Chapter 474 Martial Emperor joins forces

Because of the addition of the poisonous body, although the original energy is messy, it will not actively invade the human body, nor will it riot in the human body.

But now it’s different. The body of Dirty Poison is here, but Dirty Poison has a history of invasion. When every Practitioner’s body is invaded by Dirty Poison, it is difficult to protect own security with Spirit Power alone.

Invasion of dirt and poison, the attribute Spirit Power also mixed in, followed by bursts of explosions, and countless Practitioners died in this special magnetic field.

The same is true for Demonic Beasts. Although Demonic Beasts has stronger physical strength and has more tolerable attributes, Spirit Power, there are too many Spirit Power attributes exposed in the air.

Even Demonic Beasts can’t hold it.

So at the very beginning, it was the “Death bombing” of the human Practitioner, followed by a more massive explosion of Demonic Beasts, one after another.

Even if the Tuwangcheng had a great defense formation, it had already been blown up at this time. As for the spirit veins near the Tuwangcheng, they were all absorbed into this magnetic field.

The spirit swallowing body is too terrifying, this magnetic field is too strong, Xing Yi can’t control it at all, and it is completely beyond Xing Yi’s control.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Xing Yi disappeared.

Fortunately, Xing Yi still has control over the space. Xing Yi can directly enter the original space of his own. At this time, Xing Yi has no time to take care of others.

As soon as Xing Yi disappeared and there was no balance body, the special magnetic field that had formed gradually moved closer to the secret realm, and the main body was dirt.

More and more people are dying, and so is Demonic Beasts.

What is even more frightening is that this special magnetic field is still expanding, and the three Martial Emperors have already appeared at the same time to stop the spread of this magnetic field.

But they arrived too late, and the dirt and poisonous body of the dirt fused in, which was far more than the three Martial Emperors could solve.

The three of them possess all the talents of the magnetic field, and their exhaustion only slows down the spread of the magnetic field.

It simply cannot prevent the expansion and enhancement of the magnetic field. As the magnetic field absorbs more and more energy, the magnetic field will always spread to a terrifying Realm.

“What’s the situation!” As soon as Emperor Ming arrived at the scene, the powerful Mental Energy instantly enveloped this magnetic field, but within a moment he discovered that his own Mental Energy had been swallowed again.

Emperor Ming quickly withdrew, fusing and mobilizing the surrounding energy to resist the speed of the expansion of the magnetic field.

“The reason for the battle between the beast tide and the formation command is that there are too many talent attributes involved!” Emperor Yun was also emotional. In the battle just now, there are probably hundreds of talents used by both sides.

You know that Xing Yi has not only integrated the own talent. In the end, in order to hold on, Xing Yi integrated all the various talents in the formation. What impressed Xing Yi most is that there is also a Mental inside. Energy enhanced talent.

The highest limit of array fusion talent was used by a Martial Emperor of the empire. At that time, a full ten talents were fused. I thought it should be unprecedented.

As a result, I didn’t expect that in this battle, so many talents were used in the fight, and the users could not control them.

This kind of power, especially when the beast tide and the people in the formation are trapped in and swallowed by the magnetic field, at this time there are more than hundreds of talent attributes.

All talents and attributes in it will be integrated. If this is handled, it will be a new secret realm in Yunhuang City. If it is not handled well, it will be the biggest abyss.

You must know that there are three god-level talents in the magnetic field: the terrifying spirit turning, swallowing spirit body, and balancing body, as well as the terrifying talent of Practitioner body, space body, and virtual entity.

Demonic Beasts possesses large and small talents in the Beast Tide, which may not be strong alone, and the combination may not be worse than any other talent.

What’s more terrifying is that there is dirt in it.

The Divine Poison Body itself is terrifying enough. If so much violent talent is added, I am afraid that if it is attacked, let alone nearby, I am afraid that the entire Cloud Imperial City and even the land will suffer.

After all, this magnetic field has too much room for growth.

The three Martial Emperors seemed to have negotiated, mobilizing all the Spirit Power they could mobilize from the three directions to fight against this magnetic field together.

However, the addition of the beast wave order has swallowed so many Spirit Power and abilities, plus attributes, I am afraid that if the value of Spirit Power alone is the value of it, I am afraid that it will break trillions of cards.

Not to mention other things, the three Martial Emperor’s own strengths put into this magnetic field were also killed in an instant.

After all, the magnetic field really combines all the energy into a whole, which is more unified than the array order and the beast tide.

However, the Martial Emperor is strong. One card can be used as ten cards, and all they mobilize are the surrounding Spirit Power, which has little to do with themselves.

One card becomes ten cards, and ten cards transfer kilocalories.

When the three Martial Emperors were added together, the magnetic field was simply controlled, but it was only slowed down. If you want this magnetic field to be used, you need more Martial Emperors.

“Destruction!” Emperor Ming said coldly: “Otherwise, the emperor will leave now.”

Emperor Ming didn’t want to leave such a strong secret realm as a resource for Yunhuangcheng, because he knew that this secret realm could not be given to him, and he could not convert this magnetic field into a secret realm by himself.

“No, the strength of the three of us may not be enough.” Emperor Yun refused on the spot.

What’s a joke, it’s not only the reason that the magnetic field can grow into a secret realm, but there are also people who own want, it’s a pity that Xing Wei’s talent is dead.

“Are you ignorant as your own emperor!” Emperor Ming looked at Emperor Yun, his gesture was about to stop, and at the same time he was using Mental Energy to communicate to the White Emperor.

“Don’t, there are our people inside!” Yun Huang said.

The Emperor Ming was also a bit embarrassed. This time the new breakthrough demon king hid his strength, and the demonic beasts he brought out were a bit too much.

If they all die here, the strength of Mo Yun’s frontier will probably be traumatized, and the demon king’s talent is very enchanting, and he has already demonstrated the strength of the Martial Emperor. As long as there is enough time, he will definitely be able to break through the demon emperor.

Emperor Ming didn’t want to give up the opportunity to give birth to another demon emperor in Mo Yun’s frontier.

The Emperor Bai was also very embarrassed, because there were also people he wanted to protect. If Xing Yi really died in the magnetic field, there would be no way to go back on his own!

But he wouldn’t be so stupid that he would really give Yunhuangcheng a secret realm, and it was still such a powerful formation that was difficult for the three Martial Emperors to control.

“You two don’t need to fight, then change the resources, or I will leave now!” The White Emperor is invincible.

The three people used Mental Energy to communicate quickly. Emperor Yun and Emperor Ming gave the White Emperor an Interspatial Ring, and the White Emperor checked it.

The three people also started to move.

It is impossible to rescue all the people, because too many people have died in it. Although most of the people who died were humans, the ones with lower strength would have died long ago.

Now the rest are Practitioner and Demonic Beasts with good strength.

The three Martial Emperors now have a clear division of labor, each saving their own people, and the White Emperor is used to suppress them.

The reason why the White Emperor was so calm was that Xing Yi had hidden it so well that he couldn’t see it at all, and the Emperor Yun would definitely not be able to see it. The Emperor Bai was sure that Emperor Yun would save him.

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