Unnamed Memory

The price of fate.

Without me, for example.

You'll love someone else.

No one has a replacement.

There's no point in being born or dying.

It's just that someone thinks of someone.

Love that raw, honor the encounter, be saved

For a moment as if it were a miracle, a sentiment that glows like thunder.

And that's when I find meaning.

Tinasha jumped up.

It is a dark, strange room. It's night out the window. There is not a single light in the room. It's just the blue and white moonlight plugging in.

She manages to get her rough breath in order to check her body. And a little bit. I'm not wearing anything. Unexpectedly carry a white naked knee and head in.

"Hey, why..."

"What's up?"

There was a man's voice right next door and she was about to jump up.

A man sleeping on his depression looks up at her.

Blue eyes like the sky where the sun has just set.

He's a man you should know well. But the name doesn't come up.

Obviously, I thought they were alike. How can I not remember the name of the man in this situation? Thinking that far, Tinasha finally realized she didn't even know her name.

I'm stunned to lose myself, but I can't even do that. She asked the man as she pulled the cloth and hid her body.

"Who are you, who am I, and where am I..."

To the woman's inquiry, the man looked blatantly frightened. He tells me even as I get up and lean on my pillow.

"You're falling asleep when you think you're up all of a sudden? I am your husband, King Falsus. You are a queen and a witch and heir to the old Trudar. So, this is the bedroom of the Royal Palace in Falsus. - Should I even name you after him?


My memory finally caught up with me when I was told that much.

Born more than four hundred years ago and witched with the demise of the country, she became his wife after an extraordinary turn. I don't know why I forgot that, even though I don't sleep well.

Tinasha shook her head.

"Sorry...... I was in love"

"Sounds like it. It's only midnight."

Forgotten though temporarily by his wife, Oscar reached for her body with a bitter smile.

But she reflexively avoids it backwards. He frowned, not really, at the reaction.

"What. Why are you running away?"

"No, there's something very uncomfortable... we were really married..."

"That's funny."

Oscar unwittingly holds the temple. There will be enough to fall asleep. When he saw his wife, who had fallen down to the edge of a wide sleeping table, he had a bad grin of people.

"If you've forgotten, I'll remind you"

Pull her arm hard trying to escape if you say so. The man mouthed his white neck as he captured his luxurious limbs into his arms.

"Hey, wait a minute! Wait! Something's wrong!

"You're crazy. It's too broken."

"Talk and you'll see! Let go of me!

"Say no."

Tinasha, laid in an Oscar, rumbled bumbly at the unwiped discomfort. That leg kicks something cold. Tinasha frowned at the stiff feel that could not have been in the bedroom.

"Wait... there's something"

What? What?

Oscar, who was crawling his tongue on his soft skin, raised his face to his wife's words.

As she twists herself from beneath him like a cat and reaches out, she handles something from the foot to the cloth.

I took that in my hand.


At the end of the gaze they peered into was a tattooed, carved pale sphere on the surface.

- - I know, someone whispered deep in my memory.

It was for a moment that I heard that voice. When I found out what it was, countless memories were drawn into her.

A huge record of insanity, a repetitive life.

He died with his country without becoming a witch.

Even more murdered as a child. I've also died since I became a witch.

Sometimes I never met him. Nor did anyone choose to take it.

Death without fulfilling the atonement was also like a mountain.

In the midst of many missed destinies, it was nevertheless a miracle that she reached into this man's arms, even on an indelible pile - and a happiness that was difficult to replace with anything.

Tinasha covers her face with her left hand.

When he suddenly saw his wife, who had killed her voice and started crying, Oscar turned his eyes round. Embrace your soft body.

As he hung his finger up his chin, he peered into his dark eyes.

"What's up? What happened? What happened?


Tinasha blinks slowly. Tears similar to pearls dropped zero.

And exhale deeply, opening your eyes again. She smiled sadly.

"I've had a very long journey.... Will you listen to me?

Beautiful unreliable smile.

I feel like it's been a long time since I've seen her look like that. Seeing those tears too.

Oscar said softly to his little lips.

"Say it."

and encouraged her to talk.

And he was supposed to listen to a story about history that was no longer there, going around Elteria.

After hearing the whole thing, the king sighed for a long time.

"That's an amazing story. Unbelievable."

"I guess."

Tinasha smiled bitterly. Elteria is placed on the table next to the sleeping table.

Pale colors, that is, this is what was supposed to have been stored dead in Trudar.

"Trudar... you wanted to see it"

Her chest hurts at the sentiments of her casual husband.

Her country, no more people who tried to love and protect her. Now a country in this world has perished four hundred years ago.

- I couldn't protect it after all.

Regret becomes a tear. Behind Tinasha's brain, the last Regis smile I saw floated.

It was like a country of illusions.

But it's not a fantasy or anything. Whether it's a country that doesn't exist now, or if the alteration was corrected, that country, and the people who live there, were certainly there.

Tinasha remembers that. We cannot forget the smiles of people, their raw trajectories.

Were they happy to fulfill? The unanswered question falls like comfort.

If someone is happy, someone is unhappy.

It was Valt who said that, but I guess that's right in a way.

Tragedy and salvation spread to the world intertwined like lovers.

You can't save everything. There are always people somewhere to mourn.

Tinasha, left alone again, laid her eyes down with inseparable thoughts. Tears wet long eyelashes.

You'll need a little more time to be able to digest your feelings for your lost country twice.

And she's not the only one with a sentiment that I can't wipe by this story. Tinasha got a little lost, but told her husband the truth about his mother's death.

He was listening to it with a stunned look, but he nodded in a small breath, not confused.

"As a matter of fact, sometimes there were images that I hadn't even seen. Maybe that's... the remnants of my memories sealed. Did you realize I was pulling witch blood?

"Well, yes. It was a fluctuation I remember...... sorry to shut up"

"Nothing good. You got me worried."

He thinks as he strokes Tinasha's head. She stared bitterly at the side of it.

- It feels strange.

It's not her now. The other girlfriend, who was weaker, but harder, does breathe in her spirit.

From a branch where history has been altered, only seven years.

From the witch, Tinasha, who became queen, survived all those years like bubbles in agony.

And at the end of it, I have my present self.

I became the new owner of time reading, and I was able to draw all my memories.

At this time now, both Valt and Milaris are already dead. Instead of their blood, which was not inherited, the Lord's throne turned to Tinasha, who came into contact with Elteria.

Oscar with his face up asks.

"So you've come this far again, going through a redo?

"No...... If that's the case, you won't have any cloudy memories. I was suddenly jumped at this point. I think it's probably quite unusual."

What I can remember is the last moment before I jump.

Now I know. At that time, it was true that the power that spreads through the lake was about to interfere towards Elteria.

The fact that she made an unusual leap or that Elteria herself followed it may have something to do with it.

Oscar hammered "Hmm" at her reasoning.

"Silent lake? You wanna dig in the basement?

"Well... if you want to see it, maybe you can transfer it."

"Right...... no good. I don't know anything more about insiders."

"Well, what is it? I hope you remember where you heard that."

"Don't be impotent."

In the meantime, Oscar seems to believe her, but he doesn't have any previous memories of himself. I told you to remember, but not from the beginning. This won't do.

Tinasha twisted her neck.

"You think I'm gonna ask Travis? … but the silent lake is the lake of the insiders"

She thinks with her chin on both knees raised.

Even if I went to ask Travis, I don't know if that guy would honestly tell me. Unlike her before, we were confident we could fight more than each other, but fighting that guy just for that is too much effort.

But Oscar slapped Tinasha's head from side to side and said, drifting through the sea of thought.

"Right. Acacia's the inside curse."


"You suspect it was that weird ruin, an outsider's curse? It was Acacia who broke it. Acacia has powers that cannot be elucidated by magic laws. So, if a silent lake is said to be an insider's lake? What do you say?"

"Huh...... ah! Right..."

Swords given by outsiders. Then who is the outsider who gave it?

If it was the outsiders who gave Elteria, then the ones who gave Acacia - they may be said to be the insiders.

"Externally… internally? Symmetry of the observer...... who is inside the boxyard?

"Come on. I don't know that far. But it probably has relative power to an outsider's curse."

Tinasha roared at the lightly drawn conclusion.

If Oscar's reasoning is correct, I also feel like I know why he jumped at this point. Elteria probably avoided the insider's power to interfere with herself. So I took advantage of Tinasha, who happened to be nearby, and escaped the lake with her.

That is not the past, and it has emerged in history that should not have been, either because Tinasha's hopes were not in the past or because of the lake's interference.

She took a few sighs.

If Valt had known about this, he might have taken a different approach.

Or has he still been in contact with Tinasha?

- - Valt Hognis Gaz Kronos.

Tinasha could learn his real name and footprint as the same master two generations ago from the record, but nobody could touch what he thought and lived as precious on the inside of it.

Tinasha, who keeps thinking, is accidentally pulled by her hair and raised her face.

said the man, feathering his jacket.

"Shall we go then? Get dressed."

"Huh? Where are you going..."

"There's another one, isn't there? In the treasure trove. Bring it in with care."

Oscar pointed to pale elteria, while he took Acacia in his hand.

A tough stand. I think it's beautiful not to get lost.

Seeing her husband's strong, unwavering will, she nodded silently, barely knowing what she was going to do.

The guard soldiers bowed their heads in surprise to the king and his queen, who suddenly went to the treasure trove at midnight.

Turn down the confession and the two enter the treasure trove. Soon Tinasha found another small box.

This is it.


Tinasha carefully lined up the two elterias to avoid activating when she made the place avoiding what was on the table.

Red and pale.

Same tattoo, paired presence.

Oscar looked at it with his face oblique.

"You have to break them both at the same time, don't you?

"That's right...... are you going to break it!?

Of course.


Tinasha opened her mouth gently to the man who told her plainly.

I suspect you haven't heard the story before, but that can't be true.

Then he's really going to break it after he finds out.

Oscar laughs bitterly in return for his wife, who has her big eyes rounded.

"I see what you're saying. No, is that yours before? I don't know what you think right now, but if I'm going to accept your tampering, if I want to respect people's thoughts even if my life is rewritten by this - draw that readiness and I hope to break this"

Tinasha couldn't say anything.

It was indeed she who refused to destroy Elteria, taking people's thoughts as precious.

Now she cannot necessarily affirm all that opinion, which sacrifices Valt's suffering and also misses the distortions created by tampering.

But still, the feelings and readiness of that fundamental person are certainly still inherited in her.

Tinasha took the time to swallow the heavy hesitation, spinning her words like a rainstorm.

"The world today is a tower where you can get your hands on and stand full of calves. There are reinforcement hands everywhere. If you remove it, everything will collapse and rebuild from the beginning."

I can say with certainty now that I am the master. Valt said he no longer looked at his existence.

If the Elteria disappears, all its interference will be lost.

The earliest record.

A curse given to a mother who has lost a child.

And the family that inherited that child's blood.

If the mother of the day is not given Elteria, the clan itself will cease to exist.

- And that's not limited to his clan.

Re-establishing all the alterations that have been made countless times will also revisit the fate of the many people buried in history in the original direction.

Perhaps that includes Oscar himself, whose life was saved by a mother who used Elteria.

- - Does he know the possibility of his own death?

Tinasha stares straight into the man's blue eyes.

He smiled a little at his wife's complaining gaze and showed it.

"I've been helped by this, and I've been helped before, so tell me. Hearing that is still a backward act to alter the past. It's against the way people go. No matter how much I regret it, it's something to hold onto. What you can do with the past… must not be there."

If you knew the past could be changed, now would be the time, wouldn't it? and Tinasha grinned sadly toward Oscar, who told the child to teach him.

He's right.

But I can tell you that because it's him, it's the opinion of the strong.

How many thoughts and alterations does this world have now?

Whispering thoughts distort the world, and distortion spreads itself to become the next ground.

Wrong. I know.

But when I said if I could cut it off... she wouldn't know.

Because I think that's one of the ways people look.

But she has an Oscar.

If he himself was asked then if he would jump in the past or not, I would have said no.

I just jumped, so I helped her.

He's a strong man. He can walk out of anywhere, anytime.

And he made up his mind now.

"If you're ready, this ends here. I don't know if I'm an outsider, but I don't feel comfortable with people's regrets. Enough to be watched and recorded. You just have to go over any tragedy. I think all humans have that much power."

Tinasha, after a long silence, gave small assent.

His insistence is on human dignity itself.

This world is not a boxyard.

People are not toys.

Deny the observer the will.

I will not tolerate being ruled by fate.

Remember the pride you gave when you were born alone in the world, when you stood as a divided individual.

Tinasha hugs that body as she walks over to him. The warm body I knew so well almost made me cry zero.

Oscar gently strokes his wife's hair. I only raised one end of my lips and laughed.

"Besides, if you don't break this, you're the main one, right? He's going to say he won't have kids again. That's troublesome. I want your child."

"Say that..."

I laugh unexpectedly. Instead of children, we're not even sure we'll see each other again.

He may not grow up.

Yet deliberately joking and saying is probably a care to lighten her up a little bit.

Tinasha smiled like a flower under the moon in response. Hold his body hard.

"Whether history changes or everything goes back to normal. No one remembers anywhere, even if I'm not born...... I love you. You're my first and last one."

There are countless repetitive memories in her.

The years spent as his wife were also like overlapping waves.

Even if she loses those memories that she can draw upon as the Lord and never traces them again in her new born history. Sure enough, the two of them, that time was there.

The accumulated memories, the words exchanged and all the thoughts devoted disappear, and even if it were to have never been the first, it could not be worthless until then.

That's why I'm fine.


I can go over it.

- Yes, I believe it.

Tinasha slowly closes her dark eyes.

Oscar put his hand on his wife's white cheek. When I stand back, I mouth on my cheek.

He wiped away his long eyelashes with his lips. whisper to her slightly trembling.

"I'm not letting you go. This is just a crossing point. Don't get lost. I don't care if you're a queen or a witch. Come to me properly. If you don't get here much, I'll push you again."

Tinasha smiles.

Kind voice. Rare will.

She was in a hurry, just one king.

Always saved. Give me strength. How much do you think of him? Is it special?

I want to pour out just about everything I can give you, more than that.

so that this power may be his strength without being spared.

so that even this corner of the spirit sustains him.

so that one day I can stand next to you again.

I just hope strongly.

Tinasha turned her arms around his neck and held the man's head. Claw forward and attach the limb.

"Wait. Be sure... to show up before you. Cross the time. Then we... fall in love again"

"That's exciting."

When Tinasha untied her arm, the two looked at each other close. Let them touch each other's foreheads.

Dark eyes and blue eyes brighter than the night sky reflected their appearance.

Align your nostrils, cheeks, and lips, and finally mouth deep.

- - This place will be a lifetime goodbye.

But that doesn't mean we'll never see each other again.

Even if the two paths of destiny are prescribed to be non-interchangeable.

Fight it.

I won't end it.

No matter if you don't have any memories or nothing, you're bound to follow.

Determined enough to engrave into his soul, Tinasha took Oscar's left hand.

He nods and pulls out Acacia. He raised a sword in the world toward a glowing curse by sucking people's thoughts.

"Did you enjoy humiliating people? Don't look down. It's over to please you. - - Refuse to interfere. Be dust and walk away!

Acacia is swung down.

The blade came into contact with two spheres simultaneously.

For a moment, the white light burns the world down.

There was a stabbing pain all over my body.

I don't see anything. I can't hear you. They throw me inside.

The power to push, the fragments to devour, degenerate the soul.

Tinasha squeezed her strength and held her right hand hard.

A definite feeling. Flat hands to be gripped back.

But the warmth is no longer surprising.

My hands slip through. My finger hasn't grabbed anything as early as possible.

She is alone.

Tinasha leaks a small whimper as she tightly squeezes her ten fingers trembling in fear.

And he screamed insanely, cleaving the next moment.

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