Chapter 370 Spirit Swallowing Stick

Shuang Qianyi has the spirit swallowing determination coupled with the balance body given by Xing Yi, the talent accumulation is even faster than Xing Yi, except for the lack of spiritual poison physique, any talent Shuang Qianyi can be accumulated.

And the person who followed was obviously to escort Shuang Qianyi, with such a strong bodyguard, Shuang Qianyi wanted any talent, then what talent could he have.

If it were not for Shuang Qianyi not wanting to absorb talents from the human body, Shuang Qianyi’s talents would have been so much that a quantitative change caused a qualitative change.

Even if there is no talent for absorbing the human body, just by absorbing the talent of Demonic Beasts, Double Thousand Yi has already accumulated five attribute talents and some strange talents.

Even the speed of Body Tempering, Shuang Qianyi is faster than Xing Yi, even if Xing Yi has a spiritual poisonous physique, it can reduce a three-tempering process.

But it can’t stand the talent that Shuang Qianyi is strengthening all over the body.

“Brother Yi, or I’ll send you back, it’s too unsafe here.” Shuang Qianyi walked over to Xing Yi after absorbing his talent.

Shuang Qianyi didn’t live here either. He came this time just looking for Demonic Beasts with an ice attribute talent. After absorbing him, he would definitely go back.

But the point of going back is not in the water or soil.

“Go back?” I was in the water now, from a small town to the Arctic City so far, how long would it take to fly back.

“Well, I’ll give you something before I leave.” Shuang Qianyi directly gave Xing Yi the Interspatial Ring he had with him.

“Wang! That’s…”

“To shut up!”

Xing Yi just took a look with Mental Energy and was shocked by the contents of his Interspatial Ring.

The endless space, like a world, is the same as the own comprehension space. The most important thing is that all of it is stored in the spirit pill, and a few also cost tens of millions.

How many resources are there, and some Martial Spirit.

“Why there are Martial Spirit, there are still so many!” Xing Yi’s face changed instantly.

There are too many Martial Spirits in it. There are Martial Spirits of various grades, and the lowest is the third-order Martial Spirit.

How difficult it is to cultivate a Practitioner in China, and how many resources need to be incorporated, let alone a mid-rank Practitioner.

Shuang Qianyi was silent for a while.

“Where have you been in these years, and what organization are you following? The school thought you were killed, do you know?”

“Do you know how Martial Spirit is extracted!?” Xing Yi asked loudly.

“What kind of thing are you! Dare to follow us…” the man behind couldn’t help cursing.

That’s their king, who can’t be spoiled, what a bastard dare to scold his king like this, for fear that it’s not looking for death.

The breath showed a little bit, and the spirit shield on Xing Yi’s body was instantly broken.

But before he finished speaking, Shuang Qianyi yelled at him: “Get out!”

“I haven’t used it before, and I’ve never used Martial Spirit.” Then he turned his head to explain to Xing Yi.

“For me, Martial Spirit and Spirit Power are no different. Whether they are mild or toxic, they are the same in front of Spirit Power. They are nourishment.”

“But these Martial Spirits were given to me by the people below. Although I don’t know where their Martial Spirit came from, they should have been obtained from Blue Star.”

There is no sophistry in Double Thousand Change, Martial Spirit is indeed only the special physique of Blue Star that will give birth to Martial Spirit after death.

“But I have already given an order, everyone is not allowed to hurt the Blue Star people.” Shuang Qianyi said seriously.

Xing Yi was silent. He was willing to believe in Shuang Qianyi, even if Shuang Qianyi was an orphan like himself, but they had not been treated badly by Shenzhou since they were young.

They have no worries about food and clothing, even if the orphanage is disbanded in the end, they are also well arranged to live.

“You take things, I don’t know where you are now, but it won’t be a particularly friendly organization if you want to come. Keep your Ascension strength for yourself.”

He returned the ring to Shuang Qianyi, and there was no friendliness point. I thought I had never thought of possessing these things, and the system didn’t recognize it.

“Okay, but I will give you an interesting thing, which I found in Huoyu.” Shuang Qianyi took the ring and took out a fire-stick-like thing from it.

It’s just red, and the flame seems to be a special fire weapon.

“This weapon has no name. I don’t think your external identity is a fire attribute. This one happens to have a fire attribute now.”

“And he can transform and swallow Spirit Power to strengthen himself, and he should also be able to transform attributes.”

Xing Yi took the hand, and with a little effort, the weapon changed. The weapon grade is indeed not high: “Okay, I will accept this.”

And the person behind was even more eyelids, wishing to kill Xing Yi now to get the weapon back.

But he dare not, swallow the spirit stick! The sacred artifacts of the Huantian Sect, seeing the sacred artifacts is like seeing the leader.

He really didn’t dare to think that the king would send out the sacred artifacts of Huantianjiao.

The level of the sacred artifacts is low, but that is that no one has ever used the sacred artifacts. If someone tried hard, they would have been above the ninth level a long time ago.

I am afraid that the most famous Five Elements stick is not worth mentioning in front of him.

The Dragon Emperor’s weapons are not good either.

Shuang Qianyi sent Xing Yi to swallow the spirit stick mainly because he saw Xing Yi’s hiding skills, and his talent for simulating changes in breath is really abnormal.

Shuang Qianyi was afraid that the own teacher would sell Xing Yi, so you don’t have to think about it so much with the sacred artifacts.

No one has dared to deal with the person holding the sacred instrument.

And those low-level teachers who didn’t know the sacred artifacts were not necessarily Xing Yi’s opponents.

“Then Brother Yi, I’ll take you back. It’s safer in Tuyu, and it’s our base camp.” Shuang Qianyi said.

“Go back, how to go back?”

Shuang Qianyi beckoned to the people behind.

“Wang, I can only send him to a place where there is no strong Practitioner in the soil, otherwise he may be threatened to his life if he is discovered.”

In fact, he still didn’t dare. There are Martial Emperors in most of the territories. Although he is not necessarily afraid of those Martial Emperors, there are kings around him. At this time, he must be careful.

Xing Yi heard that Shuang Qianyi was relieved, and he directly demonstrated the space of comprehension to Shuang Qianyi.

The latter Martial Emperor is also different, this boy Xing actually has such a talent.

Xing Yi, who had just come out, saw Shuang Qianyi shook his head.

“Brother Yi, this kind of escape skill is okay to deal with ordinary strong people. In short, you don’t think you should rely too much on it.”

Shuang Qianyi gave the man behind him a look, and the man understood him and said, “Try again.”


Can’t get in, the own system function actually fails, the system space, the Interspatial Ring bucket fails.

“When it comes to space, the seventh-order Practitioner can actually be discovered and used, and when it comes to the eighth-order, it can be used and blocked at will.” The person behind slowly said.

Martial Emperor’s personal demonstration also made Xing Yi understand that his last life-saving hole card was actually not too strong, and he could still be sniped.

“Brother Yi, this is for you.” Shuang Qianyi took out two pieces similar to Spirit Stones and handed them to Xing Yi.

“This is a space stone, and it can be moved immediately after entering Spirit Power. It can’t be blocked.” Shuang Qianyi explained.

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