Chapter 475

In the magnetic field, without Xing Yi’s control, it has been completely chaotic, and the number of people killed or injured every second is countless.

Suddenly two Martial Emperors appeared, and the surrounding energy rushed towards them like crazy.

The powerful attribute energy should be replaced by a normal Practitioner, I am afraid it would have been torn apart long ago, but both people can perfectly escape the impact of these energy.

Two people unanimously used Mental Energy to search for the people they wanted to save, but Mental Energy just used it, and a swallowing force that was stronger than the outside world swallowed the Mental Energy of the two people.

The two looked at each other, immediately put away Mental Energy, and began to move and search with all their strength.

The white emperor outside had already cursed, “Daddy couldn’t hold it anymore, so it will send energy to the magnetic field.”

Had it not been for Xing Yi, the White Emperor would now want to withdraw.

Two Martial Emperors search in the magnetic field without using Mental Energy, and two people are just ordinary Practitioners.

Not much better than the outside Practitioner.

However, Xing Yi can still see the changes in the external magnetic field when hiding in the original space. This magnetic field has become more and more beyond the control of own.

Own’s strength is definitely not going out. If the magnetic field can’t disappear, maybe he will stay in this original space for the rest of his life.

Just as Xing Yi was worried, Xing Yi saw two figures, figures that can flow unimpeded in the magnetic field.

This is terrible. You must know that the dirt, which is as strong as the half-step Demon Emperor, is still being controlled by the magnetic field. Who are these two people, who can actually walk in the magnetic field at will, and they are not affected by the magnetic field at all.

With his eyes close, Xing Yi immediately remembered who these two people were. He had seen these two people in Moyun’s frontier. One was the demon emperor of Moyun’s frontier, and the other was the city lord of Yunhuang City.

Why did the two of them come in?

But soon the two of them jumped out of Xing Yi’s sight. Xing Yi’s Mental Energy could not be used either, and the original space was also difficult to move.

Can only stay in this magnetic field, almost no one can use the full strength of own. If you throw your own clone into it, will you be able to kill one of the Martial Emperors?

Even if it can’t, is it possible to severely inflict one? The Spirit Power and attributes inside cannot be mobilized by the Martial Emperor.

In other words, fighting in this one depends entirely on self-accumulation, and the Spirit Power in the body, and the Spirit Power value of the clone is not weak.

Sneak attack on a Martial Emperor might really be possible. If it is really successful, then Cloud Imperial City is estimated to be completely messed up.

Thinking of this, Xing Yi was not consolidating the energy in his body, and directly delivered the clone.

Ten billion pseudo Martial Emperors with five attributes, but even a real Martial Emperor has to become a fake Martial Emperor in this magnetic field, so Xing Yi has a great advantage.

The moment the clone touched the magnetic field, it felt the swallowing force around it attacking itself, and he quickly set up a shield, and the surrounding violent attributes did not pose a threat to him in the slightest.

Sure enough, the eternal god of hard power.

Xing Yi also went to find the two immediately, and when he encountered the energy around him, Xing Yi also had to dodge, because of the spirit rotation, these energies can be transformed into exactly the same energy as himself.

As long as you are not paying attention, you may be invaded by these energies. Now you don’t have a balance body for yourself to maintain, you are a five-attribute clone.

Energy enters the body, not the body Practitioner, it is estimated to be finished in minutes.

At this time, the dirt had been invaded into his body by dozens of energies, and now his body was festering and not looking like it.

Because he is the strongest, he will only endure more pressure and energy, terrifying riot attributes, even if the dirt is a poisonous body, there is no real body.

But now the dirt is accurately speaking, he has turned into a yellow body of poison. If the magnetic field does not disappear, or if no one rescues him, he will remain in this state, and his abilities will also be used by the magnetic field. .

It can be imagined that the upper limit of the growth of this magnetic field is, even the dirt is absorbed by the seal, and it is all the effect of the spirit swallowing body.

With the spirit swallowing body, the upper limit is infinitely raised, and with the other two god-level talents, the upper limit of magnetic field growth is even more exaggerated.

“Go to the center of energy gathering.” Emperor Ming said to Emperor Yun on the side.

Emperor Yun knew what the other party meant in an instant. The center of energy gathering was undoubtedly the center of the formation and the center of the beast tide, and that was the person they were looking for.

With a goal, two people can find it faster.

Go directly in the direction of the dirt.

But when they arrived, they found nothingness, and the people around them and Demonic Beasts had already turned into energy and dispersed into the magnetic field, and there was only a piece of earthy yellow poison in the center.

Both of them were silent. The center of energy must be the place where two people stay, but can the two Martial Kings, the center of energy gathering, really be able to hold it.

The energy in this magnetic field can swallow a person in an instant, and the two of them can spend a lot of time between coming to subdue the magnetic field and finding someone.

Whether the two people are still there is a question. Obviously, they are not there anymore.

But Emperor Ming stared at the group of dirty poison, because it felt so familiar to him, as if he was the demon king.

Why does this place have such a strong smell of dirt and poison, and it is still such a pure dirt, you must know that no matter how strong the dirt is, it is also mixed in Spirit Power, but these dirt and poison are so pure .

It’s as if it’s the poisonous body.

Poisonous body, dirt!

Emperor Ming suddenly remembered something terrible, could that Demon King be dirt? It has been a long time since dirt exploded last time.

Moreover, during the battle, the Demon King also used the poison, even if it was directly mobilized, but what kind of Demon King can have such great potential, can directly reach the quasi-Martial Emperor when it just breaks through the Demon King. Combat power.

So that Demon King is probably dirt.

After thinking about this, Emperor Ming also started directly, and his powerful strength directly blocked the connection between those filthy poisons and the magnetic field.

But this is the magnetic field, but it rioted directly, and it became crazy again.

After all, the dirty poison body is also a small core of the magnetic field. Although it is weaker than the god-level talent, it is the key to their active invasion.

Most Demonic Beasts and human Practitioners died so quickly in the magnetic field because of the addition of the poisonous body.

Now that Emperor Ming wants to cut off their contact, he is undoubtedly doing something.

“Moved!” Emperor Ming felt the beating kg of Mental Energy in the poison. This is really dirt, and only dirt can live in the poison.

Of course, Emperor Ming understands that dirt wants to hide, and he also understands hiding himself, but Emperor Ming still hopes that dirt will go back.

Because only dirt can lead them Demonic Beasts to the top, just like the golden spirit beast, monopolizing the entire golden domain.

Even the Martial Emperor didn’t dare to step into the Golden Territory at will. Last time, the White Emperor made the breakthrough Martial Emperor once. If it weren’t for the Dragon Emperor, the White Emperor would also explain it.

Seeing the dirt, Minghuang seemed to see the hope of the peak of Demonic Beasts.

In the past, the dirt was not interested in Demonic Beasts, but now Demonic Beasts is also the only combat power it can rely on.

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