Chapter 368 North Ice Bear

From Lake Bingzhen to Arctic City, there is not much danger on the road. The main dangerous places are also directly bypassed by a few people.

After encountering a few Demonic Beasts, they can still run together, and the closer they are to the Arctic City, the safer they will fly for a day without major problems.

But a three-person team suddenly appeared in front of the ten, and there was an Arctic Bear behind.

Xing Yi used the system to see the strength of that Demonic Beasts at a glance.

Arctic bear of the sixth order early stage.

Not only is hard power, it can crush most people on the field, but the physical strength of the Arctic Bear is even more exaggerated.

It looks cumbersome, but it is not slow at all to run. The three-person team in front, even if it flies, has been chased by the Arctic Bear.

There is only one bear, but there are three runners, and they are all Tier 6 strengths, which is enough to explain the terrible aspects of Demonic Beasts.

Demonic Beasts also has one of the biggest advantages, that is, they ignore the spiritual poison. For some reason, for human beings, the spiritual poison is the road to human cultivation.

But for Demonic Beasts, it didn’t work at all.

In another world, only Demonic Beasts can survive unfettered, but Demonic Beasts is a late developmentalist, and as a treasure, they are often hunted by people.

Humans and Demonic Beasts are still in a transient state of equilibrium.

“Run!” Sun Jingshui shouted immediately, turning around and ran away.

The Arctic Bear of Tier 6 is simply not something they can deal with. Facing the Arctic Bear, whether it is running away or attacking in front of absolute physical strength, it can only be said to be a joke.

“Run separately.” Sun Jingshui continued shouting.

At this time, Sun Jingshui could only bet on luck, and that the earth bear would not follow him.

“Wow~” A loud roar also completely woke up Xing Yi, who was standing in the sky and watching.

Xing Yi, the powerful Demonic Beasts, has seen it before, and encountered quite a few when he flew to the northernmost lake ice town.

But at that time, I was invisible all the way, and when I felt the breath, I immediately detoured. Sometimes the breath could even stretch for dozens of kilometers.

When encountering that kind of Demonic Beasts, Xing Yi could only imagine it out of thin air, and he also encountered a lot of Demonic Beasts along the way just now.

There are also Tier VI Demonic Beasts, but I haven’t seen them panicked.

The reason that made Sun Jingshui so scared might be the talent of this Northern Ice Bear.

Demonic Beasts of the ice attribute, to be honest, this is really the first time I have seen Xing Yi.

I saw the Arctic Bear facing Xing Yi standing in the air and slapped it. There was no fancy Martial Skill, but the use of Spirit Power was terrifying.

On the ground, ice thorns suddenly appeared on the ground and rushed straight to Xing Yi, whose hardness is probably not even comparable to that of steel bars.

The huge body directly followed the ice thorn and quickly moved towards Xing Yi, Xing Yi also hurriedly dodged to hide.

“I’m afraid this person is not stupid, he saw the Arctic Bear still standing still stupidly, but that’s fine, it attracted us firepower.” The three men and one man who fled in front turned back and laughed.

“Xu Jianwen, how can you say that? After all, the North Ice Bear was brought by us. Now that someone has caused an accident, you are still so gloating.” The girl next to her said displeasedly.

“Or let’s save him!” another girl suggested.

“Don’t be kidding me. Look at his colleagues. Has one turned around to save someone? Go!” Xu Jianwen hurriedly dispelled her idea of ​​sending her to death.

“And he is dead.” Xu Jianwen said this, and the two people next to him did not refute.

The Arctic Bear has rushed to Xing Yi’s face, and the sixth-order Arctic Bear can bear it with a slap.

And even though the Arctic Bear is famous for its Spirit Power outbreak, its speed is also extremely terrifying. The same rank human Practitioner can only escape.

That person still dared to hesitate, and he was still standing in the air watching a joke. The really angry Arctic Bear would skip him directly, too naive.

With a slap in the face, several people have already identified Xing Yi’s fate, not to mention that the Arctic Bear rushed directly along the ice spur.

This even took away Xing Yi’s last chance of survival.

Suddenly Xing Yi flashed and came directly behind Beibingxiong.

Shunbu, Movement Technique Martial Skill, Xing Yi learned and practiced the most Martial Skill in that year.

Even the clone technique and those high-intensity and explosive Martial Skills are not as good as instant step practice, because Xing Yi believes that the most important thing is to practice the ability to escape first.


When the Northern Ice Bear saw the figure suddenly disappeared, his huge body was also taken aback.

Let alone other people, that person can actually avoid the attack of the Arctic Bear in close proximity.

“How is it possible!” Xu Jianwen said incredulously. That Xing Yi’s strength is not strong, and he observed it when he saw a group of ten of them.

Even if Xing Yi was hidden, Xu Jianwen still discovered that Xing Yi’s strength is only Tier 5, not even Tier 6, how could he escape the attack of the Arctic Bear.

And it teleported behind the Arctic Bear.

“How did he do that?”

Several people even forgot to escape, stopped from a distance, and watched over.

“It seems to be a space teleport!” The girl next to her couldn’t believe it.

“Impossible!” Xu Jianwen denied directly.

What are you kidding about, the space teleportation, that’s the space method, the Grand Great Master’s method, no matter how you look at the person in front of him, he doesn’t have the strength of the Grand Great Master.

“No, it is the ultimate use of Spirit Power, compressing Spirit Power, and then bursting out instantly, making own speed reach the highest.” Another person explained.

However, Xing Yi is fast, the Arctic Bear is faster, and the Mental Energy of Tier 6 Arctic Bear is powerful.

Finding the location of Xing Yi, he was immediately mentally shocked, and slapped Xing Yi as a cannonball out of the chamber, and flew out directly.

It directly penetrated hundreds of meters of deep ice and had already touched the ice water. The Arctic Bear fell to the ground, and the broken ice surface directly solidified, and Xing Yi was also covered by the ice.

“Don’t look, don’t run quickly.” Xu Jianwen turned his head and ran.

What if it can dodge the blow of the Arctic Bear? The Arctic Bear with ice attributes in the water is a natural king.

“Huh! Didn’t catch up?” Xu Jianwen ran away and Xu Yuan turned his head to find that the Arctic Bear was still there.

And Sun Jingshui and them all hid in a safe position one after another.

What is the Northern Ice Bear doing and why does it stay where it is?

Suddenly the ice surface melted, and the sizzling steam also disturbed everyone’s sight. Xing Yi, covered in flames, gradually floated up.

“I don’t seem to offend you.” In a flame, the talent of the fire attribute is directly displayed. At this time, Xing Yi is more like a God of War full of flames.

“Roar~” The Arctic Bear roared loudly.

But Xing Yi understood what the Arctic Bear was talking about. This was the moment when he controlled his own power, Mental Energy.

The Arctic Bear can communicate with himself through Mental Energy.


How does this Arctic bear want to own life?

It looks strange, but it just happens to be a good experiment to see how strong my current strength is with only Xing Wei’s power.

Xing Yi and Beibingxiong shot at the same time, and immediately started fighting.

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