“Hello, my name is Li Yalin, I’m sorry, now I only remember these, after all I woke up in this forest…” Li Yalin forced a smile, looking very sad.

By the way, Li Yalin has been an Otaku for many years. Except for school, cafeteria and home three-point and one-line life every day, his parents simply can’t control Li Yalin all the year round. It should be said simply regardless of Li Yalin, just He calls in on time every month for living expenses, and occasionally talks with him on the phone. Now Li Yalin simply doesn’t know what his parents do. So this also caused Li Yalin’s sloppy hair to become a habit. He didn’t know how to deal with his hair on April 3rd. Everything in disorder looked like a bird’s nest. And Li Yalin’s childhood friends gave Li Yalin a big flat glasses on Li Yalin’s 12th birthday. I don’t know what material the glasses are made of. They actually have a thick bottle bottom, but they can make Li Yalin see clearly. Things, of course, Li Yalin didn’t like wearing these glasses at first, but because he couldn’t stand the coax and pester of childhood friends, Li Yalin finally agreed. After so many years, this pair of glasses also became Li Yalin’s habit, occasionally Li Yalin still feels uncomfortable after taking it off.

With these two points, this made Li Yalin completely transformed into a passer-by. Li Yalin, who always likes to stay aside and read, is a male classmate A in the classroom. He came down from the third year of High School. Except for the School Flower Class Leader who had communicated with me a lot, the other students in the class simply didn’t say much, let alone have in-depth contacts.

So now, in the eyes of the Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group, Li Yalin is completely harmless to humans and animals. Although he doesn’t know what he is wearing on his face, he is basically certain There is no threat to Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group, so everyone’s tense nerves are relaxed.

The reason everyone was nervous was because there was danger everywhere in Demon Beast Forest. What if Li Yalin was a bait? Or is Li Yalin a powerhouse or something? Carelessness can kill people. Now because Thief and the elves in the group have confirmed that there are no traps or ambushes around, and with the harmless expression of Li Yalin, everyone is sighed in relief.

“Hello, my name is Rose, Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group’s Leader, your name is Li Yalin, isn’t it? That’s a weird name? Are you from the east continent?” Red armor female The swordman, that is, Rose, has taken the sword back into its sheath, and said lightly.

“I don’t remember this, I just remember my name is Li Yalin.” Li Yalin scratched his head with an unnatural expression. In fact, he was just not good at lying that’s all, but everyone thought he was because Amnesia can’t remember things unnaturally, so everyone is not surprised.

But it seems that everyone can’t see Little Elf Feifei, Li Yalin saw Little Elf flying back and forth, and everyone didn’t have any doubts, so he turned his head to Little Elf. However, as if knowing what Li Yalin wants to ask, Little Elf Feifei has already answered: “Foolish Master, it is made by Great God, absolutely reliable! Now there is no one other than the Master or the person who signed the contract with the Master. People can see me!” After speaking, the little mouth was turned up, and the smug expression definitely made his nose go to heaven.

“Hello, hello, what do people ask you for, why don’t you answer?” When Li Yalin was looking at Little Elf, Li Yalin let Li Yalin back sobered up.

“Oh? What? Who asked me?” Li Yalin turned around a little confused and looked intently. It turned out to be the beauty Mage. She now looked a little angry at Li Yalin.

“sorry.” Li Yalin immediately reacted. Years of experience dealing with his childhood friends and School Flower Class Leader tells himself that beautiful women cannot be offended! So Li Yalin apologized immediately. “I’m a little distracted, may I ask what question you are asking me?”

“snort!” The beauty Mage gave Li Yalin a white look, but still answered Li Yalin “I am asking, then since you have amnesia , Then do you have any place to go now?”

“Oh, this!” Li Yalin pretended to lower his head and thought for a while and said, “I don’t know, feel at home wherever one is, it should be Go out of this forest first, and then ask if anyone knows me.” Li Yalin looks very pitiful now, very capable of inspiring the maternal side of women, this expression Li Yalin has been tried again and again.

„Oh?” Sure enough, the maternal instinct of beautiful Mage was aroused, and the elf MM was also aroused together. Both of them turned their heads and looked at Rose expectantly, especially the beautiful Mage. , With an expression of crying for you if you don’t agree.

This makes Rose didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. She knows what the beauty Mage and the elf MM want to do, but the young man in front of me knows that he is from a nobleman at a glance, because Although his hair is messy and he wears an unknown alchemy Item (actually glasses!) on his face, his bare skin is so soft and smooth that even a woman like her is a little jealous. And looking at his hands, they are white and tender, without a trace of calluses. This shows that not only did he not practice martial skills, but he did not even do heavy work, nor did he have a trace of magic fluctuation on his body. Energy does not belong to Magic Power, but Spiritual Power, so Rose cannot sense it.) You must know that if you want to hide your magic fluctuations like an ordinary person, you need the strength of Eight Rank, which is Saint Rank. Even Rose would not believe that the boy in front of him is an Expert of Saint Rank, so all the evidence shows that the boy in front of him is just an ordinary aristocratic boy with amnesia. What if he is included in the group? Do you mess? What will he do?

In fact, Rose doesn’t know. Although Li Yalin used to have very good skin, his body has been purified and remodeled by a certain Great God. Of course, God’s Body has no flaws. Even some of Li Yalin’s previous small scars have disappeared, so now Li Yalin’s skin is jealous as long as a woman sees it. Of course those top beauties with super good skins are not counted.

Seeing Rose showed hesitation, the beautiful female Mage didn’t interfere, clamoring to accept Li Yalin to join the group, Rose was very surprised, she was very surprised why Mage beauty must Let Li Yalin join the group? But Rose didn’t ask much at this time, just said: “Okay Sally, even if you want the others to join the group, the others might don’t want to join!” The subtext is that you don’t be affectionate.

But the beauty of Sally’s, Mage, did not hear it. She just came to Li Yalin’s and asked Li Yalin: “I said, would you like to join us Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group? Tell you Oh, we Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group don’t look down on the number of people, but the strength is not to be underestimated! They are all very powerful! And there are Elder Sister Rose in our group, and Lynn and I have three Great Beauty oversees! You can! There is a blessing! And the welfare of our group is very good! How about? Do you want to join?”

“This…” Although Li Yalin wanted to join, he said it would be better to be reserved. , So as not to make people think that they intend to join this Mercenary Group. But before Li Yalin finished speaking, Sally continued: “Furthermore, this is the Demon Beast Forest! You can’t survive tonight if you don’t have the strength alone!”

Let Li Yalin finalize the board, “I’ll join!”

“Hee hee, obedient is a good child! Good boy, elder sister will cover you in the future!” Sally laughed at hee hee and said.

Sally’s performance made everyone didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and Li Yalin also felt a little embarrassed. This Sally looks 15-16 years old, and now looks mature. He told himself to cover himself, which really made Li Yalin feel a little unnatural.

But at this moment, Rose, who is Captain, came out to speak: “Okay Sally, since Li Yalin has joined us Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group, then we also introduce us to Li Yalin Members!”

“Okay, okay.” Sally first agreed, and shouted: “Then I will introduce him to him! First, this Great Beauty is our Captain: Rose Andre, is a Swordman of Third Rank Low-Level.” He pointed to Rose and introduced Li Yalin to Li Yalin. Rose and Li Yalin smiled at each other, as if everything was silent.

“And this elf younger sister is Lynn Feiya, a Third Rank High-Level Archer, very powerful. But this is not her full name, her full name is too long, therefore we call her Lynn .” He said, pointing to the elf again.

After listening, Li Yalin smiled at Friend Lynn and said “Hello”. But the elven MM sniffed in front of Li Yalin’s and said, “It smells so good, are you Elf Race’s?” Li Yalin was embarrassed and quickly explained: “I don’t know about this, but I should be a human, no Fairy.”

Sally saw it and felt very funny, and then pointed to the silver armor male swordman and said: “This is my big brother, Kiruvere Leiden, a Third Rank Low-Level Knight. Although he is holding a sword now, he is a serious Knight! And my name is Sally Leiden, Water Element Mage of Second Rank High-Level, I am very difficult to deal with!” He said and waved. Own little fist.

Li Yalin also smiled at Kiruvere and said “Hello.” But Kiruvere seemed to be uncomfortable, “snort” and turned his head without looking at Li Yalin. The atmosphere of the scene suddenly changed. It got cold.

Sally felt a little uncomfortable seeing her big brother don’t give face so much, but she was cheerful and cheerful by nature and didn’t care about things like atmosphere, but continued to introduce her.

“This Dwarf uncle is called Sam Kasmu, and it is a Third Rank High-Level Warrior. No feature is his biggest feature.” As he said, he made a grimace at Dwarf Sam. An angry Sam yelled. “How many times have I said that I am not an uncle, I am not an adult yet! You are an uncle! Your whole family is an uncle!”

The funny tone made the atmosphere that had cooled down suddenly As Li Yalin was waiting for Sally to introduce the last one, Sally bounced back to Rose’s side. This made the black clothed man on the side anxious, “Hey, hey, I said you don’t want to Ignore me!” The black clothed man yelled: “Every time you are like this, is my sense of existence so weak?” At this time Rose patted the man on the shoulder and said : “Maca, you have to be thankful, because you basically don’t have a sense of existence to be an excellent Assassin!”

“Although I know you are comforting me, I am happy no matter what does not raise “The one called Maca’s Thief was still low and low, and it didn’t seem to have taken ten seconds to recover. He stretched out his hand to Li Yalin in full vigor. “Hello, my name is Maca Charles, I am a Thief of the Third Rank Low-Level, and I am glad to meet you.”

“Hello, my name is Li Yalin, my Class…looks like Archer and Spearman Right…”

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