Chapter 469: Four Talents

Hearing what his daughter said, Yunhuang’s Mental Energy also spread out again, but this time Xing Yi was in the battle, and the mental energy he owned was no worse than Yunhuang.

It is impossible for Yunhuang to check Xing Yi’s talent and strength anymore, he can only look far away from the formation.

“You can rest assured that if what you say is true, I won’t let him die.” Not to mention this kind of talent in Cloud Imperial City, even in the entire empire, it is top-notch.

With the six attribute talents, relying on this, I am afraid it will be the next Martial Emperor. As long as the resources and teaching are in place, there should be no bottleneck.

And now, there is one secret realm missing in Cloud Imperial City. If there is an additional Martial Emperor in the near future, it can make up for the gap.

Continue to see which side of Xing Yi, the formation has been completed, more than five million formation Practitioner, hundreds of billions of Spirit Power are all controlled by Xing Yi.

And the beast tide on the opposite side is not weak at all. Facing the imposing momentum ahead, it is also that the army directly suppresses the realm and does not intend to stop at all.

Tumu looked at the formation in front of him, his strength was not bad, but it was useless in front of the beast tide, the Spirit Power of the beast tide was much stronger than the former.

Moreover, dirt does not think that the center of the opposing array order can be stronger than himself in the use of Spirit Power.

The more Spirit Power, the more cramped the controller will be when using Spirit Power. It seems that Spirit Power is unlimited, but there is not much Spirit Power that can be used.

Don’t look at the majesty of the dirt now. In fact, he can’t fully use the Spirit Power in the beast tide, only part of it.

Most of the remaining Spirit Power is used for the defense of the animal tide.

And now the dirt is not the original Martial Emperor, even the Spirit Power of the beast tide can converge on him through a special magnetic field for his use.

But to put it bluntly, Spirit Power is not his, it is equivalent to the dirt is also a relatively powerful Practitioner, and Xing Yi is the same.

But Xing Yi’s balance body is quietly playing its role, and the Spirit Power in the entire array is slowly being balanced and integrated by Xing Yi into Xing Yi’s own body.

And because of the balance body, Xing Yi can directly add attributes to the Spirit Power in the formation. With this, Xing Yi’s Spirit Power is one level higher than the dirt.

And as the balance body becomes more and more stable, Xing Yineng’s additional attributes will only increase.

When the two armies approached, Xing Yi took the lead in launching an offensive. With a wave of the powerful soil attribute Spirit Power, he controlled the land under his feet, rising from the ground, and instantly an abyss spreading tens of kilometers in length was formed.

The original land is also suspended above the animal tide.

Before Xing Yi buried them, a stronger Spirit Power rushed straight to the ground above. The ground was instantly shattered and slowly fell, and the tide of beasts underneath also slowly flew up, otherwise it would still be caused by this. Buried in the ground.

Tu Gu looked at the boy in the center of the formation order in front of him. He had such strength and could actually integrate his own attribute talent into the formation order. The city lord of this king city seemed to be quite strong.

But that’s it, no matter how strong it is, it will not be stronger than own beast tide. This time I can bring out a lot of Demonic Beasts. Even if Yunhuangcheng makes a shot, the dirt is confident to fight.

Not to mention just a royal city.

“Daddy is your ancestor for the control of soil attributes!”

The next step was the counterattack of dirt, and the debris falling everywhere was suddenly applied with a special Spirit Power, one by one, like a cannonball, towards the front line.

The most frightening thing is that these rubbles have added a kind of spatial force, and the speed of each displacement is too fast, and the powerful can even penetrate Xing Yi’s defenses, straight into the formation order, and instantaneous mass casualties.

Xing Yi didn’t dare to be careless, and immediately set up a wooden defense outside the formation, and all the gravel that he passed was intercepted.

And Xing Yi is also Xue Jing. In terms of playing space, he is not bad. The talent of space is enough to compete with dirt.

Especially for own space control, it is okay to open a hole in the beast tide magnetic field.

Starting to fight back, Xing Yi’s space tunnels were drawn out one by one. From the outside, Xing Yi’s formation seemed to cover a layer of black defense.

The wood-attribute defense fell, the space defense opened, and all the rubble that went in reappeared from above the beast tide. The powerful space power did not tear the beast tide’s magnetic field.

Because the defensive magnetic field of the beast tide is much stronger than the offensive of the dirt, but Xing Yi can help, and all the small openings are opened by Xing Yi.

In an instant it was a blockbuster of Demonic Beasts casualties, and the denser beast tide caused more casualties.

Everyone watching this scene was also shocked.

Tuwangcheng actually has the strength to hurt the beast tide, and it also has such strength. If you read it correctly, the new city lord of the Tuwangcheng seems to have a dual attribute talent. The most important thing is that he has too strong control of the space.

Being in the formation order, I am afraid that this kind of control must at least have the strength of the Martial Emperor. Otherwise, how could it be possible to tear the defense of the beast tide and cause casualties to the beast tide.

Even this casualty may be too small for the animal tide, and even less than one millionth of their Demonic Beasts.

But being able to hurt the tide of beasts is already great in itself, and the gap between the two is really too big.

And the next scene is even more exaggerated, the rubble that has been sucked into the cracks in the space comes out with a layer of Spirit Power with the fire attribute.

The lava boulders, scattered on the beast tide, cooperated with Xing Yi’s spatial control, as if the end times, the beast tide appeared so small under such attack.

However, the actual situation did seem to be vulnerable to the attack. Except for Xing Yi’s space control, the attack could hardly hurt the beast tide.

The dirt was also angry. He played space and attributes in front of him. It was true that he was eating dry food. The Spirit Power instantly covered the fire, which was too exaggerated compared to Xing Yi’s formation.

The moment the Spirit Power was covered, the battlefield seemed to be turned into a sea of ​​fire, not like it was in the earth, but more like it was in the fire.

The flame covered and burned. Together with the Spirit Power, the surrounding Spirit Power was burned much thinner by this powerful attribute flame.

Xing Yi’s formation is even more unfriendly, because this attribute fire and Xing Yi’s large formation are also burning together, even Xing Yi has seen such a terrifying attribute flame for the first time.

It is much more powerful than what he uses. You must know that Xing Yi has always cultivated the fire attribute as his master talent.

But Xing Yi asked himself that he would never be able to achieve this level of combustion formation.

Not only Xing Yi, but everyone else was just as dumbfounded. Is this really what the Demon King can achieve? Isn’t this definitely an offensive led by the Demon King?

Even Yunhuang had this suspicion, even the fire attribute Demonic Beasts could not be so powerful.

With a sigh, Emperor Yun was still ready to make a move.

But in the next second, Xing Yi also countered. The ice attribute talent plus the water attribute talent also swept the Spirit Power. With the dual attribute blessing, the surrounding flames instantly became much smaller, and some flames that were frozen up could even be seen.

Four talents are already!

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