Chapter 430-Upgraded Origin Space

For an hour, even if Xing Yi was tempering every moment, he couldn’t hold it under the force of such a space.

Even if you put an eighth-order Martial King, it may not be able to withstand the pressure of the current space. It can be seen that Xing Yi is under the pressure of cultivation.

At this time, Li Xingxiang was also completely moved.

This son must be eliminated, or else there will be endless troubles, thousands of miles are too big, no one knows this secret realm better than Li Xingxiang. After all, the opening of every year is started by Li Xingxiang.

Li Xingxiang knew exactly what kind of state it was inside, but how Xing Wei managed to get it off, Li Xingxiang can’t understand until now, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to resist such a powerful space pressure.

This is no longer a question of physical strength. It has involved spatial attributes. Although the Grand Great Master can also break up the space, the operation of the space is absolutely blank.

Moreover, the spatial attributes of this secret realm, even if Martial King were put in, he would not be able to carry it to the end alone. This kid must have some ulterior secret, and it is very big.

Li Xingxiang has already considered whether he should go to Moyun’s border to block Xing Yi. He must kill the danger in the bud, or use it for himself.

Although outsiders didn’t understand the horror of this secret realm, the time Xing Yi insisted on was already shocking enough.

Prior to this year, the Grand Great Master held the highest record for only ten hours, while Xing Yi has persisted for fifteen hours, and the luster on Xing Yi’s body has not darkened, but has become brighter.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xing Yi has become stronger with the naked eye, as if he hadn’t been affected by the secret realm at all.

In fact, Xing Yi is already under great pressure now. As early as an hour ago, he couldn’t handle some of them, not to mention now. His ability to resist depends entirely on his own spatial talent.

If you don’t have the talent for space, you may have already exploded and died or been crushed into slag. The space power involved in this is too strong, and the body alone can’t absorb too much.

Not to mention that Xing Yi has only one person. He can persist for so long because of his spatial talent. The most obvious thing is that his own system space and savings space are constantly increasing.

And his control of space is getting stronger and stronger. The most important thing is that Xing Yi feels that he has a faint connection with this secret realm, as if he can control this secret realm.

But now his most important task is to become stronger. No matter how strong the secret realm is, the time is limited, and he has not much time left, so he must complete a refinement immediately.

What Xing Yi didn’t know was that this secret realm was quietly fusing Xing Yi’s original space, as if it belonged to part of Xing Yi’s original space, it was merging quietly, even Xing Yi himself did not find out.

No way. Although Xing Yi can use it at will, he still needs to be friendly and worthy. When he didn’t spend money, Xing Yi couldn’t feel the changes in the original space.

It is also because of the spatial talent that attracts firepower in the front, Xing Yi can unscrupulously merge and temper in the back, and the speed at which his strength increases is so fast that it is terrifying.

Twenty-four hours, after Xing Yi used his spatial talent, he carried it almost effortlessly.

Twenty-four hours later, Xing Yi and Secret Realm disappeared instantly.

However, Li Xingxiang was stunned. The secret realm disappeared. It was the most functional secret realm in Cloud Imperial City. It was the most useful place for Qi Practitioner’s physical strength increase, and it was also the place with the most significant effect.

After almost every Grand Great Master enters, as long as they stay for that long, they will almost have a physical fitness comparable to that of a Practitioner. Although it is still not as good as a Practitioner of the same rank, it is definitely qualitative compared to the previous one. Variety.

What Yunhuang wants to do most is to master this secret realm and try to unlock this secret realm. But so far, he has unlocked the first body-strengthened secret realm, and no one knows how many secret realms there are.

This secret realm is absolutely vital to Cloud Imperial City. It is a terrifying advantage to think that every Grand Great Master has a physical strength comparable to that of a Practitioner of the same rank.

Not to mention that this secret realm not only strengthens the body, but the deeper secret realm has not yet been developed.

The secret realm suddenly lost contact, and Li Xingxiang didn’t panic too much, because the secret realm itself was not in his control. It was possible that Emperor Yun had cut off his own connection.

If it was taken away by others, Li Xingxiang would not believe it. The secret realm was located in Yunhuangcheng. If it could be taken away, those Martial Emperors who had come to try Yunhuangcheng would have taken it long ago.

So Li Xingxiang was not too lost.

But the crowds onlookers were different. They saw Xing Yi persist until the end before disappearing.

In other words, Xing Yi persisted for a full twenty-four hours, maybe Xing Yi could last longer, a Grand Great Master from a royal city actually has such strength, it is too exaggerated.

I couldn’t believe it, but at this time Xing Yi’s clone suddenly broke off contact with Xing Yi, as if a Xing Yi suddenly appeared, naturally it means own.

Feeling the strength and peculiarities of own, “Ye Guoliang” also smiled.

On the other side of Xing Yi, he was in a space, very ethereal, and there was no sound at all, but Xing Yi could see and perceive the outside world clearly.

And Xing Yi felt that he could go out at any time, but when Xing Yi saw the crowd outside, the leader was Yun Xi who was finally eliminated by him.

Xing Yi knew he could not go out now.

But he could go to the original space, and he still went out, but inside the original space, as soon as he entered the original space, the space Xing Yi had just everywhere disappeared in an instant.

And the location of the original space is in the middle of Yunxi and the others. Xing Yi can clearly perceive what they say and move with Mental Energy.

However, Xing Yi is not in the mood to care about them now, but instead cares about what has changed in his own source space.

The moment Xing Yi came in, he felt that his own cultivation speed had increased too much. The most important thing was not only the cultivation of Spirit Power and the cultivation of Qi and blood, but also Mental Energy.

It seems that they have an increase rate of twenty times, and that of Mental Energy’s cultivation rate is twenty times that is too exaggerated. The most important thing is that it doesn’t cost money to enter the Origin Space again.

It seems to be integrated into oneself, becoming a part of one’s own body and can be used and controlled at will, and the same is true for bringing people in.

However, there seems to be a limit on the number of people. Now I will bring two more people in, but this is enough. The original space is not a small hole card, and Xing Yi will never bring people in if there is no special surprise.

And Yunxi was a little impatient outside already waiting.

“Why hasn’t this Xing Wei come down yet!?”

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