5 5. Training DayNew Arrival
Ryela, Marly, and Natalie jerked out of bed. "Ugh!" Marly complained, "Turn off the freaking wake-up call I'm tryna sleep here!" she yelled. Natalie groaned as she rolled out of bed and plopped on the floor. "Sleep well," Ryela asked rubbing her eyes.
"Yeah I actually slept like a baby and had a really good dream, until frickin Henry tries scaring us half to death in our sleep with that annoying alarm. " protested Natalie.
"I completely agree. Did you sleep well, Rye?" Marly faltered concerningly.
"Yeah… still thinking about yesterday thow."
"Don't sweat it, girl," Marly assured as she got back in bed.
The girls groaned in frustration as they struggles out of bed. "I'm going to crush that speaker if it doesn't stop." threatened Marly.
"I don't remember the alarm in the morning." Ryela muttered, "Is it new?"
"Nope, it always been there, same stupid alarm." murmured Marly, "Most kids wake up early so they don't need it, but if you don't they blast it through your room.
"But it's only seven in the morning! That's too early for me," added Natalie.
"Well, then it's only one other thing." Marly speculated getting dressed and ready.
"What?" Ryela asked.
"Training Day."
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Are you sure about this?" Henry inquired.
"Of course I am, starting training day early is the best way to go." MaryAnn hinted
"Are you sure it's not just about the new girl?
"No, but now since you brought it up, I think it will be good for her. She can find out more about her abilities and who she is."
"What if she is who we think, she can be da-"
"Don't even go that way with me, Hun, ok?"
"Fine, I just hope you know what you're doing ok. I really do." he hesitated, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I don't want you getting hurt in the process, I care about you."
"I know, just trust me."
"You know I do."
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Bright and early the kids were sitting in the cafeteria eating breakfast. It was awfully crowded which was very unusual. "Is it just me or did about 100 more kids show up?" Izon confronted.
"Eh, yeah they normally pick up a few kids here and there when they can, but they must have gone all out last night." sighed Gabe.
"Pick up kids?" question Ryela.
"From WWIDI. They ship kids around and when RGST can, they will high jack them and rescue the kids." Natalie explained taking a bite of her toast.
Ryela put down her drink and question, "How?"
"What do you mean?" asked Marly.
"They have soldiers with high tech weapons crawling the place twenty-four seven, not even counting 'special equipped' soldiers." Ryela informed, with a look of confusion.
Gabe continued. "That's why they have a training day. They train kids to defend and use their powers for the good. Then when they are ready they can choose to join RGST to help take down WWIDI and other harmful business."
"I thought we already apart of RGST." confronted Ryela.
"We are. Just not the fighting back part, we stay inside, learn, and fight more. Because if an amateur goes out to help they could capture them and either kill them, force them to tell where RGST is, keep them as a lab rat, or wipe there memory." Gabe proposed as he rubbed his tired eyes.
"Wait." Ryela interrupted. "What did you say?"
"What? Memory swipe?" Gabe asked.
"Yeah…" Ryela looked down in deep thought. 'Is that why I can't remember anything. Did they do that to me? What did I find out to where they had to do that though…?'
"She's doing the thing again." Marly confronted nudging her arm, "You good?"
"Uh yeah..."
The kids sat there staring at her for a good minute.
"Well, we're not mind readers are we?" Marly sniggered. "Wanna tell us."
Ryela sighed and looked down. "Not really."
The kids continue to eat there food, but Izon didn't. "She feels like...she is missing apart of herself and the reason why is because her memories were taken from her." Izon whispered into Gabe's ear.
"Hey stop! Those are my personal thoughts, so stay out." Ryela snapped covering her eyes.
"I was just trying to use my ability to help you. I'm sorry."
"He was just trying to help, Rye." Marly sympathised.
"But you can't help me."
A long silence sat at the table and all of their heads were down.
"If it is that…We are going to help you get them back... deal?" Gabe reassured putting his hand on her hand.
Ryela looked up then looked back down.
"Deal." the kids chipped in.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Breakfast is almost over and the kids were getting ready to get up but were soon disturbed.
The door flipped open and this kid with dark, red hair walked in. "Who is that?" Natalie faltered.
"I think it's the new kid." informed Gabe.
"I heard he has the ability of heat and fire, and with enough power, he can fly." Izon chipped in.
"I also heard he is sometimes a punk or something. He bullies lower power kids and gets them to do stuff." Marly snapped oller her eyes.
Ryela gave a hard stare at the kid. 'He reminds me of someone I knew in WWIDI, but I can't remember.'
"What if he finds out that I don't know my powers. Will he try to bully me?" whispered Ryela into Marly's ear.
"You're one of the toughest girls I know, ok? And plus, I think you not knowing your powers isn't necessarily a bad thing, if he ever did try and bother you I think your powers would kick in. That or you can beat his butt to the curb with no powers." joked Marly
These men walked up to Gabe's table with the new kid beside them. "Gabe Agreste, as leader of this group A2, we have been informed that Jake Steinfield is to join you till we find another group that suits him, understood." one of the guards commanded."
"Yes, sir."
"He will bunk within your quadrant also, and he is your responsibility." The guards walked off and the new kid was just standing there. He walked over next to Ryela and sat down.
"Sup guys, I guess I'll be hanging with y'all." Jake grinned looking at Ryela, "I'm Jake by the way."
"Uh, yea. I already knew that." Ryela stammered uncomfortably.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
The kids introduced themselves to Jake and told him a little about RGST. After that, it was announced on the speaker that training starts in 30 minutes, and to go to Training Fields. So the kids were making their way there, but Ryela looked very nervous.
"So, what's training day?" Jake asked.
"It's where kids get trained to strengthen their ability and they move up on the chart, and it's not necessarily a day it's about a few months process," informed Natalie.
"Ok, make sense. So what level are you guys on?" Jake asked looking at Ryela again.
"We are the first group so I guess the top." stammered Ryela giving no attention to him.
"So what are your abilities? There probably really cool then." Jake questioned eagerly.
"Um, well, I can control nature, like the air, ground, trees and other things like that. I also can heal things or people." Natalie began as she motioned her hand over her head and pink blossoms flew by.
"I have super hearing, force field, invisibility, and strength." Marly continued.
"I can read people's pulse, fly, x-ray vision, and if I try hard enough I can read people's thoughts," explained Izon as they made there way down the path to the fields.
"That's so cool. What about you Gabe?" asked Jake.
"Hm? Oh yeah. I have super speed, super strength, flight, I can read people's emotions, and I can teleport anything wherever I think, by touching it." Gabe explained.
"That's awesome, and you, Ryela?"
"Um, what?"
"You know your ability."
"Oh yeah.. well what about your ability?"
Just then Jake stopped walking. He clenched his fist and popped it open. As he lifted up his hand, blue flames came with it. "There yours answer." he bragged as he gave a smile. "So what is yours?"
"Uh, it's kinda like- um-"
RING! "Training starts now, please make your way to the Registration Booth next to Trading Fields."
"Looks like we have to go." Ryela sighed a breath of relief and looked at Jake. 'Right in the nick of time!'
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Ryela, Marly, and Natalie jerked out of bed. "Ugh!" Marly complained, "Turn off the freaking wake-up call I'm tryna sleep here!" she yelled. Natalie groaned as she rolled out of bed and plopped on the floor. "Sleep well," Ryela asked rubbing her eyes.
"Yeah I actually slept like a baby and had a really good dream, until frickin Henry tries scaring us half to death in our sleep with that annoying alarm. " protested Natalie.
"I completely agree. Did you sleep well, Rye?" Marly faltered concerningly.
"Yeah… still thinking about yesterday thow."
"Don't sweat it, girl," Marly assured as she got back in bed.
The girls groaned in frustration as they struggles out of bed. "I'm going to crush that speaker if it doesn't stop." threatened Marly.
"I don't remember the alarm in the morning." Ryela muttered, "Is it new?"
"Nope, it always been there, same stupid alarm." murmured Marly, "Most kids wake up early so they don't need it, but if you don't they blast it through your room.
"But it's only seven in the morning! That's too early for me," added Natalie.
"Well, then it's only one other thing." Marly speculated getting dressed and ready.
"What?" Ryela asked.
"Training Day."
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Are you sure about this?" Henry inquired.
"Of course I am, starting training day early is the best way to go." MaryAnn hinted
"Are you sure it's not just about the new girl?
"No, but now since you brought it up, I think it will be good for her. She can find out more about her abilities and who she is."
"What if she is who we think, she can be da-"
"Don't even go that way with me, Hun, ok?"
"Fine, I just hope you know what you're doing ok. I really do." he hesitated, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I don't want you getting hurt in the process, I care about you."
"I know, just trust me."
"You know I do."
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Bright and early the kids were sitting in the cafeteria eating breakfast. It was awfully crowded which was very unusual. "Is it just me or did about 100 more kids show up?" Izon confronted.
"Eh, yeah they normally pick up a few kids here and there when they can, but they must have gone all out last night." sighed Gabe.
"Pick up kids?" question Ryela.
"From WWIDI. They ship kids around and when RGST can, they will high jack them and rescue the kids." Natalie explained taking a bite of her toast.
Ryela put down her drink and question, "How?"
"What do you mean?" asked Marly.
"They have soldiers with high tech weapons crawling the place twenty-four seven, not even counting 'special equipped' soldiers." Ryela informed, with a look of confusion.
Gabe continued. "That's why they have a training day. They train kids to defend and use their powers for the good. Then when they are ready they can choose to join RGST to help take down WWIDI and other harmful business."
"I thought we already apart of RGST." confronted Ryela.
"We are. Just not the fighting back part, we stay inside, learn, and fight more. Because if an amateur goes out to help they could capture them and either kill them, force them to tell where RGST is, keep them as a lab rat, or wipe there memory." Gabe proposed as he rubbed his tired eyes.
"Wait." Ryela interrupted. "What did you say?"
"What? Memory swipe?" Gabe asked.
"Yeah…" Ryela looked down in deep thought. 'Is that why I can't remember anything. Did they do that to me? What did I find out to where they had to do that though…?'
"She's doing the thing again." Marly confronted nudging her arm, "You good?"
"Uh yeah..."
The kids sat there staring at her for a good minute.
"Well, we're not mind readers are we?" Marly sniggered. "Wanna tell us."
Ryela sighed and looked down. "Not really."
The kids continue to eat there food, but Izon didn't. "She feels like...she is missing apart of herself and the reason why is because her memories were taken from her." Izon whispered into Gabe's ear.
"Hey stop! Those are my personal thoughts, so stay out." Ryela snapped covering her eyes.
"I was just trying to use my ability to help you. I'm sorry."
"He was just trying to help, Rye." Marly sympathised.
"But you can't help me."
A long silence sat at the table and all of their heads were down.
"If it is that…We are going to help you get them back... deal?" Gabe reassured putting his hand on her hand.
Ryela looked up then looked back down.
"Deal." the kids chipped in.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Breakfast is almost over and the kids were getting ready to get up but were soon disturbed.
The door flipped open and this kid with dark, red hair walked in. "Who is that?" Natalie faltered.
"I think it's the new kid." informed Gabe.
"I heard he has the ability of heat and fire, and with enough power, he can fly." Izon chipped in.
"I also heard he is sometimes a punk or something. He bullies lower power kids and gets them to do stuff." Marly snapped oller her eyes.
Ryela gave a hard stare at the kid. 'He reminds me of someone I knew in WWIDI, but I can't remember.'
"What if he finds out that I don't know my powers. Will he try to bully me?" whispered Ryela into Marly's ear.
"You're one of the toughest girls I know, ok? And plus, I think you not knowing your powers isn't necessarily a bad thing, if he ever did try and bother you I think your powers would kick in. That or you can beat his butt to the curb with no powers." joked Marly
These men walked up to Gabe's table with the new kid beside them. "Gabe Agreste, as leader of this group A2, we have been informed that Jake Steinfield is to join you till we find another group that suits him, understood." one of the guards commanded."
"Yes, sir."
"He will bunk within your quadrant also, and he is your responsibility." The guards walked off and the new kid was just standing there. He walked over next to Ryela and sat down.
"Sup guys, I guess I'll be hanging with y'all." Jake grinned looking at Ryela, "I'm Jake by the way."
"Uh, yea. I already knew that." Ryela stammered uncomfortably.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
The kids introduced themselves to Jake and told him a little about RGST. After that, it was announced on the speaker that training starts in 30 minutes, and to go to Training Fields. So the kids were making their way there, but Ryela looked very nervous.
"So, what's training day?" Jake asked.
"It's where kids get trained to strengthen their ability and they move up on the chart, and it's not necessarily a day it's about a few months process," informed Natalie.
"Ok, make sense. So what level are you guys on?" Jake asked looking at Ryela again.
"We are the first group so I guess the top." stammered Ryela giving no attention to him.
"So what are your abilities? There probably really cool then." Jake questioned eagerly.
"Um, well, I can control nature, like the air, ground, trees and other things like that. I also can heal things or people." Natalie began as she motioned her hand over her head and pink blossoms flew by.
"I have super hearing, force field, invisibility, and strength." Marly continued.
"I can read people's pulse, fly, x-ray vision, and if I try hard enough I can read people's thoughts," explained Izon as they made there way down the path to the fields.
"That's so cool. What about you Gabe?" asked Jake.
"Hm? Oh yeah. I have super speed, super strength, flight, I can read people's emotions, and I can teleport anything wherever I think, by touching it." Gabe explained.
"That's awesome, and you, Ryela?"
"Um, what?"
"You know your ability."
"Oh yeah.. well what about your ability?"
Just then Jake stopped walking. He clenched his fist and popped it open. As he lifted up his hand, blue flames came with it. "There yours answer." he bragged as he gave a smile. "So what is yours?"
"Uh, it's kinda like- um-"
RING! "Training starts now, please make your way to the Registration Booth next to Trading Fields."
"Looks like we have to go." Ryela sighed a breath of relief and looked at Jake. 'Right in the nick of time!'
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
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