6 6. New Rival
Chapter 6
The groups split up to train, they trained and were tested in every Block even if they did not have those powers. Each block tested a different ability, one was Water Force, Speed and Strength, Fire, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Force of mind, Force of Nature, and so forth. They have Blocks were teammates will pair up and train each other in fair fight using their ability. Each group takes turns in every section to see if they would qualify for that power. Group A2 was up, but since Jake was new he could not train yet.
"Finally. He's gone" muttered Ryela.
"Not for too long though." reminded Marly.
"Oops. Sorry."
"Shh, guys their about to pick teams." hushed Gabe.
"Then last group is Group A2... First pair will be… Marly and Izon… Second pair will be Natalie and Jake… Last pair will be Ryela and Gabe… May training begin."
"This should be fun." chuckled Marly
"Yeah you say that, I have to go with flame boy." pouted Natalie.
Ryela turned towards Marly and slowly rolled her eyes. "Really? Gabe? He is one of the strongest kids here." whispered Ryela into Marly's ear.
"Your good, boo, he'll go easy on you." she said winking at Ryela.
"Shut up." blushed Ryela.
"Ok, then that solves that. Let's break off into groups and do the Blocks; we will meet back for lunch." explained Gabe. The group broke off and did there own thing. Gabe and Ryela debated about where to start first; they finally made up their minds to do Speed and Strength. In Speed and Strength, you have to do a series of obstacles to move and lift heavy stuff, then for the speed part of it, it's mostly things flying at you to see how fast you can move.
"Ow!" groaned Ryela as another disk ricochet off her sore body.
"You have to be quicker, Ryela." One of the coaches protested.
Gabe ran to Ryela at her call of pain. "Are you ok, Ryela." gasped Gabe. He went over and helped her up, "You bruised up pretty quick. Let's take you to the infirmary."
They made there way to the infirmary and knocked on the door, a voice yelled out telling them to come in.
"Uh, hey Ms. MaryAnn." faltered Gabe.
"Oh dear, what happened?!"
"I guess I didn't move fast enough." mumbled Ryela. She sat down on a bed and they took a look at her bruises. She has bruises throughout her body, but mainly on her ribs and back from turning away from the disks.
"This isn't too bad, with this sirum it should only take in hour to heal, and you'll feel better in no time."
"Can I just take a day." Ryela sighed laying back in a bed.
"It's only been an hour of training though, you shouldn't give up now." Gabe protested. "And in a hour I got hurt."
"Try and give it another go? We can try after lunch. You'll feel a lot better by then."
"Gabe why don't you go and finish training before lunch starts, so Henry won't get mad." joke MaryAnn.
"Yes ma'am."
MaryAnn walked over to the bed Ryela was sitting and sat down.
"Please don't try and cheer me up." Ryela mumbled.
"I won't. I just needed to sit down." Ryela gave a look of confusion to MaryAnn, and they sat there silent for at least 45 minutes.
"You look better." exclaimed MaryAnn.
"I feel better. I guess you didn't have to say anything to cheer me up."
"I guess not… Now how about you jump back into the ring, but this time you throw a few punches, huh?"
GRR! The loud sound of Ryela's stomach growling broke the serious moment.
"Maybe you should eat first."
"Yeah." laughed Ryela.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
The squad was sitting at their usual table eating hotdogs and fries, but the only difference was that Jake was sitting right by her seat. 'Ugh him again. Why you do this to me RGST?'
"Hey, Rye... I heard what happened." Marly comforted, "How's y-"
Gabe knocked over his cup of water and it spilt everywhere. "Oops, sorry, I'm just super clumsy today." Gabe interrupted as he gave Marly a sharp look.
"What did happen to you, Ryela. You weren't there when I came to the Blocks." questioned Jake.
"Oh I was sick." stammered Ryela as she poked her food.
"Well hopefully I'll get to see the queen in action after lunch." Jake insisted.
"Yeah I guess."
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Training Day is to start in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the Training Fields."
The squad took a while till they figured out which Block to go to. Marly and Izon chose Force Of Mind and the rest of the group chose Fire. For the block Fire, two people go up next to a meter that takes the temperature of each person's heat. The highest heat goes against each other till there's only one winner.
Ryela started shaking in fear. She looked at the Block, and then back at Gabe. "Gabe! What am I going to do. If he sees me with no powers he will think low of me." whispered Ryela into Gabe ear.
"Don't worry you will do great, and if not just remember I got your back if her acts stupid." Gabe reassured her.
Gabe went up against Natalie, but since Gabe was not experienced in Fire, Natalie won. Next up was Natalie and Ryela. Natalie leaned in close and whispered, "Think of something that really angers you, and use that energy." so Ryela closed her eyes.
"Wh- where am I?" weak Ryela questioned.
"Hi. How are you feeling?" asked a nurse putting her hand on Ryela's head.
"And your in 'WorldWide Infectious Diseases Institute,' or in other words WWIDI." she explained.
"I'm sick?"
"No, actually we cured you."
Poor Ryela squinted her eyes trying to focus on her surroundings. "Why can't I remember anything? Where is my family? Why do I feel weird." Ryela started demanding answers.
"It was one of the side effects, sweety. We can still help you through."
Ryela started having another flashback again. Sadness rolled up in her, but it turned into a blazing hatred. As she opened her eyes her whole body was on fire. The group froze in shock that she could start her ability, but it only worked for about 10 seconds and it shut back off.
"Girl, you were so on fire I thought you were gonna zinch my eyebrows off!" Marly laughed. patting Ryela on the shoulder.
Ryela won one battle and it was her turn against Jake. They went up and she tried the same method again. So with a hint of trust she closed her eyes in hesitation.
"Rye? Where are you?" a soft voice questioned. "Come out, come out, wherever you are." A mysterious woman turned around as she heard young Ryela laugh from inside a closet. "Where could she be...hmm?"
"Boo!" The lady yelled opening the closet door.
"You found me!" Ryela giggled.
Just like before she turned on fire. Her temperature was really high, but instead being angry she had a look of gratitude. Ryela looked at her temperature and it was nowhere near Jake's.
"I'm impressed you could've beat me, but I'm still the hottest out there." Jake smirked as he shot a dashing smile towards Ryela. Ugh there goes my lunch.
The group did other Blocks, but Ryela stepped out. She said she was still feeling sick and had to go. By the time training was over it was dinner. The squad was already sitting at the table when Ryela got over there, but Jake wasn't there. They explained that he had to 'freshen up his good looks,' but he'll make sure he doesn't keep them waiting.
"What good looks?" Marl smirked. Marly laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes, and so did the team.
"Good one, Mar!" Snorted Natalie.
"What the heck do you think you are doing?! Get out of my way, insect!"
"What is that?" asked Izon
"Here we go! I knew he was nothing but a hot head." giggled Marly.
"Gabe, aren't you going to do something?" sneered Ryela
"I can't, even if he throws a punch."
Jake shot a ball of fire at the kid and pushed him on the ground. Just then Ryela jumped up and ran over to him. "Hey! Anyone ever teach you respect? Back off, Jake." Once she realized what she did she froze in fear and began to panic.
"Listen here, princess, it's called 'level of authority'. In other words I'm more powerful them him, so if he bothers me he will have to be put in check...just like you." Jake put up his hand and with it came a strong flame. Ryela took a step back in fear and stopped. Just then Gabe ran up and pushed her behind him and the rest of the squad ran up next to her.
"You better not touch her." threatened Gabe. His eyes glowed yellow and he prepared his stance.
"Or what, Ace?"
Ryela's friends started their abilities and with it; there eyes each glowing a different color.
"Or we'll kick your butt to the curb." Marly smarted off.
"That's enough!" protested Gillyi.
"Agreste! In my office, now." Henry snarled as he walked away with Gabe. Jake sat down as Natalie, Izon, and Marly walked back with Ryela to her seat.
"I'm not hungry." stammered Ryela and she got ready to get up.
"Where are you going?" Marly questioned.
"I heading to my room."
"Let me go with."
"No just… stay here, I wanna be alone."
Ryela ran out of the cafeteria, and made her way to the bench in the woods were MaryAnn first walked her.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Blake, Stop!" Ryela yelled running over to a girl on the ground to help her up.
"Oh, I see. Since your so special in all you think you can tell me what to do?"
"Are you ok? You should get going." Ryela insisted to the girl.
"Um did you hear me?"
Ryela was on the floor coughing up blood. She touched her bruised face and her cheek was cut. But bold Ryela got off the floor and wiped her bloody hand on the wall, and gave him the harshest glare.
"What? Are you really gonna fight me?"
"I didn't come here to fight." Ryela declared as she turned around to walk away, but Blake wanted to fight. He pulled his hand back and threw it forward and with it a huge bolt of lighting surged at Ryela.
"What the heck!" Blake yelled.
"That's not nice to fight a weakling, is it?" A guy scolded him as he put a force field around Blake and made it smaller to crush him.
"Austin, stop." Ryela pleaded, and so he did.
"What did I tell you about getting into fights, huh? I can't protect you all the time."
"And I don't expect you too."
"But 'he' does."
"Just don't."
"I can't deal with your always pissed atti-"
"Ryela?" a soft voice broke the silence of her flashback.
"Who is it?" Ryela asked sniffing up tears. As the figure approached the light she saw who it was. "Oh, hey, Ms. MaryAnn."
"I knew I'd find you here. I heard what happened... Would you like to talk about it?"
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
The groups split up to train, they trained and were tested in every Block even if they did not have those powers. Each block tested a different ability, one was Water Force, Speed and Strength, Fire, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Force of mind, Force of Nature, and so forth. They have Blocks were teammates will pair up and train each other in fair fight using their ability. Each group takes turns in every section to see if they would qualify for that power. Group A2 was up, but since Jake was new he could not train yet.
"Finally. He's gone" muttered Ryela.
"Not for too long though." reminded Marly.
"Oops. Sorry."
"Shh, guys their about to pick teams." hushed Gabe.
"Then last group is Group A2... First pair will be… Marly and Izon… Second pair will be Natalie and Jake… Last pair will be Ryela and Gabe… May training begin."
"This should be fun." chuckled Marly
"Yeah you say that, I have to go with flame boy." pouted Natalie.
Ryela turned towards Marly and slowly rolled her eyes. "Really? Gabe? He is one of the strongest kids here." whispered Ryela into Marly's ear.
"Your good, boo, he'll go easy on you." she said winking at Ryela.
"Shut up." blushed Ryela.
"Ok, then that solves that. Let's break off into groups and do the Blocks; we will meet back for lunch." explained Gabe. The group broke off and did there own thing. Gabe and Ryela debated about where to start first; they finally made up their minds to do Speed and Strength. In Speed and Strength, you have to do a series of obstacles to move and lift heavy stuff, then for the speed part of it, it's mostly things flying at you to see how fast you can move.
"Ow!" groaned Ryela as another disk ricochet off her sore body.
"You have to be quicker, Ryela." One of the coaches protested.
Gabe ran to Ryela at her call of pain. "Are you ok, Ryela." gasped Gabe. He went over and helped her up, "You bruised up pretty quick. Let's take you to the infirmary."
They made there way to the infirmary and knocked on the door, a voice yelled out telling them to come in.
"Uh, hey Ms. MaryAnn." faltered Gabe.
"Oh dear, what happened?!"
"I guess I didn't move fast enough." mumbled Ryela. She sat down on a bed and they took a look at her bruises. She has bruises throughout her body, but mainly on her ribs and back from turning away from the disks.
"This isn't too bad, with this sirum it should only take in hour to heal, and you'll feel better in no time."
"Can I just take a day." Ryela sighed laying back in a bed.
"It's only been an hour of training though, you shouldn't give up now." Gabe protested. "And in a hour I got hurt."
"Try and give it another go? We can try after lunch. You'll feel a lot better by then."
"Gabe why don't you go and finish training before lunch starts, so Henry won't get mad." joke MaryAnn.
"Yes ma'am."
MaryAnn walked over to the bed Ryela was sitting and sat down.
"Please don't try and cheer me up." Ryela mumbled.
"I won't. I just needed to sit down." Ryela gave a look of confusion to MaryAnn, and they sat there silent for at least 45 minutes.
"You look better." exclaimed MaryAnn.
"I feel better. I guess you didn't have to say anything to cheer me up."
"I guess not… Now how about you jump back into the ring, but this time you throw a few punches, huh?"
GRR! The loud sound of Ryela's stomach growling broke the serious moment.
"Maybe you should eat first."
"Yeah." laughed Ryela.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
The squad was sitting at their usual table eating hotdogs and fries, but the only difference was that Jake was sitting right by her seat. 'Ugh him again. Why you do this to me RGST?'
"Hey, Rye... I heard what happened." Marly comforted, "How's y-"
Gabe knocked over his cup of water and it spilt everywhere. "Oops, sorry, I'm just super clumsy today." Gabe interrupted as he gave Marly a sharp look.
"What did happen to you, Ryela. You weren't there when I came to the Blocks." questioned Jake.
"Oh I was sick." stammered Ryela as she poked her food.
"Well hopefully I'll get to see the queen in action after lunch." Jake insisted.
"Yeah I guess."
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Training Day is to start in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the Training Fields."
The squad took a while till they figured out which Block to go to. Marly and Izon chose Force Of Mind and the rest of the group chose Fire. For the block Fire, two people go up next to a meter that takes the temperature of each person's heat. The highest heat goes against each other till there's only one winner.
Ryela started shaking in fear. She looked at the Block, and then back at Gabe. "Gabe! What am I going to do. If he sees me with no powers he will think low of me." whispered Ryela into Gabe ear.
"Don't worry you will do great, and if not just remember I got your back if her acts stupid." Gabe reassured her.
Gabe went up against Natalie, but since Gabe was not experienced in Fire, Natalie won. Next up was Natalie and Ryela. Natalie leaned in close and whispered, "Think of something that really angers you, and use that energy." so Ryela closed her eyes.
"Wh- where am I?" weak Ryela questioned.
"Hi. How are you feeling?" asked a nurse putting her hand on Ryela's head.
"And your in 'WorldWide Infectious Diseases Institute,' or in other words WWIDI." she explained.
"I'm sick?"
"No, actually we cured you."
Poor Ryela squinted her eyes trying to focus on her surroundings. "Why can't I remember anything? Where is my family? Why do I feel weird." Ryela started demanding answers.
"It was one of the side effects, sweety. We can still help you through."
Ryela started having another flashback again. Sadness rolled up in her, but it turned into a blazing hatred. As she opened her eyes her whole body was on fire. The group froze in shock that she could start her ability, but it only worked for about 10 seconds and it shut back off.
"Girl, you were so on fire I thought you were gonna zinch my eyebrows off!" Marly laughed. patting Ryela on the shoulder.
Ryela won one battle and it was her turn against Jake. They went up and she tried the same method again. So with a hint of trust she closed her eyes in hesitation.
"Rye? Where are you?" a soft voice questioned. "Come out, come out, wherever you are." A mysterious woman turned around as she heard young Ryela laugh from inside a closet. "Where could she be...hmm?"
"Boo!" The lady yelled opening the closet door.
"You found me!" Ryela giggled.
Just like before she turned on fire. Her temperature was really high, but instead being angry she had a look of gratitude. Ryela looked at her temperature and it was nowhere near Jake's.
"I'm impressed you could've beat me, but I'm still the hottest out there." Jake smirked as he shot a dashing smile towards Ryela. Ugh there goes my lunch.
The group did other Blocks, but Ryela stepped out. She said she was still feeling sick and had to go. By the time training was over it was dinner. The squad was already sitting at the table when Ryela got over there, but Jake wasn't there. They explained that he had to 'freshen up his good looks,' but he'll make sure he doesn't keep them waiting.
"What good looks?" Marl smirked. Marly laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes, and so did the team.
"Good one, Mar!" Snorted Natalie.
"What the heck do you think you are doing?! Get out of my way, insect!"
"What is that?" asked Izon
"Here we go! I knew he was nothing but a hot head." giggled Marly.
"Gabe, aren't you going to do something?" sneered Ryela
"I can't, even if he throws a punch."
Jake shot a ball of fire at the kid and pushed him on the ground. Just then Ryela jumped up and ran over to him. "Hey! Anyone ever teach you respect? Back off, Jake." Once she realized what she did she froze in fear and began to panic.
"Listen here, princess, it's called 'level of authority'. In other words I'm more powerful them him, so if he bothers me he will have to be put in check...just like you." Jake put up his hand and with it came a strong flame. Ryela took a step back in fear and stopped. Just then Gabe ran up and pushed her behind him and the rest of the squad ran up next to her.
"You better not touch her." threatened Gabe. His eyes glowed yellow and he prepared his stance.
"Or what, Ace?"
Ryela's friends started their abilities and with it; there eyes each glowing a different color.
"Or we'll kick your butt to the curb." Marly smarted off.
"That's enough!" protested Gillyi.
"Agreste! In my office, now." Henry snarled as he walked away with Gabe. Jake sat down as Natalie, Izon, and Marly walked back with Ryela to her seat.
"I'm not hungry." stammered Ryela and she got ready to get up.
"Where are you going?" Marly questioned.
"I heading to my room."
"Let me go with."
"No just… stay here, I wanna be alone."
Ryela ran out of the cafeteria, and made her way to the bench in the woods were MaryAnn first walked her.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Blake, Stop!" Ryela yelled running over to a girl on the ground to help her up.
"Oh, I see. Since your so special in all you think you can tell me what to do?"
"Are you ok? You should get going." Ryela insisted to the girl.
"Um did you hear me?"
Ryela was on the floor coughing up blood. She touched her bruised face and her cheek was cut. But bold Ryela got off the floor and wiped her bloody hand on the wall, and gave him the harshest glare.
"What? Are you really gonna fight me?"
"I didn't come here to fight." Ryela declared as she turned around to walk away, but Blake wanted to fight. He pulled his hand back and threw it forward and with it a huge bolt of lighting surged at Ryela.
"What the heck!" Blake yelled.
"That's not nice to fight a weakling, is it?" A guy scolded him as he put a force field around Blake and made it smaller to crush him.
"Austin, stop." Ryela pleaded, and so he did.
"What did I tell you about getting into fights, huh? I can't protect you all the time."
"And I don't expect you too."
"But 'he' does."
"Just don't."
"I can't deal with your always pissed atti-"
"Ryela?" a soft voice broke the silence of her flashback.
"Who is it?" Ryela asked sniffing up tears. As the figure approached the light she saw who it was. "Oh, hey, Ms. MaryAnn."
"I knew I'd find you here. I heard what happened... Would you like to talk about it?"
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
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