Chapter 396 Two Wang Kai

After Xing Yi handled his own talent in Tuwangcheng, he also returned again, and Xing Yi’s external body was being sacrificed by Xing Yi.

After mastering the virtual entity, Xing Yi’s comprehensive strength also increased sharply for a while, Xing Yi’s physical strength plus the virtual entity.

It can be said that Xing Yi is not afraid of anyone in the same rank, and even the spatial talent can no longer harm Xing Yi.

Unless mentally attacked, Xing Yi’s Mental Energy is not weak. Mental Energy has already been born with the fifth-order Practitioner, and it has reached the third-order level.

With the advancement of strength, Mental Energy’s Ascension is also fast.

And through observations over the past few days, Xing Yi is already familiar with Ye Guoliang’s army. The original three seventh-order Grand Great Masters had been killed by him a few days ago.

In other words, his immediate boss is Ye Guoliang, and what Xing Yi wants to do most now is to replace him.

Having mastered Ye Guoliang’s identity, coupled with Ye Guoliang’s order, meant that he could control the army of the entire Tuwangcheng.

With this army, he is absolutely invincible.

Moreover, Ye Guoliang has been vigorously expanding his army in these days, and he has successively joined the army every day.

After learning to complete the formation and team formation, they will also be immediately queued into the army.

The number of Xing Yi’s tenth army also began to slowly rise, and the hundreds of thousands of Practitioner army can still be completely controlled by himself.

As long as Ye Guoliang doesn’t stop him, he can control it at will, and he is the king of the Tenth Army.

The strength gap between the legion and the legion, at first glance, is not actually the number of Practitioners in the legion and the strength of the legion.

Those are only the Spirit Power values ​​that you can use, and the ones that can really affect the strength of the legion are the people who use him. In this regard, Xing Yi dare not say that it crushes the other nine teams.

But there is no problem at all with a brutal beating.

Among the ten legions, one team has the largest number of 500,000, which is also the limit of the number of a legion.

Although they are not recruiting, the lowest number of people in a regiment is Tier 4 Practitioner. Whether it is the strength of the legion or the strength of the team leader, it is not weak.

Moreover, the Tier VI Practitioner who led the team also mastered many legion Martial Skills, and using these Martial Skills alone can achieve the strength of the Tier Martial Skills.

After Xing Yi came here, he never showed that he was different from ordinary people, at best it was a talent of fire attribute.

But this is the fire attribute talent, because Xing Yi is the absolute master of the legion, and the Spirit Power of the legion is all used by Xing Yi, blessing the fire attribute talent, even if the strength of the tenth legion does not show, no one will not put Xing Yi To put in one’s eyes.

Xing Yi is undoubtedly the best at Martial Skill. Since learning Wang Kai’s improved spiritual transformation, the more he cultivates, Xing Yi feels that he has a better grasp of Spirit Power.

The faster the cultivation of Martial Skill, even later, Xing Yi watched other people’s Martial Skill release several times, and he could get a general idea without having to release his Spirit Power at all.

Zhuan Linggong is so strong, even stronger than his own talent, and he is still so, so after the improvement of Zhuan Linggong, teach it to own Wang Kai!

Xing Yi sometimes feels terrible just thinking about it. He can easily learn a Martial Skill by watching it a few times. What about Wang Kai!

It can only be stronger, and it can even transform the breath perfectly after practicing the spiritual power. If he can do it, Wang Kai will definitely be able to do it.

And Wang Kai should have been able to do it a long time ago.

Of course, Xing Yi also used his current status to probe some people who have relatively strong control over Spirit Power.

Among them, the one that impressed Xing Yi the most was the Poison King.

Ling Zhuan Jue, it is said that the skill of Zhuan Zhuan was derived by the Dragon Emperor based on Ling Zhuan Jue.

But the Poison King was also beaten to death by the Dragon King many years ago, and there is no corpse. This Poison King is also the only guy in the world who cultivates God-level Cultivation Technique.

It is also the only Martial King that needs the Martial Emperor’s action to deal with. He is superb in his strength and can control five kinds of spiritual poisons at will. There are countless elemental talents used, and he seems to have some powerful talents and physiques.

This kind of person was once targeted by Huantianjiao, but there was nothing to do with Poison King, because Poison King would hide himself too much. As long as he wanted to hide, no one would be able to find him.

The person who was able to control the five spirit poisons at will was the Dragon Emperor even after he shot it out.

Other Martial Emperors can easily defeat the Poison King, but it is difficult to find him and kill him.

This terrifying ability, and the talent that scared the world, died in the hands of the Dragon King.

Because Huantianjiao can not only extract the talents from the blue star people many times, but they can even extract the talents from the people of another world.

A Martial Emperor of Huantianjiao struggled to get the talent of the Poison King, but in the end he was robbed of the limelight by the Dragon King.

For this reason, Huantianjiao did not find trouble with the Dragon Sovereign, that is, at that time, the Dragon Sovereign went to the fire area alone in order to avoid the Huantianjiao himself.

Had it not been for the sudden appearance of the leader of the Huantian Sect, it is very likely that the Dragon Emperor would not come back.

The power of Huantianjiao is too complicated, even if there are forces of Huantianjiao inside Blue Star, let alone another world.

If Huantianjiao were changed into a country, it would be at least the top level.

Having mastered the virtual entity, naturally there is no need to let own body’s Dharmakaya outside, and to be honest, this clone is really too weak compared to the reserve of one’s own friendly value.

It is very suitable to be a firework.

For example, in the factories in Tuwangcheng where the Blue Stars were arrested, Xing Yi certainly knew that his avatar could not play a big role.

But at least a grand “firework” can be set off.

Taking advantage of today’s time, Xing Yi is in charge of recruiting soldiers today, and the clone can also be just within the control of own.

A fire attribute Practitioner of a Tier 6 Practitioner, and also in control of all his Martial Skills, is enough to display it in this Tuwangcheng.

In the next second, a clone with the same look and breath as Wang Kai appeared in the crowded downtown.

How to excavate the sky, Xing Yi also found the location of these factories.

Xing Yi started the fight without saying a word.

The breath of the blue star man, still the breath of the sixth-order Practitioner, appeared instantly.

The city order to enter the city is done in advance and will not be driven out.

Xing Yi didn’t keep his hands at all. There were so many seventh-order Practitioners in Tuwangcheng, and it was impossible to pipe the entire Tuwangcheng with everything.

This also gave Xing Yi room for development.

In order to ask for suspicion, the clone also directly asked Xing Yi’s control range and acted according to Xing Yi’s orders.

After the order, he relied on his subconscious to act, just like an independent Xing Yi.

He didn’t obey Xing Yi until he was close to Xing Yi, but I didn’t know if he could still see Xing Yi’s body.

The avatar of the sixth-order Practitioner was thrown into the downtown area, and the moat formation had not yet driven away, a man shouting that he was Wang Kai was mad in Tuwangcheng.

Anyone who is close to the factory, no matter who the clone is, will kill them directly.

At this time, Wang Kai was also on the road of Tuwangcheng.

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