Chapter 395

The name of Xing Yi, people present have heard of this person’s name more or less.

Although Xing Yi’s strength is very low, he is the only one who walks closer to Bai Yiling, and I heard that this kid is very selfless.

The thing I like most is dedication. It’s almost an unreserved dedication that Realm can’t even do.

Of course, Xing Yi’s strength is also on the one hand. After all, Xing Yi’s strength is also good. He was the first person to be the Practitioner at the time, and it was through Xing Yi and Wang Kaicai who became famous in the world.

But didn’t Xing Yi disappear?

In the space crack last time, almost every Martial King in the room rushed to the scene. After knowing that two Shenzhou Practitioners were trapped, they knew that the two men were probably no longer there.

It’s not so decisive, but because these two are the representatives of the 18th class of students, if they died at the same time, it would have a big impact.

Two representative figures, when they enter another world, they die instantly.

Then the Practitioner will no longer dare to enter another world from now on. It would be funny if ordinary people don’t yearn for the Practitioner.

And now Zhang Zhaozhong said that not only Xing Yi was not dead, but Xing Yi brought the formation order back, which really made them a little unbelievable.

Their group of Martial Kings and the avatar of the White Emperor can’t fix things, can Xing Yi do it as a student?

Just kidding!

But now Zhang Xiang’s expression doesn’t look fake.

Then Zhang Xiang stood up directly, broke out without saying anything, and returned to the base.

Even if someone asked, Zhang Xiang just nodded and left immediately.

After getting Zhang Xiang’s affirmative answer, they won’t be shocked this time.

The Martial Spirit that Xing Yi got this way?

Zhang Zhaozhong had to tell Li Junyang and himself the news again according to his own understanding.

To put it simply, Xing Yi entered the army in Tuwangcheng by mistake, and with his strong strength, he became the captain of one of the top ten armies.

With the high-rank formation order in charge of tens of thousands of people under him, he naturally also has the authority to cast low-rank formation orders. Li Junyang’s formation order was given by Xing Yi.

“How could he Xing Yi be the captain of another world’s army!” Someone didn’t believe it: “He wouldn’t be treason, right?”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Zhang Zhaozhong directly beat and scolded the man.

“Lao Zhang, don’t get excited, I know what Xing Yi is, I believe him, and I know his talent in cultivation Martial Skills, he has some Martial Skills learned from me!” To persuade.

“The White Emperor means that Xing Yi has learned a special Martial Skill, a Martial Skill that even people in another world can’t see.” Someone guessed.

“But is there really such a Martial Skill? I have known that Poison King can do it alone for so many years.”

“You forgot to change spiritual power!” The White Emperor reminded everyone.

They all have cultivation for spiritual transformation, and now they are all catching up with the progress of their own Practitioner, but the Cultivation Technique of spiritual transformation is really too difficult, even if they only cultivate to the third stage.

It’s too far from Dzogchen.

Xing Yi can’t always use Zhuan Linggong for simulation, if it is Zhuan Linggong, then there will be no simulation, it is a direct conversion.

It’s not fake, it’s real.

What else to check? After the conversion, you can say that he is another world person. It is impossible to check it out.

But spiritual transformation is only theoretically able to transform the breath, but can it really be cultivated to that kind of Realm?

No one knows, because there is no one who has cultivated to the kind of Realm mentioned in Zhuan Linggong.

It would be too exaggerated if Xing Yi really had the talent for training once, and according to Zhang Fu from the Body Tempering class, Wang Kai and Xing Yi almost didn’t learn Zhuan Linggong at all.

After the two were transferred by the transfer power, they became acquainted with each other immediately, and they displayed it directly, which meant that their level at the time was permanent.

Once stabilized, there will be no opportunity for cultivation to transform spiritual power.

But if forever in such a short time, how could Xing Yi cultivate spiritual power to that kind of Realm, if it really is, their group of Martial Kings would not have to live.

If Xing Yi really cultivated that kind of Realm, then there is only one possibility, that is, Zhang Fu lied in order to force his Body Tempering class.

And this possibility is not small. After all, the difference between the Body Tempering class and the potential class is too great. Zhang Fu said that it is excusable to lie and brag about himself.

Thinking of this way, a few people looked at it silently and nodded unanimously, Zhang Fu must be blowing.

Dammit was really trying to uphold himself, and he didn’t use any means, and he didn’t even want his face.

And when I thought of Xing Yi’s learning talent, it was really too strong, and he could even learn such a perverted Martial Skill as Zhuan Linggong.

Moreover, they are so proficient in learning and grasping an opportunity so well that even they have to admire it.

What they couldn’t do was actually solved by Xing Yi.

“Not only that, Xing Yi also brought back more than five million spiritual coins this time. Look at your group of deductions and search, you can’t even compare to a student.” Zhang Zhaozhong directly opened the mocking mode.

“A student in our school gave more coins than a group of your schools contributed.”

“Just brag about how strong your school is, how dare you guys!”

“If I were you, I would immediately go back and change the seller’s property, and go out to make spirit coins by myself! All of you are Martial Kings, and the speed of making them is fast. Ten thousand a day is not too much!”

“With so many of you, you can get 5 million spiritual coins in less than a few months, but I am afraid that you will not be willing to contribute by then~”

Yin & Yang is so powerful, just look at the expressions of the people around you.

They were shocked when Zhang Zhaozhong said more than five million spirit coins, and it was impossible for them to take out more than five million spirit coins at once.

Not to mention the selfless dedication, unless China is in danger, otherwise they will not be able to dedicate their wealth, and Xing Yi is worthy of their admiration based on this.

But they admire Xing Yigui and Xing Yi. They have a relationship with Zhang Zhaozhong. Did you donate them?

And what does it mean that you took away the spirit coins of Xing Yijuan directly from the Chinese University? If you don’t give it out to the people in the entire White Imperial City, you will only use it for the students of the Chinese University.

There is no doubt that Zhang Zhaozhong has already aroused public outrage. Looking at the crowd around, the White Emperor waved his hand to let them go out to fight, and make the movement as loud as possible.

Just don’t kill him, bring it in and let his body personally help him heal his injuries.

With the instructions of the White Emperor, Zhang Zhaozhong was instantly locked by various Spirit Power and Mental Energy, and the numerous Mental Energy made him immobile.

He was directly pulled out of the White Imperial City by a group of people.

Before the start of the war, I really need to relax, such as playing Zhang Zhaozhong and then getting angry in another world.

Zhang Zhaozhong was beaten, very miserable.

However, Xing Yi’s fame completely resounded in the ears of everyone in the White Imperial City, and it made Xing Yi a very deep impression in the hearts of the Martial Kings.

All this depends on Zhang Zhaozhong, Principal Zhang!

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