“50% increase?” Headmaster Wendy is completely stunned now, because with his current strength, after a 50% increase in Magic attack power, he can basically be said to be invincible below Saint Rank, even Even if you meet Saint Rank Expert, you can fight for it.

“You need to know that my current strength is Seventh Rank High-Level, can this increase by 50%?” Headmaster Wendy asked tremblingly.

“No problem at all. Don’t say you are Seventh Rank. Even if you are Saint Rank, you can still increase.” Li Yalin smiles at hee hee and looks at Headmaster Wendy. After all, Headmaster Wendy is more so, then It means that Li Yalin will blackmail more things.

“Then I can take a look at the 10% increase in Magic Power equipment first.” Headmaster Wendy said cautiously.

“No problem.” Li Yalin took out a Magic Power Ring from his Evolved Space and handed it to Headmaster Wendy. Headmaster Wendy is like a child who sees his beloved toy. The look in his eyes almost ate the Magic Power Ring, but it was Headmaster Wendy, a wily old fox experienced and knowledgeable. After a while, he calmed down.

But after wearing this Magic Power Ring, Headmaster Wendy’s already calm mood became excited again, because he really felt his own increase in Magic controlling ability. Headmaster Wendy’s strength is already strong enough, and now it has increased by 10%, the increase is not just a little bit.

“How is it? It feels good, right?” Seeing Headmaster Wendy’s face intoxicated, Li Yalin will definitely be able to knock on the bamboo stick this time.

“Really, it’s really amazing, because my Magic Power has reached a neck bottle, so my strength hasn’t grown for a long time, and now I’ve grown so much at once. Strength, let’s see how the Old Guy fights with me this time!” Headmaster Wendy, who has reached a very excited state, unexpectedly broke out another gossip, which made Li Yalin’s interested all of a sudden.

“Oh? It seems that Headmaster Wendy still has old rivals, but should we talk about the price now?”

„Ah? The price, but old Fogey, I really don’t have much money, or let’s take credit first?” Headmaster Wendy pretended to look like someone who is pitiful of me.

“Credit? No way!” After speaking, Li Yalin grabbed the Magic Power Ring from Headmaster Wendy. Poor Headmaster Wendy, although his strength is already Seventh Rank High-Level. Now, how can he be Li Yalin’s opponent when he is close, so the Magic Power Ring in Headmaster Wendy’s hand has not been warmed up, so Li Yalin took it back.

“Don’t, let me give it, why don’t I give the money.” Seeing that his baby was taken away by Li Yalin, Headmaster Wendy pleaded repeatedly, and the image of Headmaster was gone.

“Let’s talk about the price first. If there is nothing I can see, I won’t be able to trade, but we have to exchange it at the same price.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Headmaster Wendy.

“Okay, I just spare my old face, I must also get this thing, but now Teacher Yalin, can you let me see the Magic Equipment that can increase the magic attack power by 50% Huh? By the way, it is better to have the Magic Equipment that can increase Magic Power.” Headmaster Wendy promised Li Yalin’s words again and again, but then said to Li Yalin with a smile on his face.

“Forget it, lest you get so excited after reading it, but I can also tell you that this equipment that can increase Magic Power by 50% is called Thunderbird’s Tooth, and after hearing this name, you should too Know some? There is also the equipment that can increase Magic Power called Fairies’ Language. I believe you should know some more.” Li Yalin gave Headmaster Wendy a white glance and said.

In fact, Thunderbird and fairies are still available on Heavenly Wind Continent. Thunderbird is one of the Divine Beasts. According to legend, it appeared in Divine Forbidden Land. It is all made of top materials for making Magic Items. , I heard that even if you get a vellus hair from Thunderbird, you can also make superior Magic Equipment. As for the fairy, the continent is nothing more than a legend, but according to legend, Fairy Race is a genius for making Magic Equipment. As long as it is a Magic Equipment produced by a fairy, there is absolutely no top grade, and I heard that the fairy itself is also extraordinary. Magic Power, as long as there is a drop of fairy tears, then all Magic Power of Mage can be restored instantly.

“Ah? Thunderbird’s Tooth? Fairies’ Language?” Sure enough, after listening to Li Yalin’s words, Headmaster Wendy’s opened his mouth wide, his face was unbelievable.

“Okay, have you finished talking? Then I will go home. After talking, Li Yalin turned around and left. Only Headmaster Wendy was left behind and looked at Li in a daze. Yalin’s back.

After returning home, Li Yalin naturally celebrated with the girls, but tomorrow’s game may not be so simple. Because although Saeko and their strength are good, and the equipment It can be considered Elite, but after all, Class Change has only been more than two months old. Although it has experienced a lot of killings, facing those talented elites who have been trained in the system since childhood, if they are of the same level of strength, they still have a chance of winning. But if you meet a High-Level opponent, then the outcome will be unpredictable.

The third round of the finals will be held on 2nd day, that is, the remaining 46 people need Continue to compete for the top 23 seats. As a result, the dark horses in the tournament will gradually increase. However, among the remaining 46 people, most of them are from the famous Great Empire kingdoms. Academy, the students of the little Academy are basically eliminated.

These 46 people are divided into three venues to compete, and this time’s drawing lots Li Yalin was drawn. No. 1 Stage, there is Saya on the same venue as Li Yalin, but Saeko and Miyu crashed on the No. 3 Stage. Although they were helpless, there was no way, the two girls. Someone is destined to be eliminated.

After arriving at venue one with Saya, the lounge was much cleaner. After all, it wasn’t during the preliminary rounds. Think about the situation at that time. It’s really true. It’s interesting.

“Yalin, we haven’t been together alone like this in a long time. “When there were only Li Yalin and Saya’s, Saya always became unusually bold. Just like now, Saya has hugged Li Yalin and buried her head in Li Yalin’s arms.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time. Since the crisis broke out, we haven’t had time to talk together. “Lightly stroked Saya’s hair, Li Yalin also murmured.

“That crisis, it’s really like a dream. I don’t know that Hisashi and Hirano are still in that world. With Ota-san, how are they doing now, and can those children be full? Thinking about it, I’m really worried. “Although Saya leaned over Li Yalin’s arms, Li Yalin couldn’t see her expression clearly, but Li Yalin could still feel the sadness in Saya’s tone.

“No problem, Hisashi still They are great with Hirano. Besides, there is also the method I taught them to practice Battle Aura. As long as they keep exercising, they will definitely be very good. And you, if you don’t work hard, you will definitely be surpassed by them. “Li Yalin grabbed Saya’s hair and adjusted said with a smile.

“I have always worked very hard, and I will work harder. “Speaking of this, Saya has raised her head and looked at Li Yalin firmly, and Li Yalin is also looking at Saya. Looking at Saya’s confident big eyes, Li Yalin is really lost in it. /p>

“Yalin…” Saya whispered softly, and then closed her eyes.

“Saya…” Seeing Saya’s appearance, Li Yalin embraced naturally Saya, the lips of the two of them kissed together. Although there were other people in the lounge, Li Yalin chose to ignore them for the time being.

For a long time, the lips are divided, Saya’s face It was blushing. I saw Saya murmur a bit: “Is this the feeling of kissing…”

“Saya…” Li Yalin who kissed for the first time was also slightly intoxicated, but in Li Yalin When the students who found all around looked curiously at themselves and Saya’s, Li Yalin’s face was also red, and then he quickly picked up Saya.

“Ah!” Seeing all around After the situation, Saya was also extremely shy, but at this time it was Saya’s turn to play, so Saya also put aside the shyness in her heart, and rushed to the competition stage after Li Yalin nodded.

“Okay, let’s continue the next game. The player now playing is from Land of Beastmen Beast King Academy’s Werewolf Warrior —— Niro. He who possesses Fourth Rank High-Level strength is also the seed of this game. Of the contestants, why Schoolmate Niro is Seeded Contestant even though it is only Fourth Rank High-Level. There are some reasons. I believe everyone has heard of Niro’s nickname, which is Berserk Wolf, because Schoolmate Niro owns Werewolf. Clan’s inheritance skill-Uncontrollable Berserk, this move can make Schoolmate Niro’s strength soar in an instant. How many Experts are under this move. “Since Saya has not yet appeared on the stage, the tournament commentator first introduced Saya’s opponent.

This Ronin named Niro is indeed very vicious. Originally, Murobo in Li Yalin’s class was already abstract enough. Yes, but this Niro is even better than Murobo. Niro has dark gray hair. On the huge wolf head, there are a pair of scarlet eyes flashing. There is still some saliva in the huge wolf’s mouth. The exhaled breath makes People feel very nauseous. In short, this Werewolf Warrior named Niro is simply corrupting the social atmosphere, bullying children, representing bad guys, and evil incarnation. In short, all negative adjectives can be reflected in Niro.

Thanks to Qixiandi and the reward that I said most often~ and Xiaoshuai still continue to ask for votes~brother sisters for help~~~

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