Tinasha told me not to be enlightened.

But I wanted you to know, I thought.

Just if she notices and speaks of it. If I hear the words.

The truth is passed on to the girl who is connected to him.

Never be known to Milaris.

She shakes if she finds out. Abandon configuration. That means defeat.

I can't remember much more about the first time I met a girl. That was when he started getting tired of the distorted raw.

But I generally remember what happened. He magically gave his own blood to the girl who was badly injured and bleeding.

The unfamiliar girl followed him as he was. A little twist, but only to him. Since when did I love a girl like a cat I miss.

They lived together, and when the girl grew up that way, she whispered a wedding ceremony.

It was a happy life.

The occasional repetition lay low on her as well. It seemed raw enough to write it off.

I just wasn't going to make kids.

Because I couldn't stand to produce any more humans to be used in the curse.

He despaired neither when he died in an accident five years after his marriage, nor when he returned to her by someone else's alteration.

He cried when, after his death, he learned from a record inscribed on himself that the master of time reading had been handed down to Milaris.

When he found out about it, he accidentally questioned his wife. But she doesn't remember repeating herself yet.

Valt regretted his detachment. I wanted to start over the past for the first time.

So coincidentally, when he returned to time until before he met Miralis, he even thanked the alterers of that time.

And this time he carefully helped her, but gave no blood, nor put it aside. He was relieved that he was able to avoid it successfully.

But he found out that despair was not that easy.

No matter how many times you repeat it, whether you give blood or not, but whether you meet it or avoid it, the result remains the same.

Her name was already inscribed as a member of the Lord, and the curse was passed down.

If you don't want to continue the negative chain, if that's about it, if you don't want to leave offspring, no one can have thought of it before.

Yet he found out that the Lord's power had been uninterrupted until now because of terrible coercion that would not allow this redo.

They will not be saved forever, even on the hands of Elteria.

No matter how much you forget the curse and live a happy life, it suddenly appears, pulls them back to life without creation, and keeps setting a record on your soul.

After her own death, I can't stand the fact that she's in one misery, etc.

So destroy it from the roots. Deny existence.

It doesn't matter if everything is lost by exchange, or if the source of one's life is to be turned down long ago.

I don't hesitate.

I've lived far too long. I don't need any more.

If the birth of herself makes her suffer from the permissibility of Elteria's presence, there is no need for such a thing from the beginning.

So I just want liberation. And salvation.

If obsession with life, joy and living is the essence of man, it is also human sexuality that desires death itself and seeks an end.

At the end of eternity, Valt stares at the woman who is the key.

He had no intention of missing the end he finally saw.

Tinasha was in unprecedented boredom.

There is no choice. They're taking hostages.

But if everything is to be rewound by destroying Elteria, which way will Trudar perish?

But that's why Tinasha also knew she could never do so if she asked me if I could go and see them alive now.

My dear country.

Four hundred years ago, and still is, that remains the same.

Working from morning to evening, laughing with their families, rejoicing in occasional festivals, and ageing peacefully - it's the normal country where such people live.

I liked the city lights from the castle. I thought people's lives were beautiful.

Can the self, who has loved and protected them, also bear the cause of their death?

Very heavy.

I have no hesitation in bearing the weight to keep you alive.

But what you're doing is different. For the first time, she was so lost that she wanted to get on her knees at that weight.

- - By the slightest possibility, will we have to destroy it?

That's what she thinks. She glances at Elteria.

Two small boxes opened. Red and pale spheres.

Those are balls that suck people's thoughts and shine. It is a curse that creates hope and despair.

Tinasha is breathtaking.

I stretched my white hand toward the ball. A lighted finger of power is applied on the box.

But before that fingertip arrived, a man's anger echoed from behind.


Relief and regret run through your whole body.

Looking back, there stood the only one she loved.

Valt tongued at the Akersian swordsman who suddenly appeared.

I know him very well. And its terrible strength. With him, all the plans may collapse.

Valt quickly took two elterias in his hand. One pushes into the nose, one grabs it in the right hand. And with his open left hand, he pulled Tinasha's hand in a grunt.

"I'm coming!

I can't get through the entrance to the treasure trove. His power doesn't allow him to transfer from here, and above all, the Oscars are stuck.

Valt kicked open the door that was there as he pulled Tinasha over and ran behind the treasure trove. Jump into the dark stone aisle. The candlestick on the wall lit up a moment late.

"Run properly. Listen to me."

Tinasha nods at the short order. The two ran down a dim passage as they set up a defensive junction in preparation for the trap.

Tinasha bit her lips in the footsteps that follow her from behind.

- I wanted you to come. But I didn't want you to come.

If he finds out that Trudar is being held hostage, he will be held accountable.

Even if he was plain on the surface, he couldn't possibly feel anything. Tinasha regretted that she had brought him in in a choice she had no choice.

The two of them are magicians. Never feet fast. The end of it is near as it runs into place. Tinasha knew when he was bound to catch up to him. Which way is there no way out? She doesn't know the way out that leads to the castle. What awaits is a silent lake.

Remembering its existence, which has also become a legend of Falsus, Tinasha blinded herself. Reminds me of something. That was a blush when I had trouble putting Elteria away.

She concentrates on the signs behind it.

Believing the man who would soon catch up to me, Tinasha kept running.

Walt slipped through the aisle as he rolled down, flashing into a suddenly sprawling lake.

I never expected there to be a lake in the basement of the castle. I didn't think it would be easy to escape, but I thought I'd buy you some time.

I see a passage that goes over the lake a little further away. But Valt hesitated to go out into the corridor with a good view. See the woman who remains captured.

"Set up a metastasis configuration. Come on!"

"That's it."

Before Tinasha could answer, the low voice of the man who ruled the place sounded. From the aisle, a king emerges who pulled out Acacia.

The king laughed when he saw his fiancée and the intruder grabbing her hand. There is the king's authority there to oppress the beholder.

"The price of dragging that woman around is high. - Tinasha, come."

"I'm not going. She won't disobey me."

Valt smiled and showed as he chilled his spine into tension.

- I served this king only once.

I want to know about him with the witch as his wife. I want to bear in mind the making in Falsus Castle. That's what he thought and served. But the presence of a king with unshakable strength burned to his soul.

Simply an Acacia swordsman, I try to think of her as her husband. Just to the vibrancy of its existence, it atrophies reflexively.

He's a bad opponent.

I didn't want to face to face if I could. But I can't say that either.

Valt lagged behind as he held Tinasha in with one hand. Down to the ridge where the lake spreads behind you.

When Oscar stopped laughing, he stepped forward. Intimidation enough to alter the air around him can knock on Valt.

"Give me the woman. And Elteria. I won't let you tamper with it. Come!"

"You're the one who rewrote it! That made me the feather to suffer again!

"I'm sorry about that. But I already did. The ball seals. I won't let anyone touch me."


Valt shook his head violently.

Whatever it is that can be sealed, I cannot be relieved as long as there is an elteria. Milaris remains captured.

I couldn't do anything to get out of here.

Directly in my head, an anxious girl's voice sounds.

She's the girl I want to protect more than anything else. It's unique. If you can let her go, you can disappear yourself or something. Even a piece of love can be forgotten and it doesn't matter that it didn't happen.

- I can't give up.

Only the thought pokes and moves him.

I give up pain and other things like myself. It's just less polished, bitter grief and smoking hatred that's left.

"Valt... run..."

If it's okay, he can still do it, he gives it back to the girl.

You can't die here without fulfilling your purpose. I can stand and fight. Over despair.

"Valt, please. Come back. '

Words to be sure of. Plead.

I've never doubted her affection.

Without just herself, if we didn't meet from the beginning, she'd love another man.

That's fine.

I hope so.

Valt put his strength into his hand holding Elteria. Look straight at Oscar.

An impatience you can't share with anyone. In his head fighting alone on it, a girl's voice whispered.

"Are you listening? No pain makes sense without you. [M] I choose the misfortune of meeting you over the happiness of not meeting you. So, come back. '

Does the girl know? That I will inherit the power of the Lord. And that if Elteria is destroyed, everything will be rewinded.

Maybe he knows. Or maybe I noticed it from my conversation with Tinasha.

She knows everything, no matter how much she suffers, she still chooses him.

That's who I am. I know its strength.

- I wanted to cry.

I wanted to be sweet about her strength. A desire arises to fill repeated days with serene affection.

But he took the last step.

I don't see the future. So I won't give up.

Walt, who devours his teeth, tried to encourage the woman in his arms to metastasize, but was greeted by a sudden shock.

"Don't kill me!

The next moment a loud water noise was echoing in a dark underground lake.

Tinasha, who remained captured by Valt, stared at the man standing before them. The obvious anger is floating there.

At this distance there are no magicians against him. If we combine the composition of the metastasis, he will step in in an instant. No matter how much Tinasha was held hostage, I didn't really think Valt could get away with it.

She looks up at the tense Valt face. In that nose, I saw a swell with a round ball.

Tinasha sees Oscar again.

- - Valt should know that Tinasha won't be held hostage for him anyway.

So I'm sure, Valt can't move. Tinasha can't move now.

But Oscar isn't.

He would be able to fight without hesitation if he found out about the hostages. That's the person who can do it. Trudar is not his country. Even if Tinasha resents you for that, you make a choice to exchange. It has an unbreakable strength.

So if you rely, he's the only one left. From this extreme right now, we can move something.

Tinasha smiled.

I can believe him. There is no one else in him.

Blue eyes brighter than the night sky capture Tinasha.

We have each other here. She reached out as she was happy about it. Quickly pull the Elteria out of Valt's pocket.

She did so and jumped back as she recoiled when she hit Valt, who stood up looking at Oscar. In sight, a surprised Oscar face enters.

She turned to her beloved man and said, "Don't kill me!," he shouted, falling into the lake holding a pale ball.

Oscar would do something about it.

Tinasha laughed small as she looked up at the far water.

It's an application for something else. Can I count on you so much?

But he forgives it. I was only going to sweeten it now.

- - If this makes him carry his sins, it really is himself who should bear it.

But I won't let that happen. Nobody loses it. Go back to Trudar and solve the configuration at all costs.

She forms a configuration to try to metastasize. But for some reason, it can't be put together well.

The water is cold.

The world is getting dark.

Only the pale sphere you hold in it seems to have a slight fever and then everything freezes.

Tinasha remembered the strange feeling of everything in the quiet lake water reaching for the sphere.

I can't hear the sound on the water. I don't even know what happened to the two people left behind.

She looks up to the water.

Can it be put to a proper end? Will I stand next to him as his wife?

Now I just wish.

I want to go back to him. I want to be by your side.

Tinasha closed her eyes.

- - My arm accidentally gets hot.

She opened her eyes again to so much heat that she was likely to burn. The pattern engraved on the elteria glows white.

Tastes bad.

Tinasha let go of her hand. Push Elteria far away.

But the ball thrown into the lake water quickly widened its illuminating range, swallowing Tinasha and burning its sight white.

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