Chapter 369

Sun Jingshui saw Xing Yi, who could be evenly matched with the Arctic Bear, and he was even more certain that Xing Yi could solve the problem of his talent.

Looking at Xing Yi’s eyes became more fiery, if Xing Yi could really help him, then it would really skyrocket.

“Xu Jianwen, let’s help him.” Hu Ying looked at the indifferent Xu Jianwen a little angry.

“Stop making trouble, I’m going to you, I’m not the opponent of the Arctic Bear.”

“There is someone who can match the Arctic Bear. We are just helping out.”

“Listen to Xiaoying, maybe we can really repel the Arctic Bear.” Nie Jingjing said.

Obviously, Nie Jingjing’s status among the three is not low. When she spoke, Xu Jianwen was also silent.

However, Nie Jingjing only said that it was possible to repel the Arctic Bear. As for killing, she didn’t have that idea at all.

“Then we absolutely can’t get close, just a long-range attack.” Xu Jianwen couldn’t help but Nie Jingjing spoke up. It would be a bit too much if he refused.

Moreover, at such a distance, there shouldn’t be any big problems with that person being involved in the distance.

Having said that, the three of them directly took out three weapons, two bows and arrows and one long sword.

Using weapons to cast Martial Skills can make the same Spirit Power Spirit Power more powerful.

That is to say, Xing Yi has no weapons. If Xing Yi is given a handy weapon, maybe Xing Yi can really compete with the Arctic Bear.

It’s like now, the Arctic Bear has thick skin and thick skin, and at the same time it has great strength, it is fast, and it consumes less than its own.

Even though I have strong control over Spirit Power and the use of Martial Skill, the Arctic Bear is not bad at all. It can even be said that it is an innate ability, and it is more smooth to use.

The Arctic Bear, who was in the upper hand, suddenly discovered that someone was attacking him, even more screaming.

In the next second, with the Northern Ice Bear as the center, the ice on the ground burst directly, turning into cones of ice and rushing directly towards Xu Jianwen and the others.

An extremely deep ice wall was erected around Xing Yi and Beibingxiong.

This Arctic Bear’s control of ice attributes has reached a Realm. Even if he does not use Spirit Power, it is estimated that he will be able to fight himself with his talent alone.

And Xu Jianwen from the outside world, facing the attack of the Arctic Bear, set up a defense, but it was only an attack, or a group attack.

It directly consumed 10% of their Spirit Power. Faced with such a situation, Xu Jianwen turned his head decisively and ran.

If you don’t run, wait until the Arctic Bear has cleaned up that person, and the group of them may not be able to escape if they want to run.

Nie Jingjing hesitated and ran away with Xu Jianwen, while Sun Jingshui also ran away a long time ago.

The prerequisite for watching the excitement is that you have the strength, and if you don’t have the strength to watch a joke, then you are a joke in itself.

The ice surface squirmed, the temperature in the surroundings had dropped to an extreme, and the flames on Xing Yi’s body were getting smaller and smaller.

This Arctic Bear is not an opponent himself, unless he also takes out the methamphetamine body to see who has the stronger control over the ice attributes.

Seeing that the flames on his body are getting less and less, Spirit Power has been exhausted, and the storage space is also full of methamphetamine, and there is no opportunity to replenish it.

Upon seeing this, the Arctic Bear rushed over directly.

Then let’s see whose fist is harder, the third-order tempered body Practitioner, I don’t know if I can fight with the Northern Ice Bear.

One person and one bear hadn’t collided, and suddenly the ice burst, and two people appeared on the ground out of thin air.

One was wearing a cloak and his whole body was shrouded, while the other was surprisingly Shuang Qianyi.

Both stopped to attack, and Xing Yi also directly said: “Xiao Yi, why are you here.”

And Shuang Qianyi’s indifferent eyes heard Xing Yi’s voice suddenly warmed up, and he turned to look at Xing Yi directly.

The height is similar, the appearance is different, and the aura is different, and how could Brother Yi be here? He should be still in the earth at this time.

“Who are you?” Shuang Qianyi suspected that he was hearing a hallucination.

“Emm!” Suddenly it occurred to him that he had changed his identity. Faced with the questioning of Shuang Qianyi, Xing Yi’s body shape and breath slowly changed.

After a while, Xing Yi’s original appearance and aura were revealed in front of Shuang Qianyi.

“Brother Yi!” Shuang Qianyi ran up to Xing Yi and hugged him. The two hadn’t seen each other for more than a year.

I didn’t expect to see it in this waters.

As for the figure following Shuang Qianyi, seeing Shuang Qianyi running directly beside Xing Yi, like a child, simply refreshed Wang’s impression in his heart.

“Why are you here? Where have you been all these years?” Xing Yi asked directly.

“The last time I left, I went directly to another world, and I came here for the Arctic Bear behind Brother Yi.” Shuang Qianyi pointed to the Arctic Bear and said.

Looking at the Arctic Bear at this time, it seemed that he had seen a giant beast, and he didn’t dare to move.

“Brother Yi, why did you come here, and you also got into a fight with the Northern Ice Bear.”

Xing Yi and Shuang Qianyi talked about it. As for why they fought with the Arctic Bear, it was entirely because Xing Yi wanted to see how powerful the Arctic Bear was.

Now I also understand how powerful Demonic Beasts with attributes are.

Hearing that, Shuang Qianyi pulled Brother Yi directly behind him: “Brother Yi, wait for me for a while.”

The figure following saw also immediately removed the Mental Energy from the Arctic Bear.

The Arctic Bear was furious in an instant, and the king of the North Pole was so insulted that it could not be tolerated.

The Arctic Bear roared, turned around and ran away.

Can’t beat, can’t beat.

And Shuang Qianyi also moved, appearing above the Arctic Bear in an instant, so powerful that Xing Yi couldn’t resist.

A slap directly slapped the Arctic Bear to the ground, and the Arctic Bear also fell directly to the ground immobile.

Beibing Xiong’s proud body seemed to be a joke in front of Shuang Qianyi. Shuang Qianyi also rehabilitated three times, and Realm was taller than himself.

The same is true for the strength of the Qi Practitioner, and the own detection function can no longer show the strength of Shuangqianyi.

And standing there behind him, as if there was no such person at all, it was probably even more terrifying.

In the next second, the Shuang Qian Yi Swallow Spirit Body was directly activated, and the ice attribute talent on the Arctic Bear was directly absorbed by Shuang Qian Yi Swallow.

The Arctic Bear wanted to struggle but there was no way, not only his talent but also his own strength was being swallowed by Shuang Qianyi.

The most important thing is that Shuang Qianyi has never used Spirit Power to protect himself. He is not afraid of Spirit Poison at all, because he can directly swallow Spirit Poison as Spirit Power.

As time passed, Shuang Qianyi had completely swallowed the ice attribute talent of the Arctic Bear, and several ice balls appeared directly on the ground with a wave of hands floating beside Shuang Qianyi.

Its strength has been enhanced.

“Congratulations to the king, successfully breaking through to the seventh step.” And the figure behind him suddenly spoke.

After Xing Yi heard this, he was even more silent. Xiao Yi was already a seventh-order Practitioner, and he was still in fourth-order, still some distance away from fifth-order.

The person who had been hiding behind him for protection when he was a child has already surpassed himself too much.

It was also the first time that Xing Yi felt the crush of strength on the same rank.

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