“Damn, don’t play like this! Give a reason first!”

Li Yalin raised his middle finger to the sky loudly roared. Thinking back to everything that happened before, Li Yalin felt like he was dreaming, but watching all around the dense jungle and Little Elf Feifei flying around him, he had to accept this reality again.

“Okay, Master. It’s not impossible to go back, isn’t it so excited?” said Little Elf on the side.

“Oh, that’s true.” Li Yalin touched his nose. “As long as I collect the energy points of 100 million points, I can return to Earth, right?”

“It’s not me, but us. No matter where the Master goes, Feifei will follow the Master. That!” Little Elf was unhappy when he heard this small mouth pouted.

“Yes, yes, I’m sorry Feifei.” Li Yalin slightly smiled and apologized.

“hmph, I will forgive the Master this time, Feifei likes the Master the most!” After speaking, Little Elf hugged Li Yalin’s face and rubbed it. Although Feifei is an outstanding beauty, the intoxication of a beautiful spring day, in short it is a very fragrant Great Beauty, but this beauty is only 20 cm tall and always likes to rub her face. I have to say that this makes Li Yalin very sad.

Why are these two people here? Well, cough cough, just two hours ago, Li Yalin watched Anime at home as usual. He just graduated from high school and got admitted to a key city in this city with a decent score. University, the summer vacation has just begun. As Otaku, Li Yalin is naturally staying at home to watch the new fan anime. But just as he could see it, the computer shut down suddenly. Damn, whose bad luck child pulled the switch? This is Li Yalin’s first reaction. But just when he was going to go out to see what was going on, a vortex appeared on the computer screen in front of him, and Li Yalin was sucked in directly. When he passed out immediately, the thought that flashed in Li Yalin’s mind was “Crossover through unlimited space? I am not so lucky in TNND, am I!”

After waking up, When Li Yalin open the eyes he saw a small elf calling him Master, although I feel a little panicked, Li Yalin still Behaved very well and asked Little Elf where he is now and so on. Little Elf Feifei saw that Li Yalin was so sure that he was very excited to tell Li Yalin the reason for the crossing.

It turns out that Little Elf was created by a certain Great God, but I can’t tell what the specific Great God Little Elf is. In Little Elf’s words, it’s a very big god. And Li Yalin was selected by this Great God, who seemed to be the “heir” of the cultivation of this Great God? Of course, this Great God also gave Li Yalin a very powerful discount, that is, some more useful features.

Now let’s introduce these functions. The most important thing is Exchange Function, but if you want to exchange it, you need Energy Points. The source of Energy Points is the ore and crystal core with energy. Stuff. Currently, Li Yalin doesn’t have any Energy Points, so I can only sigh with excitement.

Exchange Function is divided into several categories. The first is Game Exchange. Each game needs to be opened with Energy Points. After opening, you can redeem the Class, Talent, Bloodline, Skill, Weapons and Item in it. Some things can be exchanged for rare beast inside. It can be said that it is very eye-catching when you look at it. And because Li Yalin, Otaku, does not usually exercise very little, so this time when crossing, a certain Great God Li Yalin’s body has been refined and modified to make Li Yalin’s body very pure and more suitable for practice. It can be said that Li Yalin’s body is already a Low-Level God’s Body, and now Li Yalin is already a low-level body. God, it’s just that its Spiritual Power is not high. Not only that, this Great God also opened a Game Exchange for Li Yalin for free, that is, “Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction” and became an Amazon Warrior for Li Yalin Class Change. This was a good thing, but it made Li Yalin was very upset, After all he likes the Mage Class, otherwise Druid would be fine. In his mind, Amazon is a female class, but this guy is also cheap and good at that’s all.

The second redemption is the Anime Dungeon redemption. For a certain amount of Energy Points, Li Yalin can choose to go to Anime World to complete some Quests. After the Quest is completed, there will be a quest reward. And this dungeon exchange has a very powerful place, that is exchanging of the protagonist, as long as Li Yalin chooses an anime dungeon, after entering the dungeon, Li Yalin can become not just in name only, but also in reality Perverted man, and the original perverted man is completely replaced by Li Yalin. And it seems that the plot into the dungeon will have some changes, but the changes are not big. The most important thing is that in Anime Dungeon, you can sign a contract with anime character, so that anime character can become Li Yalin’s Subordinate God. After becoming Li Yalin’s Subordinate God, anime character can bring out dungeon and can also be enhanced by Game Exchange. Finally, after completing all your Quests in dungeon, you can choose to return and receive dungeon rewards.

The third is Lottery Exchange. There is nothing special about this. There will be one chance every half a month. A lottery requires 5000 Energy Points and will get equipment and items randomly, which is very random. If Energy Points are not enough lottery, the number of lottery can be accumulated, the maximum number of accumulation: 5.

The fourth one is the Character Exchange. This exchange has a chance once a month, which can be exchanged for manga or characters in the game. After the exchange, the characters are completely loyal to Li Yalin. The cost of Energy Points depends on the strength of the redeemed character. Can accumulate the number of exchanges, the highest accumulative number: 5.

Apart from this Li Yalin also gets a battle upgrade function, which can be upgraded through battle to increase your strength. This setting is somewhat similar to an online game, and killing the enemy can also randomly pop out Items, but the probability of bursting out weapon equipment is very small. It can be said that as long as the equipment is burst out, then you have won the jackpot, apart from this there is still a certain amount There is a chance of unexpected surprises, but the items that are exposed are also limited to the opened Game Exchange.

In the end, Li Yalin also obtained a High-Level Evolution Space, this High-Level Evolution Space is divided into two parts, one part is Storage Space, this space seems to be infinitely large, you can store items, But because of the vacuum inside and the relationship with Time Law, living things cannot be stored inside. And the other one is Evolution Space. This space needs Li Yalin to decorate it himself. The Time Flow Speed ​​inside is synchronized with Li Yalin and can be placed like a living thing. Even Li Yalin himself can enter, but now it is just a barren land. There is not a trace of flowers, plants, trees, nor any life. These need to be further cultivated by Li Yalin.

After listening to these words, Li Yalin stayed for an hour. When he woke up, he looked at his Amazon skills. Although Li Yalin’s body is now a god, but His strength is probably only this World Third Rank Low-Level. Feifei also said that this World is similar to the YY novels that Li Yalin has read. The ranks from First Rank to Seventh Rank are ordinary, Eight Rank is Saint Level, Ninth Rank is Supreme, and Tenth rank is God Level. Then it was revealed that Li Yalin needed to collect 100 million Energy Points, and Li Yalin broke out in the opening scene.

Forget it, Li Yalin sighed in his heart. Feifei also introduced just now. He has now traveled to this World. All time on Earth will stop. After he has enough Energy Points, will he travel back to Earth? When he is in front of the computer, when the time comes, the space coordinate channel will be established, the time of the two worlds will be synchronized, and when the time comes Li Yalin can freely travel through the Earth and this alien world.

Also, Li Yalin is a 100% otaku, especially he has a great love for anime. Now he not only has the opportunity to enter anime, but also allows him to exchange anime’s MM. This is for Li For Yalin, it’s big encouragement.

So now Li Yalin’s 1st Step is to accumulate Energy Points, but how do these Energy Points come from? As long as you have been to the starting point, anyone who has read YY novels knows that it is Demon Core! It’s common sense that you can get Demon Core by killing Demon Beast. And Demon Beast can also be used as food. Although Li Yalin is not hungry now, what should I do when I am hungry for a while? Li Yalin has no food at all now, so hunting Demon Beast is the king now.

Thinking of this, Li Yalin is confident. After all, Diablo’s skills are also very powerful, especially Amazon can be called a mobile fort, but at this moment, Li Yalin thought of a very deadly place. , That is, Li Yalin simply has no weapons in his hand. Although Li Yalin’s Third Rank Low-Level strength has learned all the skills of Amazon’s former Level 12, how can Li Yalin without weapons issue skills? Li Yalin does not know the legendary Six Meridians Divine Sword, nor can it hurt people even with a branch, so Li Yalin is completely tragic.

While Li Yalin was in distress, an Arrow hit Li Yalin’s side with a swish. The dust and the splitting the air sound frightened Li Yalin.

“Who?” Li Yalin shouted, and looked around. At this moment, six silhouettes appeared in the nearby jungle. Li Yalin took a closer look. It was a combination of three men and three beautiful women. The one headed by the three girls is dressed as Swordman, dressed in red armor, carrying a four-finger-wide long sword on his back, with fiery-red hair draped behind him, and the beautiful face with that determined temperament, let One has to say that this is a very attractive beauty. Then there is an Archer MM. It seems that she shot the arrow next to Li Yalin. A green hair is tied into twintails behind his head. He is dressed in a green costume of unknown material, but it is a good card, holding it in his hand. Holding a handful of Golden Short Bow, look at her ears. They are pointed. They are actually a fairy. No wonder they are so beautiful. The last little beauty is wearing a blue Mage Robe, holding a wooden Magic Staff in her hand. Although her appearance is not as prominent as that of the Elf MM, her cute and lively temperament makes people feel that we can’t help getting close to her. She is like the little sister next door.

The remaining three men, Li Yalin, did not observe carefully. (Nonsense, who is the beauty who observes the men carefully!) A one meter tall must be Dwarf. At first glance, one can tell that it is either Thief or Assassin, and the other is a male swordman wearing silver armor.

“Are you who?” Li Yalin increased his vigilance. After all, the opponent is not only crowded, but also has weapons. But it is really finished apprenticeship that died before getting ready.

“We are Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group, who you are? Why are you alone in Demon Beast Forest?” It seems she’s the leader of this mercenary group. It’s strange that Li Yalin understood what the female swordman said, and Li Yalin didn’t react just now. What he said didn’t seem to be Chinese.

“Foolish Master, this is what Great God produces must be a fine product. You are now proficient in any language of this World, and even if you go back to Earth, you will be proficient in all languages ​​on Earth! At this time, Great God will give you a reward.” The flying Feifei seemed very proud.

But Li Yalin is not in the mood to answer Feifei’s words, just thinking about what to do? how to answer? Li Yalin’s thoughts changed, and now the plan now is to use the legendary amnesia.

“Hello, my name is Li Yalin, I’m sorry, I only remember these now, after all I woke up in this forest…”

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