Chapter 422 Spirit Net

After a few days, Xing Yi still failed to make a breakthrough to become a sixth-order Practitioner. It can only be said that the speed of Practitioner cultivation is indeed not as fast as that of Qi Practitioner.

However, Xing Yi’s cultivation speed is fast enough. With the three times of bone marrow tempering, Xing Yi’s Practitioner speed has begun to slowly equalize Qi Practitioner’s cultivation speed and even surpassed it.

The reason is that Xing Yi’s bone marrow can be tempered three times, but Cyclone can’t, without special strengthening, Xing Yi can only be tempered twice.

After all, the cyclone is not within the tempering range of the body Practitioner, even if Xing Yi wants to temper, there is no way.

But it’s not bad, the current strength is not bad, the strength of the sixth-order Practitioner, even if it encounters the general seventh-order Practitioner, Xing Yi is not afraid.

The reason is because of the blessing of spatial talent. If before, Xing Yi would definitely not dare to say that he could compete with the seventh-order Practitioner.

Because space is a huge gap, it is a huge gap that Spirit Power cannot fill. Only with the strength that can break the space and manipulate the space can we have a level that can be compared.

Although Xing Yi only has a sixth-order Practitioner, the Spirit Power value is not bad compared to a general seventh-order Practitioner, let alone Xing Yi’s body.

There is also a Martial Emperor clone, Xing Yi is not afraid at all.

And on this day, Xing Yi was finally going to Yunhuangcheng.

Xing Yi went to the Cloud Imperial City, which meant that the Tuwang City would completely confront the Blue Star forces, and the war was about to begin.

Even if there is no Tuwangcheng, there will be other royal cities, and the Blue Star forces will also face the life and death challenges of another world.

If you win, you will take root in the soil, and if you lose, you won’t even have any human rights.

The special physique of the blue star people is doomed to two endings for the blue star people. Either they are the masters, or they can only be lambs to be slaughtered.

There is also a space tunnel between Tuwangcheng and Yunhuangcheng, but the distance is too far, and the tunnel entrance is not large.

The number of people who can pass is limited, and the space tunnel cannot be entered directly by just one person.

There is also a requirement for strength. Even for the shortest space tunnel, the Practitioner’s body strength must be at least Tier 6.

As for ordinary people, unless there is a Martial King next to them and someone is protecting that person, otherwise the energy in the space tunnel is enough to tear a fifth-order Practitioner.

Not to mention this kind of spatial tunnel that spans two cities, the physical strength of the seventh-order Practitioner is somewhat reluctant.

But Xing Yi had no problems in the past.

After explaining some things about the Tuwangcheng, Xing Yi also brought his clone to the entrance of the space tunnel.

A black hole is surrounded by the power of space. Although his current body strength is already very unusual, Xing Yi believes that the space here is enough to break him.

The power of space, there is no energy fluctuation, there is no chance to be able to sense it at all, when you know it, a certain part of your body may have been separated.

When the body can resist the force of space, that is the real immortal body.

When Xing Yi switched to realizing the doppelganger, using the strength of the doppelganger to observe these spatial tunnels was particularly pediatric.

I feel that I can fabricate these powers at hand, and the clone has no space talent, only a fire attribute talent.

Not only that, as soon as he uses the clone, Xing Yi has a feeling of invincibility, and feels that this world is nothing but me.

The energy that can be manipulated is so powerful that Xing Yi even has a feeling that his own thought can make Tuwangcheng move.

It’s useless for any great formations of the fortress, and you have to finish playing with a slap.

This is just a clone, not the real Martial Emperor. One can imagine what kind of power the real Martial Emperor will have.

Whether it is Mental Energy or Spirit Power, or physical strength, I am afraid that it is not what I can imagine now.

Not to mention anything else, even the physical strength of Xing Yi’s clone is far beyond that of Xing Yi’s body, regardless of Xing Yi’s tempering three times.

In front of Martial Emperor, even if it is a pseudo Martial Emperor, it is not qualified at all.

Xing Yi mastered such a strong energy, no wonder Xing Yi dared to go to the Cloud Imperial City alone, which was the center of the Blue Star force.

That’s right!

In fact, it is only Yun Imperial City that wants to destroy the Blue Star power. The true imperial power will not pay attention to a small power that does not even have the strength of the royal city.

The entire territory and its strength, with more racial talents, will eventually either merge into it or be wiped out.

As the empire is the oldest group of Martial Emperor forces in the dirt event, the main task now is to unify the entire territory.

A territory, power and its complexity, nearly a thousand imperial cities, not the imperial city of the Blue Star forces, but the imperial city of Yun imperial city, with territory and resources at its feet.

But even so, the original relatively large forces in the Territory were the forces of the ancient Martial Emperor, and they took the lead in fusing.

The power of the empire has almost completed its unification in the territories.

The main purpose of the empire now is those imperial cities that have not yet been unified, as well as forces outside the territory.

We must know that as the center of the five continents, the land area is also the most suitable for the survival and development of human beings.

How could the forces on other continents have no idea. The five continents have soil and water areas suitable for human survival.

But the water is above the water, and it is cold all year round, and the resources are pitifully scarce.

They don’t know how long they have been fond of for the land of the earth.

Not only them, but also some forces on other continents, although they are not strong, they are also forces that have existed for a long time.

These forces are the main goals of the empire.

As for the Blue Star power, it is not important at all. The Blue Star power is not even as important to the Empire as the Dragon Emperor alone.

A very small power, the empire may not even know that there is such a power.

Don’t look at him as the birthplace of the Dragon Emperor.

It can only be said that the land area is really too big, and the total area of ​​the blue star may not be one ten thousandth of the land area.

And the Earth Territory is more than just a planet connected to Blue Star.

At first, the Earth Empire was also interested in these places connected to the Earth through space tunnels, but found that these planets are also similar.

There is no place to study at all, it may be that one or two Martial Emperors who are idle will go to these small planets for a stroll.

But in general, Blue Star can only be said to be a small force in the earth.

Not only the area of ​​influence, but also the number of people.

Through thousands of years of inheritance, even if there is no development of modern thermal weapons in the territory, the use of Spirit Power is definitely stronger and more convenient than modern technology.

It’s just that these things have not been popularized, and you need a certain amount of strength to use them.

Just like Cloud Imperial City!

Some of Xing Yi’s imagination of another world was completely subverted here.

There is no modern technology. Compared with modern technology, this place is more like a legendary fairyland.

Spirit Power itself is a kind of energy, and Cloud Imperial City has simply played out this aspect of energy.

It turns out that another world also has internet and entertainment activities.

Spirit Net!

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