Chapter 470-Breakthrough in the Battle

The Trusted City Lord of Tuwang City has revealed four kinds of attribute talents, and there is also a rare talent of ice attribute talents.

It was no longer the people in Yunhuangcheng who were shocked this time, even the White Emperor who was close to the Baihuangcheng had mixed food in their hearts at this time.

Seeing Xing Yi, who controlled hundreds of billions of Spirit Power to resist the beast tide in the formation, the White Emperor was full of bitterness. He did not expect that the one who helped Blue Star resist the beast tide was their deadly enemy, Tuwangcheng.

As for the forces on his side, no one is willing to stand up to deal with this unprecedented scale of the animal tide.

Even the ancient three emperors were unwilling. Except for which emperor of China was still considering, the Martial Emperor of the other two skin colors had already found a place to cat.

There are two quasi Martial Emperor clones left, and I don’t know whether to lie to others or to lie to myself.

I really thought that if the Blue Star power was gone, they would have a good end.

Looking at their own forces, even though a few core Wudas are gearing up, how can they be opponents of the beast tide, even if all the secret weapons researched by the Chinese University are added, it is not enough for the beast tide to stuff their teeth.

Looking at which new city lord of Tuwangcheng, not only did he not persuade him in the face of the beast tide, but he also fought back and pulled out all his own forces. For this, the White Emperor admired it very much.

Not to mention Xing Yi’s current record. If it is not a rival, the White Emperor will definitely be willing to make this friend, but it is a pity.

Such a character, if he didn’t die on the beast tide, then he would only be an opponent afterwards.

And the five million Practitioners behind him, these are things that the Blue Star forces may have to face in the future, I can only hope to take this opportunity to consume the power of both parties.

At this time, standing in the viewing area in the White Imperial City, almost all of the highest combat power of the Chinese University gathered here, and the lowest is the sixth-order Great Master.

And Bai Yiling is here, she has successfully broken through to the strength of the seventh-order Grand Great Master. Before Xing Yi and the others returned, Bai Yiling was the youngest Grand Great Master of Blue Star.

This is a great honor.

But now Bai Yiling didn’t have any idea of ​​enjoying this honor, just because Zhang Zhaozhong told Bai Yiling that Xing Yi was also in Tuwangcheng.

Moreover, it is still not a small official rank in the Tuwangcheng formation order, which means that Xing Yi is likely to stay in the formation order against the beast tide.

Bai Yiling’s two big watery eyes were full of worries. Bai Yiling had seen Xing Yi’s simulation skills before, but in the midst of the order, how could it be possible to leave it alone.

If Xing Yi’s strength is lower, Bai Yiling is not so worried, but the high-rank formation Practitioner is the core of the formation, and the death of a high-rank formation means that there is a part of the formation Practitioner. It will be out of control for a long time.

This is the opportunity, the animal tide will definitely concentrate on dealing with those “breakthrough points”, and the sixth-order Great Master is also the best breakthrough point.

“Is Brother Yi really inside?” Bai Yiling put his hands on his chest, his eyes fixedly looking at the formation order, unable to see the specific situation of the formation order.

But the world of spreading flames and ice caps suddenly formed a special scene of the two heavens of ice and fire, and the first feeling these scenes give people is danger!

Fortunately, there is a projection from the White Imperial City in the viewing area, so that they can watch the scene ahead as well.

At this time, looking at the battle between Zhenling and Beast Tide, both sides are floating in the air, and the ground under their feet has been beaten into an abyss.

There are space cracks everywhere, one by one distributed all around, out of control, giving people a gloomy feeling.

The dirt is completely angry, and a little Martial King dares to do this right with himself, so let’s completely die in it!

Xing Yi was also unwilling to show weakness. The strong formation strength gave Xing Yi an unprecedented experience. Especially in the formation order, Xing Yi’s forcible integration of Mental Energy allowed Xing Yi’s three temperings to proceed rapidly.

However, at this time, Xing Yi has no time to enjoy the “pleasure” of tempering Mental Energy. The dirt and dirt are already crazy.

The dirt appeared in its true form, and the power of the beast tide that could be controlled once again exploded ascension.

However, Xing Yi’s space-breaking blade that has been charged for half a day is not a vegetarian. A space-breaking blade that is several kilometers long can feel its horror even when viewed from a distance.

Not to mention that this broken blade also has six additional violent attributes.

In mid-air, a thousand-meter-long broken blade was instantly dismembered and turned into tens of thousands of small broken blades. It was said to be small, but it was definitely stronger than the one Xing Yi used alone.

The beast wave’s magnetic field was broken by Xing Yi again, and completely penetrated in. The space attack was so unreasonable, and hundreds of thousands of Demonic Beasts suffered instantly.

The dirt also instantly manipulated a more powerful space force to expel these space cracks left in the beast tide.

At this time, the dirt doesn’t want to hide too much.

A royal city, a Martial King can hurt the beast tide, how can you go down?

In an instant, the aura on Tumu’s body completely changed, and part of the strength of Tumu’s absorption of the beast tide became a half-step Martial Emperor. There is no Martial Emperor’s Realm, but it can simply use the power of the Martial Emperor.

This situation was completely reversed, the surrounding Spirit Power Diotoxin turned into the power controlled by Dirt Dirt, and the strength of Di Dirt increased again.

A beast tide led by a half-step Demon Emperor is definitely not capable of a royal city. To put it a bit exaggerated, even if it is really standing in front of a Martial Emperor, it can’t stop it.

The sudden increase in soil dirt’s strength also silenced several forces watching the battle.

The dirt can now forcibly reach the strength of the half-step Demon Emperor, which means that dirt has great potential and can quickly reach that Realm soon.

There is already a demon emperor in Mo Yun’s border, and if one more comes out, I am afraid that Yun Imperial City will be even more difficult.

However, the Martial Skill that Xing Yi broke out also made everyone’s eyes bright. With six attributes, the new city lord of Tuwangcheng was too strong in terms of talents and others.

“Since it has been exposed so much, let’s expose it a little more.” Seeing the strength of the beast tide soaring, the surrounding Spirit Power squeezed towards the formation order as desperately as possible.

If you don’t show a little real ability, I’m afraid it will really be gone.

The balance body once again exploded with a strong balance and fusion ability, and another talent of Xing Yi was integrated into the formation order.

The dirt looked at the soft light emerging from the front array in disgust. Every time this light appeared, the strength of the front array would be Ascension.

But what he didn’t expect was that after the soft light disappeared this time, the other party had an extra talent that made him hate it when he heard it.

The body of the Practitioner!

That’s right, Xing Yi integrated the body of the Practitioner into the formation, and the body of the Practitioner with the formation as the body broke out for the first time as strong as it should be.

Xing Yi’s Mental Energy can hardly be described as skyrocketing, it simply takes off.

The powerful Practitioner body can only bring Xing Yi tempering once, but this tempering is surprisingly powerful.

Moreover, the particularity of Mental Energy, the amount of Mental Energy that has been increased after several refining is only the amount of Mental Energy, and the essence will not change.

In other words, within a short period of time, Xing Yi broke through to the eighth stage Practitioner!

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