Chapter 472: The Last Trump Card

But whether it is someone else’s or own, Xing Yi can integrate these talents into the formation, which itself requires an extremely exaggerated control over the formation.

If Xing Yi doesn’t have a balance body, Xing Yi can’t even integrate the second talent, but now Xing Yi has integrated so many talents.

In any case, Xing Yi’s gains this time are tremendous. If it weren’t for fear that the exposure of the poisonous body would be too troublesome, Xing Yi would like to take the poisonous body into the formation and brush his experience.

But even if Xing Yi had incorporated so many talents, Xing Yi was not an opponent of dirt, just like a crush of absolute strength.

It is by no means a skill to win.

Except for the unusable spirit poison body, Xing Yi has used everything he can use, and only one weapon is left, his own spirit, which should be called the spirit swallowing stick to be precise.

But this thing is far more terrifying than Xing Yi’s Spirit Poison Body, but Xing Yi doesn’t know the secret of Spirit Swallowing Stick.

It just knew that the Spirit Swallowing Stick was a weapon left to him by Shuang Qianyi, and there was a lot of talent in the Spirit Swallowing Stick, if they were to be integrated.

There may be a possibility of reversal.

It is impossible to sit and wait for death. Seeing the dirt smashing the space step by step, Xing Yi is under great pressure.

The spirit swallowing stick was taken out by Xing Yi.

As soon as the spirit swallowing stick came out, no one noticed that Xing Yi secretly took out a weapon at first.

Because everyone’s focus is on the dirt, this half-step Demon Emperor and the private possession of the beast tide, without the leadership of the Martial Emperor, it would be impossible to win.

Unless there are as many Practitioners as the Demonic Beasts, is that possible? I’m afraid that adding one piece of the Practitioners in the entire Cloud Imperial City will not necessarily catch up with the number of beasts.

The violent energy swallowed down, as if the end of the world, Xing Yi and their formation was the only surviving party, whether it was around or under their feet, there was nothingness.

Only the flames above the head that can burn everything, and the fragmented spaces that are invisible at all, are scattered everywhere.

When everyone was desperate, Xing Yi shot.

Emperor Yun was ready to take action, but seeing the abnormal movement from around Zhenling, he forcibly held his own footsteps again.

On the side of Blue Star, Li Junyang no longer hides, and shouts at Bai Yiling: “The new lord of the Tuwang City is Xing Yi, let the White Emperor go to him!”

Bai Yiling was stunned at the time, and there was a burst of air-breaking sound immediately after which Bai Yiling had disappeared.

Only Luo Guangbin and Ding Ming turned their heads and stared at Li Junyang blankly, “What you said is true?”

“I was rescued by Xing Yi in the first place. How could I forget that besides Xing Yi, it is possible that anyone else has so much talent.”

Bai Yiling came to the gate of the White Emperor Palace in an instant, and rushed into it without thinking about anything. While rushing, he shouted at the White Emperor with Mental Energy.

However, Zhang Zhaozhong had already told the White Emperor the truth first.

At this time, everyone present was dumbfounded. The new city lord of Tuwangcheng was his own, and he was still a sophomore at the Chinese University.

This is too ridiculous!

Originally, when they saw that the beast tide was about to cover Xing Yi and their formation, they were still very comfortable inside, because they helped them solve such a powerful opponent.

But now that he knows that Xing Yi is his own, it is completely different.

“Hurry up!”

“Go and save Xing Yi!”

“Let’s go together!”

“Such a genius, go there to find, how can you let him go to the outside world!”

The White Emperor also sighed inwardly, now he can be 100% sure of the identity of this Xing Yi.

Xing Yi must be that man’s son, but he didn’t know who his mother was, and he had never heard of it.

If it is that person’s son, I am afraid that he will not have his turn to save him. That person has always thought that everything is under his control.

A picture of the whole world, how could it be possible for own’s biological son to take risks.

However, seeing the weapon Xing Yi held and the devouring space split around the formation, the White Emperor still took back the equipped Mental Energy.

“Speak slowly, let Xiaobai come in, Xing Yi is fine.” The White Emperor waved his hand, and the guard was not blocking Bai Yiling.

“Go and save…”

“I already know, he is okay now, he is safe, don’t believe it, look at the projection!” Bai Huang stretched out his hand to indicate that Bai Yiling already knew.

Bai Yiling looked at the projection, those terrifying flames did not break the order before Bai Yiling calmed down.

The White Emperor looked at Zhang Zhaozhong.

Zhang Zhaozhong also stood up and explained: “Xing Yi’s ability to simulate has been too strong, even I can’t see the slightest flaw. The last time he came over, he almost had the strength of the Grand Great Master.”

“And when he came that time, he was already alone in Tuwangcheng. Ye Guoliang is dead, and Xing Yi has successfully ascended to his current position.”

Zhang Zhaozhong briefly said that the reason why he was sure of Xing Yi’s identity was also because Xing Yi gave Own an order, and he gave himself news.

Otherwise, Zhang Zhaozhong wouldn’t dare to be 100% sure that it was Xing Yi.

Zhang Zhaozhong’s simple words, but in the ears of someone else, they were more shocking than thundering.

This is too exaggerated. A blue star man ran to another world and took control of a royal city. The most frightening thing was that he also controlled such a powerful formation.

They dared to be 100% sure of the five million Practitioner’s orders. If the Martial Emperor did not make a move, Xing Yi could easily destroy the Blue Star forces with his current power.

The most terrifying thing is Xing Yi’s talent. Although Bai Huang also knows Xing Yi’s talent, but knowing that, Bai Huang never dared to think that Xing Yi could integrate his talent into the formation.

Not dying this time, Xing Yi was too close to the Martial Emperor.

As long as the Spirit Power value is in place, Xing Yi may be able to break through the Martial Emperor instantly.

Xing Yi’s current combat power and talent are already exaggerated enough, but the weapon Xing Yi took out still silenced the White Emperor.

The white emperor didn’t know what weapon it was, but when following the dragon emperor, the dragon emperor said: “Your current strength is not worthy to fight against the weapon with this weapon, even if that person has no strength.”

What kind of weapon allows the Dragon Emperor to say such things, you must know that the Dragon Emperor’s eyes are higher than the top.

The Dragon Emperor personally warned the White Emperor of such words, either because this weapon was extremely terrifying, or because there was a deep water hidden behind this weapon, so deep that the Martial Emperor could not get a foothold.

But now that the weapon is in Xing Yi’s hands, what does that mean, even if Xing Yi now has the formation and decent strength, the White Emperor is still very confident, at least it is not a problem to slap his current strength.

After all, the Martial Emperor is an ant. No matter how talented he is, he is still an ant. As a Martial Emperor, the White Emperor is naturally confident, not to mention that he is still a martial Emperor, whose strength comes from himself.

But he can also use Spirit Power now, because he is very domineering in his control of qi and blood, so domineering that he can cultivate Spirit Power and achieve dual cultivation of the spirit body.

Xing Yi could not be his opponent.

Why did the Dragon Emperor say that? What is hidden in this weapon?

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