally unlocked the body of Du Gu, if it weren’t for the quick conversion of his talents, I was afraid that he could not wait for the Dragon King, and the silly dog ​​of Du Gu would beat himself to death.

Because there is only one poisonous body, soil dirt will not allow a second poisonous body to appear unless that individual is within his control.

This Xing Yi situation seems a bit similar to his last time.

Damn it!

When the Poisonous Body is in the Poisonous Environment, the Poisonous Body will automatically help the talent owner to provide strength, just like the original self.

As feedback, the owner of the Poisonous Body will also find ways to increase the amount of Poisonous Poison, so as to complement each other.

But how could Xing Yi have a poisonous body, it is impossible for a poisonous body to have a second one besides his own simulation.

Even if Xing Yi had a remnant of the poisonous body, it would not have such an effect, even if the dirt was sealed.

As long as the dirt does not die, or as long as the consciousness is still there, all the dirt in this world is basically within his control.

Unless the poison is no longer there, or even the consciousness is sealed, the poison has been completely out of control and restored to its initial state.

In that case, a large amount of dirt poison will naturally reappear a new “soil dirt” over time.

But even in that case, Du Du can’t recognize Xing Yi as the master, what the hell is Xing Yi!

At this time, Xing Yi also felt his soaring strength, so much poison was forcibly pushing himself to become stronger.

Xing Yi felt very uncomfortable when he was forced by so many scumbags to become stronger from the past.

I want to stop but can’t stop at all.

The poison here is so strange, there has never been a thing like this before.

Strength No matter how fast Ascension is, Xing Yi is reluctant to suppress these evil poisons forcibly, but it is too difficult.

Dirt poison rushed into Xing Yi’s body like going crazy. Fortunately, there was the Practitioner body in his own body. No matter how much dirt poison was, the Practitioner body could swallow it.

Although the speeds of the two are not on the same level, at least they will not allow the poison to fill their own body.

Ten thousand cards.

Twenty thousand cards.

Thirty thousand…

Xing Yi’s current strength, Ascension, has already begun to talk about Ascension, and this is still under the condition of Xing Yi’s deliberate suppression.

Suddenly Wang Kai felt a particularly familiar breath, the breath of dirt.

That guy really came, dammit!

It’s going to be cold.

How could I be the opponent of that stupid dog now? At the peak, he was not an opponent, let alone now.

“Let me in!” Xing Yi shouted, obviously Xing Yi also felt a fatal threat.

There is no way for Xing Yi to hide directly in the comprehension space to avoid the limelight, and appear directly in the car in the next second.

“Fuck, why did you come in.” Wang Kai was dumbfounded: “You still want to kill me.”

“In another world, you dare to release the poisonous physique.” Now Wang Kai is 100% sure that Xing Yi has the poisonous body.

Otherwise, how could this Poisonous Poison suddenly go mad, and it is still a real Poisonous Poison Body, definitely not an incomplete Poisonous Poison Body, or else Poisonous Poison would not have the strength of Ascension Xing Yi.

At this time, Xing Yi’s eyes on Wang Kai had completely changed. The body of own filthy poison was indeed not hidden by the system function, even if it was hidden, it could be used by himself.

But there was still some influence. Xing Yi also wanted to test the strength of his Poisonous Body in the real Poisonous Environment, so there was no hiding.

But whether it is hidden or not has anything to do with this abnormality. Is it possible that the scalping poison will automatically strengthen oneself, if it is true, wouldn’t it be possible to automatically become stronger without cultivation?

“You don’t even have to think about it. If you dare to use the spirit poison to become stronger, the spirit beast will definitely destroy you. Although you don’t know where your poisonous body came from, the dirt has already come. Wait for you to die. ”

Wang Kai said angrily, it’s really unlucky to be with this guy.

Let’s fly separately if the disaster is imminent, you!

After speaking, Wang Kai’s figure flickered.


A huge space was torn apart, and Xing Yi and the car were swallowed directly before Wang Kai escaped.

With huge space energy, Wang Kai instantly blocked Wang Kai’s ability to use Martial Skill to escape.

The two of them even took their cars and even the surrounding land was lifted to the end, and all disappeared.

The dirt has indeed exploded too many times, and the poison can no longer sense the existence of dirt. When there is no owner, they will automatically find or introduce a new dirt.

Naturally, soil dirt has the plan to prevent Xing Yi from coming to another world. Not only Xing Yi but also other people who have the remains of the poisonous body are imitated.

When they want to use the power of Ascension, the back hand left by the dirt will appear, first of all, it is clear that own exists.

Then I sent them away. Of course, Xing Yi was the only one who could leave.

After all, his strength is not enough.

Through Xing Yi’s condensate, after Xing Yi disappeared, dirt gradually condensed in the same place.

The dirt was resurrected again, and the spirit beast appeared, nodded, and disappeared with the dirt in an instant.

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