Chapter 423 Cloud Imperial City

Compared with the White Imperial City, the Cloud Imperial City is more like a modern network city.

All kinds of modern information technologies are not bad either. Another world’s signal is not good, but Yunhuangcheng uses Mental Energy to replace Bluestar’s so-called information technology.

The Territory is indeed a continent with thousands of planets, but a hundred flowers bloom only in the imperial city.

It stands to reason that another world has such a level of development, even if there is no such information building in ordinary and remote places, it should always be there.

However, Xing Yi felt that he had seen the most powerful technology in the Tuwangcheng City where he had seen several orders, a token that was similar to a mobile phone and identity, and could give the owner a token of strength.

But compared to the level of development of Cloud Imperial City, Tuwang City is really far behind.

Cloud Imperial City is not that kind of particularly large imperial city in the land, and there are only more than 30 imperial cities under the influence.

If you compare the territories to Shenzhou, then Yunhuangcheng is more like a province, but it is not particularly well developed, and it is a particularly remote province.

As soon as Xing Yi got there, two people walked out immediately, all of them were Tier 7 Practitioners.

The hard power of the whole body is stronger than Xing Yi, and I have to say that Xing Yi understands the background of the imperial city a little bit at this moment.

Those who connect people have the strength of the Grand Great Master, and how strong the overall strength of the imperial city will be.

“City Lord Ye, I will arrange a place for you to rest first.” One person led the way, and the other said to Xing Yi’s clone, Ye Guoliang.

Ye Guoliang nodded: “Yeah.”

And the other person next to him did not give Xing Yi a deep look: “I want to come here, this is Xing Wei from Tuwangcheng! I’ve been admiring for a long time!”

“Your performance in the martial arts field, even we have heard of it in Cloud Imperial City.”

Xing Yi simply dealt with a few sentences, and ignored the two of them, knowing that he still said so much nonsense.

Xing Yi observes the surrounding buildings more and more strangely, but each one is exquisite and has too many styles.

It feels like the entire imperial city is like a hodgepodge. Although the style is messy, it has an exceptional beauty.

Most of the people encountered along the way are fifth-order Practitioners, there are many sixth-order Practitioners, and seventh-order Practitioners are not common.

But let two Grand Great Masters lead the way, there are still many Grand Great Masters who want to come to the imperial city.

The two people did not pay much attention to Ye Guoliang. It is very likely that Ye Guoliang is just a Martial King, and his strength is definitely not as good as the real Martial King.

It is very possible that the performance in the formation is not as good as a real seventh-order Practitioner, but the Martial King is after all the Martial King, even if it is the formation Martial King, it is not the two of them that can provoke.

People who can offend Martial King, either you are also Martial King, or the forces behind you are willing to offend a Martial King for you.

After all, Ye Guoliang is the lord of a city, and there will still be respect that he should have, but Xing Yi is different. In their eyes, Xing Wei is no different from a dead man.

The Li family had already let go, saying that Xing Wei would be killed.

Even Xing Wei’s talent is useless.

A Practitioner with fire attributes is still very valuable in another world, and its own strength is not bad, and there is a highlight moment to compete with Li Kai.

Practitioners with talents are still rare in another world. Every Practitioner with talents is the target of the forces.

After all, the role of talent Practitioner in the formation is much more useful than the Practitioner without talent.

And the same strength, there are too many differences between the talented Practitioner.

If Xing Yi hadn’t killed Li Tonghua, maybe he had come to the imperial city, and the Li family would have recruited Xing Yi.

But now it’s completely different. The Li family has already planned to experiment with Xing Yi.

A piece of equipment bought from Huan Tian Jiao, Zheng Chou had no test items, so Xing Yi sent it to the door.

The death of Li Tonghua was second. If it hadn’t been for the Li family bought a lot of equipment from Huan Tian Jiao this time and needed experimental products, the Li family might even win over Xing Yi.

After all, a talented Practitioner still has a lot of weight in another world, and Li Tonghua is just a child of the Li family who is assigned to the frontier.

We are all in Tuwangcheng, why is it important?

But that was before Xing Yi didn’t destroy the Li family, Tuwangcheng, and now Xing Wei has no second path except being a test product.

Not only Xing Yi, but also Ye Guoliang. The Li family already wanted to take Ye Guoliang down. A Martial King would kill him if he said it.

It was still killed with the great defense formation and the formation order, and it would be strange if the Li family could bear it.

Therefore, whether it is Xing Wei or Ye Guoliang this time, in the eyes of many people, they are already dead.

Sooner or later, when Ye Guoliang still had an eighth-order formation, they still didn’t dare to move.

This time Ye Guoliang came, and many people knew in their hearts that it was no longer a problem of dealing with the Blue Star forces, but should be explaining his wave of operations to the imperial city.

It is definitely a taboo to use the army to deal with the forces in your city, let alone use the great defense formation that was originally used to defend against foreign enemies.

Ye Guoliang was simply thinking about it. If Ye Guoliang couldn’t come up with any decent reasons this time, then his eighth-order formation order would definitely be lost.

And Ye Guoliang himself lost the order of the eighth order, which means that the lord of the Tuwangcheng is also gone, and it must be cool.

When they were brought to their place of residence, the two simply confessed a few words and then retreated. The real storm is tomorrow, and Xing Yi has one day to deal with his own affairs.

When he came to Yunhuangcheng, Xing Yi knew that own formation was equivalent to Yunhuangcheng’s ID card and bank card, but it was true that there was not much money in the formation.

Although the army is also paid, the Tuwangcheng does not have the equipment like the imperial city. Generally speaking, it distributes cash.

It was in the imperial city that Xing Yi learned that Zhenling had a function similar to that of a bank card.

Going around can be considered as an understanding of the imperial city, which is more like a city than the Tuwangcheng.

Tuwangcheng is a relatively large city, and it can still see the boundary, or the kind that can perceive the boundary.

The Yunhuangcheng here is similar to some cities in China, which is more modernized, but there are also some areas that ordinary people can’t get close to.

For example, the center of Cloud Imperial City is where Cloud Emperor stays. Even the Martial King is not qualified to enter, and he is usually outside during meetings.

For ordinary people, Martial Emperor is a superior god, and the same is true for Martial King in another world.

Martial Emperor will not show up, but he has his own spokesperson. No one has actually seen Martial Emperor.

When I saw the Martial Emperor, there was always a big battle, such as the dirt incident in the previous years.

Almost all the Martial Emperors in the territory have emerged, otherwise the central area would not be able to handle the massive moat formation alone.

Martial Emperors appeared in their cities one after another.

And those royal cities were wiped out.

Once dirt exploded, Tuyu didn’t know how many people died.

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