Chapter 471 Self-healing body, virtual entity!

The integration of the Practitioner’s body not only brought great benefits to Xing Yi himself, but also greatly strengthened the resilience of the formation.

It also allowed the Practitioner in the formation to have a strong recovery ability, just like staying in a medicine pond full of spiritual realm.

The appearance of the Practitioner body belongs to the White Emperor the most embarrassed.

This is his exclusive talent, and it is because of the body of Practitioner that he is today. The body of Practitioner itself is extremely rare.

At the same time when I appeared oneself, with Xing Yi one, how could there be another one, and it was still in another world.

After the Practitioner body of this new city lord merged with the formation order, the Practitioner body was even more powerful and terrifying than own.

Having absorbed so much poison around, I am afraid that the special magnetic field in the formation has already made every Practitioner crazy.

Suddenly the White Emperor thought of an extremely terrifying thing.

“Xing Yi seems to be in Tuwangcheng too!” It is remembered that Xing Yi is in Tuwangcheng, and he does have the ability to simulate aura.

But this is the new city lord of Tuwangcheng!

Looking at the performance, at least the strength of the eighth-order Practitioner is necessary, and it is absolutely impossible to be a formation Practitioner, a real eighth-order Martial King.

If it was really Xing Yi, it would be too exaggerated, and the White Emperor didn’t even dare to think about it.

If the white emperor was the most surprised, then the emperor Yun was undoubtedly the most excited.

One thing he has always envied the most is the White Imperial City of Blue Star. The special talent of the White Emperor gives the Blue Star Practitioner a chance to try and make mistakes in another world.

Even if they are entangled with poisonous spirits, they can quickly recover in the White Imperial City, and the people in the original Yun Imperial City can also go to the White Imperial City to recover.

It doesn’t work anymore, after all, the two forces are like water and fire.

But that’s it. After experiencing the benefits of the White Imperial City, no one will fall in love with that feeling. After all, spiritual poison is the most common and scariest thing in another world.

If Cloud Imperial City can really have such a royal city, it can completely make up for the disappearance of the Cloud Imperial City secret realm.

There is even a higher level, nothing is more attractive than a “White Imperial City”.

Yun Xi also stared at Xing Yi dumbfounded. He didn’t expect that he still had a talent, still such a perverted talent, no wonder he could last so long when he was in the frontier of Mo Yun.


He still has the advantage of Practitioner, but Yunxi thought about it carefully. In the formation, the Practitioner and Qi Practitioner did not seem to be much different.

Anyway, they must rely on the strength of the formation to fight, but Yun Xi can be sure that the father of own should be sure to save this person who is fighting on the front line.

At this moment, Bai Yiling and the others also fell into contemplation looking at the talent displayed by the array in front of them.

“Do you think that the trusting lord of the Tuwangcheng City is a bit like Xing Yi!?” Ding Ming spoke first.

He couldn’t believe it himself. How did he connect the new city lord and Xing Yi, maybe because of the special talent of Practitioner body, or something else.

As soon as Ding Ming spoke, other people fell into contemplation. Several people who were particularly familiar with Xing Yi had this idea, but they did not dare to think about it.

The new city lord of Tuwangcheng is Xing Yi, which is too ridiculous.

That’s Martial King!

Can’t Xing Yi be the Martial King! ?


“I also feel a bit like it!” Luo Guangbin agreed, “Isn’t Xing Yi in Tuwangcheng? Maybe…”

“Like him, really like!” Bai Yiling said silently from the side.

Is Xing Yi talented?

Strong enough to explode, is it possible to have the strength of Martial King at the age of less than twenty?

It is possible, but it would be terrible to be able to control a royal city in another world alone.

Good guy, even Bai Yiling said it was like, then the hearts of several other people began to become active.

People who have seen Xing Yi’s appearance and breath have exploded in their hearts at this time, such as Li Junyang, who was rescued by Xing Yi, and Zhang Zhaozhong, who had met Xing Yi.

“He is Xing Yi!” Li Junyang affirmed everything in one sentence: “I have seen him look like this. He saved me in this capacity at the beginning, but he was only a Tier 6 Great Master at the time.”

Li Junyang only dared to affirm in his heart that this was Xing Yi, because he had seen it, but he didn’t dare to say it to the outside world.

Even if these people in front of you are absolutely impossible to harm Xing Yi, Li Junyang would not say.

Just like Zhang Zhaozhong and the others in the White Palace, they were obviously excited to death, knowing that the person in front of them was a student of own, but they just didn’t open their mouths and could only be happy by themselves.

And it is also very interesting to watch others worry about having such a “big enemy”.

On the other side of Xing Yi, he took out the body of Practitioner, but it was still outnumbered to deal with the beast tide led by Tumu. Yes, Xing Yi’s formation was the one with fewer people.

Even if it can absorb the dirt and poison around it infinitely to strengthen and restore, but the two are not of the same order of magnitude, especially when the dirt is transformed into a beast.

The dirt of the Half-Step Demon King is much stronger than a Practitioner’s body.

“I have to say that you are very talented and look like a person, so you must die!” Xing Yi’s talent continued to bloom.

Tumu couldn’t help but think of a person, the guy who sealed him, has the talents that are as gorgeous as this, and every talent is played to the extreme.

At the beginning, hitting oneself was really like hitting a dog. The dirt absolutely did not allow another such existence in the soil domain, so it was necessary to kill the Martial King ahead of time.

The dirt began to move real. As the oldest existence among the Martial Emperor, one of the five spirit beasts, even if only the Martial King Realm, but with the beast wave magnetic field, his strength can break through to the real Martial Emperor within minutes.

One side of the Demon Emperor, the strength is definitely not something Xing Yi can resist. There are too many Spirit Power mobilized.

Reluctantly, Xing Yi once again integrated a new talent, the Thunder attribute talent, and prayed to increase the strength of the formation.

But to no avail, although the talent of the thunder attribute gave the formation a qualitative change again, after all, it could not stop the dirt of the Demon Emperor.

As soon as the dirt fell down, almost everyone in the formation was shaken up, and the Practitioner’s body was not recovered enough because of serious injuries.

Self-healing body!

Integrate the formation order again.

Seeing the rapid recovery of the formation order, everyone was shocked again, except for the spirit poison body, Xing Yi almost integrated all his talents into the formation order.

As long as he doesn’t die this time, Xing Yi’s harvest will be exaggerated.

Facing a more powerful attack from dirt.

Virtual entity!

Xing Yi also integrated his last talent that can be integrated.

Seeing the formation that suddenly turned into nothingness, all attacks passed directly through them and fell behind them.

“Void entity!” The dirt is not calm at all, and no one can calm down at this time.

A person’s talent is terrifying enough in itself, and what’s even more terrifying is that he can fully grasp and integrate his own talent into the formation.

Fusion of formation orders is not a simple matter, the average controller at most is to integrate one talent to the sky, as strong as the Martial Emperor, he does not dare to integrate too much talent.

But Xing Yi has integrated so much, just don’t know that those are his own, and those are other people’s.

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