Chapter 394: Real Array Order?

No one thought that Xing Yi would appear again in this form.

The direct gift of so many spirit coins indeed echoed Xing Yi’s character, it was too selfless.

The Martial Spirit last time, and the spirit coin this time, are too impressive.

With millions of spirit coins, Xing Yi handed them to Li Junyang with confidence and asked Li Junyang to bring them back.

Xing Yi was completely famous, and he was well-known in the entire White Imperial City. He knew about Xing Yi, but he had never met him.

Although the person did not come back, they brought more than five million spirit coins with them. There was a spirit coin with a faint increase in price, and he calmed down in an instant.

In the white emperor’s office hall, several people were already quarreling.

The order is the formation order. What is needed most for the research of the Chinese University is the formation order. Only with the formation order can the Practitioner control more powerful weapons, and even many Practitioners can form a certain combat power.

At the very least, it is stronger than it is now. It is said to be a Tier 7 or 8 weapon. In fact, it is also a set program, and it needs a lot of spirit coins to activate it.

Moreover, the weapons of the seventh and eighth ranks are not available to everyone, at least it is necessary to use the spirit coins to be qualified to control high-rank weapons.

Moreover, it takes a long time to make adjustments each time it is used, which is too inflexible.

High rank weapons are used by low-level Practitioners, which is a false proposition in itself.

If a high-rank weapon can be used with only spirit coins, it is not a high-rank weapon, it is a modern thermal weapon.

Although modern thermal weapons are not small in power, they are not easily recognized by the people of another world empire, and they can be hit by surprise.

But if you really put it on the battlefield, when the big formation opens, let alone the hot weapons, even a stone can’t get close to them.

The formation order is the biggest advantage of the low-rank Practitioner, gathering the advantages of the number of people to forcefully reach the strength of the high-rank Practitioner.

Moreover, with the help of the formation order, an ordinary army can easily defeat an eighth-order Practitioner, but it is very difficult to kill.

After all, activities are not very convenient.

But the strength of the formation is unquestionable, like another world empire, if they want, they can even gather the strength of all the Practitioners in the entire territory.

This is the biggest trump card in the earth, let alone the dragon king, whoever comes will break it, it is equivalent to the blue star’s nuclear weapons.

But not every force has an array order of this scale. The lattice order possessed by small forces is simply not enough. Zhang Xiangju’s example is also the strength of another world empire.

“The importance of the formation order is self-evident, you can quickly find a way to get it, even if it is one!” Zhang Xiang, a Grand Great Master, was furious at the Martial Kings and Martial Emperors.

The key is that no one dared to talk back yet, which shows the great influence of Chinese.

“It’s not that Zhang Xiang, you don’t know the peculiarities of the formation order, and want to create a formation order and its difficulties.” No one spoke, so the White Emperor spoke.

“Don’t be nonsense, don’t we just stop doing the difficulties? Waiting for someone to call the door!” Zhang Xiang didn’t leave his face to the white emperor.

The angry white emperor’s teeth tickled, if he hadn’t been someone who had come out of Chinese, he would have to make it hard for the old man.

Chinese makes a big contribution, but own contribution is small!

It was his turn to dictate.

“The formation order is simply impossible to get, unless we and the empire go to full-scale war.” Zhang Jialong said.

If you want to get the formation order, unless another world forces give it to Blue Star, otherwise Shenzhou will never want to get the formation order for the rest of your life.

And it is absolutely impossible for those another world forces who take refuge in China to give their own core to Blue Star. Even if China wants to send someone to steal the school, it is absolutely impossible.

They don’t really want to take refuge in Blue Star, they just don’t want to be annexed by the empire. After they stabilize, maybe they will kill Blue Star right away.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for China to get the formation order.

Unless you can simulate the breath of another world 100%, so that people in another world cannot see that you are a blue star.

And I am afraid that only the Poison King who can do this can do it.

However, he has been killed by the Dragon King, so I don’t have to think about it.

It can only be said that Shenzhou is far from another world in the use of Spirit Power for too many years, and it is not a moment and a half to make up for it.

“What’s the noise!” Zhang Zhaozhong walked in at this moment.

“Don’t come here, you ruined your Chinese reputation.” Zhang Xiang was angry when he saw Zhang Zhaozhong.

What a beauty it was when the Chinese University Education Division was just established, but now it is taken care of by Zhang Zhaozhong.

Two more than the second-tier Wuhan University, so I really miss the Chinese.

“What are you talking about, it was fine in your hands?” Zhang Zhaozhong was not timid at all, dammiting a seventh-order Practitioner, and slapped him to death with a slap.

“It’s better than you in any way!” Zhang Xiang said with disdain.

“Okay, stop arguing between you two, let’s discuss how to deal with the next thing,” Bai Huangdao.

Of course, this white emperor is not the real white emperor, it is just a clone of the white emperor, and the white emperor’s body will not have the idle time to wrestle with them.

Martial Emperors are all non-born, and the White Emperor is one of the best, and it is naturally less likely to show up.

The Martial Emperor will always face the Martial Emperor. There is a difference between Martial King and Martial Emperor. The difference is like a cloud and mud. It is definitely not a joke to slap a Martial King to death.

Looking at the Dragon Emperor’s dealings with Wang Kai at the beginning, you know, even if Wang Kai’s use of Spirit Power is already strong enough to be a Realm, he can’t even beat the Dragon Emperor’s stick in the face of the Dragon Emperor.

“Isn’t it just a formation order? What’s the big deal.” Zhang Zhaozhong looked sarcastically, scornful, and despised everyone present.

Depend on!

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the court was dumbfounded. The formation is so good, do you still need so many people to sit here for a meeting.

“Don’t fart!” Zhang Xiang cursed directly.

“Well, Zhang Zhaozhong sits down!” The White Emperor said strongly.

The formation order is still formation order, and the white emperor does not want to say more about the grievances between Zhang Zhaozhong and Zhang Xiang, but it is not the time for them to resolve their personal grievances.

“The formation order, I will give it to you.” Zhang Zhaozhong directly took out the formation order Li Junyang brought back and placed it on the table.

“Nuo, my student brought it back.” When he spoke, Zhang Zhaozhong still looked at Zhang Xiang triumphantly, without the demeanor that Martial King should have.

“Who are you so crazy!” Zhang Xiang took Zhang Zhaozhong’s order to expose Zhang Zhaozhong, but when he held it in his hand, he felt that special energy.

Zhang Xiang’s whole person’s temperament changed in an instant, and the look in Zhen Ling’s eyes was close to crazy, his observation was extremely delicate.

Feel the operation of Spirit Power above and the formation in it.

This kind of Zhang Xiang, even Zhang Zhaozhong, who had never dealt with Zhang Xiang, couldn’t help but admire him.

The Chinese University is supported by their group of people who love to study, and Shenzhou also relies on the Chinese University to prosper like this.

Others saw Zhang Xiang’s sudden temperament, and they didn’t even have time to refute Zhang Zhaozhong. Could it be that Zhang Zhaozhong brought a real formation order! ?

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