Chapter 367 How About Being My Little Brother

There was no special reward at all, and the ten people only issued a token the next day, and they had to rely on their own strength to enter the Arctic City.

“The map has been given to you. You can set off at any time. Only if you can get to the Arctic City, you are eligible to live in the Arctic City.” Zhang Yongfa said, “Good luck to you.”

The ten people looked at each other, Hubing Town was far away from Arctic City, and there were many dangers on the road. Otherwise, the exchange business of spirit coins would not be monopolized by Ma Xincheng and Yao Liqiang.

“Xing Wei, do you want to be together?” A person asked Xing Yi. When Xing Yi was in the game, his strength was beyond doubt.

The other one is Sun Jingshui. Just like Xing Yi, Sun Jingshui was almost crushed all the way during the game, and he won directly by relying on ten consecutive victories.

I feel that every game is easy to win, and at least I have to have the strength of a Tier 5 Practitioner, but this person does not show up in the lake ice town.

With this kind of strength, you can also make a lot of money by going to the Arctic City to exchange spirit coins.

Even in Hubing Suppression Root had never heard of such a character. You must know that in this world where strength is king, a strong person is easy to be famous.

“Yes.” Xing Yi nodded, after all, he is not familiar with it, and it’s okay to be with them.

“What about Sun Jingshui?” Everyone looked at Sun Jingshui.

“I’m fine!”

“Then let’s go now. If we go well now, Houtian should be able to arrive.”

Several people didn’t have any opinions, they had already prepared things before they came here, and now it’s fine to set off.

Speaking of a group of ten people, they flew directly. The fourth-order Practitioners all have the ability to fly. At most, whoever is faster is slower.

And behind Xing Yi is a wing condensed. This is also one of Xing Yihui’s mysterious martial skills. This type of martial skill is naturally not for pretending, but this type of martial skill is very suitable for long-distance flight. It is fast and consumes less. It couldn’t be more suitable.

Seeing Xing Yi condensed a pair of wings directly, other people can only watch it. Of course, another world has a strong use of Spirit Power.

Far surpassing the blue star, but strong to strong, another world’s Martial Skill is not common, and no one wants to share their own Martial Skill.

Even if there are innovations for some Martial Skills, there are more Martial Skills missing than innovations.

The Blue Star is just the opposite. Standing on the shoulders of giants, Blue Star’s use of Spirit Power can be said to be advancing all the way, although it is far from being comparable to another world nobleman.

But compared to these small towns in another world country, it is more than enough.

But envy is envy, and I can only watch, Xing Yi controls the flying speed not fast, and even Xing Yi has been following these people all the time.

The main reason was that Xing Yi didn’t understand this place, and Xing Yi was also cultivating with one heart and two purposes.

“Hey, isn’t Xing Wei a native of Hubing Town, right?” Suddenly Sun Jingshui slowed down and flew to Xing Yi’s side and said.

“Huh?” Xing Yi turned to look at him.

“I haven’t seen you in Lake Bingzhen, it shouldn’t be reasonable, and I always feel that you are very strong, not even weaker than me.” Sun Jingshui continued.

Xing Yi has seen Sun Jingshui’s strength, his strength is 590,000 calories Spirit Power, but his Practitioner level is a fifth-order Practitioner.

The threshold of the sixth-order Practitioner is 200,000 calories Spirit Power, and Sun Jingshui has 590,000 and has not broken through the sixth-order Practitioner, which means that Sun Jingshui’s cultivation technique is at least the ground-level Cultivation Technique.

The ground level Cultivation Technique can only be engraved by Mental Energy, and only the Great Master can do it. There is definitely no Great Master in Lake Bingzhen, which means that Sun Jingshui is definitely not a person from Lake Bingzhen.

And this guy is not an ordinary Practitioner, but the kind with talent.

Saying that he is stronger than Sun Jingshui, and without revealing his talent and physical Practitioner’s strength, he should be able to compete with Martial Skill alone.

But it’s limited to this. If you want to beat Sun Jingshui, you must at least use the strength of the upper body Practitioner.

“you flatter me!”

“No, I’m serious. How about being a little brother with me? When you arrive in Arctic City, I will ensure that you have enough resources to cultivate.” Sun Jingshui said with a serious face.

“Cultivation resources!” Xing Yirao looked at Sun Jingshui interestingly, wanting to hear what kind of resources he can give himself.

You must know that you now have more than 100 million spiritual coins reserves, millions of spiritual storage pills, and various precious Medicine Pills.

As far as its wealth is concerned, he can be regarded as a wealthy country.

If you bring all these resources back to Blue Star, you will be a trillionaire if you have done it right yourself.

Even if it is put in this another world, the value of the spirit coin may not be as high as that of the Blue Star, but I must be considered a tens of billions.

“Yes, follow me, I’ll give you one thousand Spirit Pills every month, how about it!” Sun Jingshui looked at Xing Yi and wanted to hear Xing Yi’s shocked voice.

One thousand Chu Ling Pills, according to Xing Yi’s current consumption rate, three pills a day, plus the side effects of Chu Ling Pills need to be digested every once in a while.

I really can’t use a thousand Spirit Pills in a month, and Sun Jingshui said that the cultivation resources that make him useless are indeed true.

“Brother Shui, how do I follow, my strength is not bad.” The person next to him heard him immediately come over and begged.

What is the concept of one thousand spiritual pill a month, that is, 10,000 spiritual coins a month, and they only account for how much spiritual coins they rely on spiritual gathering a month.

I’m afraid it’s hard to earn 100 Lingcoins. If what Sun Jingshui said is true, they would be willing to ask them to do anything.

“Yes, yes, brother Shui, look at us, everyone has come out through the competition.”

“Yes, we are not bad in strength, and we are all coming out of the lake, how great.”

Sun Jingshui ignored them, just looking at Xing Yi, wanting to hear Xing Yi’s answer.

“Sorry.” Xing Yi smiled and flew away.

I don’t know what Sun Jingshui is thinking about, spending so much money to ask for a follower, he is not so strong, right? At most, he is only a Tier 5 strength.

Could it be that Sun Jingshui was present when he was doing business with Yao Liqiang and Ma Xincheng, but if he was there, he knew that he had money and would make such a stupid request?

“It’s okay, let’s talk about it when we get to the Arctic City!” Sun Jingshui didn’t expect Xing Yi to refuse, but it didn’t matter, he would let him know when he arrived in the Arctic City that his strength was only average in the Arctic City.

Moreover, the high life pressure will make him bow his head, and he will definitely come and find himself again when that happens.

The reason why Sun Jingshui wanted Xing Yi to be his little brother was because of Xing Yi’s strength. This guy seemed to have some special talent.

I can feel it, the main reason is because I stayed with Xing Yi, the violent gene in my body actually has a particularly stable state.

This is the reason why Sun Jingshui wants Xing Yi to follow own with a lot of money.

If Xing Yi could really help him solve his talent problem, it would be worth the money.

So now I still first find out why I feel such a stable feeling when I stand next to Xing Yi.

If own talent can be used 100%, then I am afraid that I can really rise quickly.

I can also return to the family as soon as possible to end the experience, and the family will give me as many resources as I want by then.

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