Chapter 431: Unlocking New Talents

When Xing Yi was in Yunhuangcheng, they eliminated them one by one.

The arrogance of arrogance, they have never seen before, and the group of people left behind, that is, those people sent away by Xing Yi, which strength is not top.

But if they were sent away by Xing Yi, it would be strange if they weren’t angry. This made them lose the easiest chance of Ascension physical strength in their lives. In another world, this is definitely a deep hatred.

Therefore, as soon as they entered the border of Mo Yun, they waited on the spot, and when Xing Yi came out, even if he didn’t kill him, they had to make him kneel and beg for mercy.

The same is true with Yun Xi. Although she is the daughter of Emperor Yun, the space secret realm is not a strong resource for him, but this is also her chance to become famous, or to prove her own opportunity.

Prove that he is not just the daughter of Emperor Yun, but a powerful Grand Great Master. In order to prove himself, he did not carry all the equipment that Emperor Yun gave Own.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so easily eliminated by Xing Yi and sent away.

When Yun Xi was also sent out by Xing Yi, those outside who were waiting for Xing Yi were shocked. Originally, they were still discussing whether Xing Yi would send Yun Xi together.

Most people guess that Xing Yi didn’t have the guts, but the fact is that Yun Xi came out with them right away, and the gap between them was only two or three minutes.

Xing Yi not only sent Yunxi out, but he didn’t show any mercy, so he sent it out just like that, as if he didn’t put Yunxi in one’s eyes.

Yun Xi has never been treated like this before, even if she wants to prove herself, but her self-esteem does not allow her to let Xing Yi go so easily.

But thousands of people waited until the space tunnel was closed and Xing Yi hadn’t come out yet.

At the beginning, there were people who guessed how long Xing Yi could last, compared to when they were all immobile, Xing Yi was still able to move freely.

Many people have guessed that Xing Yi will definitely not be able to break through the highest time record of Yunhuangcheng. After all, even if Xing Yi is strong, he will send everyone out, no one will share the pressure for him, even if he is talented, it will be useless.

But the reality slapped them in the face severely.

Xing Yi did not come before the secret realm was opened for ten hours, which means that Xing Yi persisted for ten hours and broke the highest record of Yunhuangcheng.

Only by persisting in the secret realm can I know the power of space. Xing Yi can persist for so long, and in the secret realm, not only can he move freely for such a long time, but he can even release Martial Skills.

After ten hours, many people’s attitude towards Xing Yi has slowly changed. After all, he is such a great Grand Great Master.

He has gradually acknowledged Xing Yi’s strength and status in his heart.

Staying here is just to see how long Xing Yi can last, even Yun Xi has a little thought like this, to see how long Xing Yi can last.

But when the tunnel was closed, no one saw Xing Yi again.

“Did that guy retire midway?”

“Or he couldn’t handle the pressure, so he died away!?”

“This space tunnel is closed. That guy can’t come out again. I thought he was good, but he just gave up the game!?”

Most people also agree with this view, that is, Xing Yi retired.

After so long, it is impossible for them to continue to wait here for Xing Yi to come out, the space tunnel has been closed, and they have to go back to the game.

Although the content of the game is to stick to the end, you will be able to win, but the premise is that it is inside the border of Moyun, not here, there is still a distance of tens of kilometers from the border of Moyun.

Either passing through the frontier of Mo Yun is considered as persisting to the end, but no one has ever been able to pass through the frontier of Mo Yun.

People left one after another.

And Xing Yi stayed in the original space, feeling the changes of the original space, the original space was too strong.

It seems to be what it is now after coming out of the secret realm.

After understanding it clearly, Xing Yi didn’t plan to go out, but chose to unlock a new talent, and there was enough time.

To unlock a new talent, Ascension’s strength is the most important.

The friendliness value of 5 billion disappeared in an instant, and it was a new talent.

Thunder attribute talent body!

However, Xing Yi didn’t feel any discomfort with this talent acquisition, and everything was so natural. I don’t know if the own balance body has become too strong, or what other reasons.

What Xing Yi has now is that his own energy and blood are constantly surging, not the kind of riot of talent, but the bonus of obtaining new talents, whether it is blood, Spirit Power, or Mental Energy, are in Ascension.

The Thunder attribute talent body strengthens Qi and blood. It is also the only attribute talent body that can strengthen its own Qi and blood. It is also the only talent that can integrate Qi and blood. Like other talents, it can only integrate Spirit Power, not Qi and blood.

Only the thunder attribute talent body can give the blood thunder attribute, the talent is rare, so far there are only two blue stars.

It has been integrated for nearly a day, and it is not so much integration as strengthening.

After one day of strengthening, and one day of strengthening through the space secret realm, now own strength is no longer comparable to before.

Open the system panel:

Friendship value: 90 billion 90 million points

Blood value: 1290000 cards

Spirit Power value: 150,000 cards

Mental Energy: 100,000 yuan

System space: 14,400,000 cubic meters (increases with strength)

System functions:

Probe: (You can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, 10 points of friendship at a time.)

Concealment: You can hide all your talents and strengths. (Consumption of ten friendly points per minute)

Stealth: You can hide your body shape. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Breath simulation: Any breath can be simulated. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Saving space: The saving space in the body can store excess energy in the body and use it at any time, saving up to 100 times its own strength.

Absolute defense: One percent of the devouring effect. (Ascension will increase with strength)

Origin space: Allow outsiders to enter (consumption of 100 friendly points per minute)

Dharmakaya outside the body: (strength is determined by the consumption of friendliness)

The Eye of Comprehension: Comprehension Ability

Talent: Balance Body, Practitioner Body, Five Elements Body, Spirit Poison Body (Incomplete), Virtual Entity, Space Body, Thunder Attribute Talent Body

Unlock Talent: 10 billion friendly points

Unlock function: 10 billion friendly points

The blood value is as high as more than 10 million, and Mental Energy is as high as 100,000. This is much stronger than before. If there is no special magnetic field in a radius of 100 kilometers, I can feel it clearly.

Mental Energy already has the level that a normal Tier 6 Practitioner cultivation should have after a long time, and he has finally caught up.

However, there is still a certain gap from the seventh-order Grand Great Master, but he has an array order and can make up for the gap.

The real exaggeration is the strength of own body. Xing Yi now even has the confidence to dare to resist the offensive of Martial Skill in space.

With the help of the formation, he really has the level to compete with the seventh-order Grand Great Master, as long as he doesn’t meet the top-notch Grand Great Master.

Just like Wang Kai!

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