“What the hell is going on?” This is a question that all the audience present want to ask, because the reflection of the huge ice surface on the ground at the competition stage caused everyone present to be subconsciously blocking their eyes. After waiting to see the competition stage, it was discovered that Vivian was in a coma in Li Yalin’s arms.

“Vivian!” Just after the referee announced Li Yalin’s victory, a girl under the stage rushed to the stage and came to Li Yalin’s and looked at Vivian in Li Yalin’s arms with concern.

“It shouldn’t be a problem, it seems that Magic Power is over-consumed.” Li Yalin said after looking at the girl.

“Really? Then I’m relieved.” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, the girl gently sighed in relief. This girl is also a Water Element Mage, because she wears a Magic Robe with the same Vivian style, and her beautiful face is more attractive under the cover of long dark green hair.

“Then, Schoolmate Vivian will be handed over to you.” At this time, the ambulance personnel off the field have already appeared. While carrying Vivian down, Li Yalin is also directed at the opposite girl anod.

“Okay, but I also thank you for saving Vivian, so goodbye.” The girl on the opposite side also pointed at Li Yalin nodded, and then ran towards the direction of Vivian’s exit.

“Do you have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.” After returning to Miyu, Miyu suddenly said such a sentence.

“What’s the matter?” When Miyu said this, Li Yalin was a little unresponsive, but then he rolled his eyes, and then said somewhat jokingly: “You won’t be jealous anymore?”< /p>

“Who…who is jealous!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Miyu’s reaction was a little stuttered.

“If you are not jealous, then you are jealous.” After saying that, Li Yalin hugged Miyu, but at the moment Miyu was flushed and fell into Li Yalin’s arms, motionless , The two kept this action until the Miyu’s match started, and the two were loose.

“Then, I will go.” Miyu’s face is still slightly red.

“Okay, let’s continue to the next game. The first player to appear is the XX classmate from XXAcademy. As a Fourth Rank High-Level, what will he do in this game? What? The next one is from Milley Academy’s Schoolmate Matsushima Miyu. Although Schoolmate Miyu is 24 years old this year, she is the only Assassin who has made it to the top 100 in this tournament, and Schoolmate Miyu is now also known as— —Dark shadow, from this we can also see that Schoolmate Miyu’s strength is indeed very strong.” The commentator first introduced the two sides of the game, but it seems that Miyu’s opponent is a poor guy who doesn’t even have a name, so Miyu’s wins It is simply destined.

Miyu’s opponent this time is a Fourth Rank High-Level Warrior, but this Warrior is very mediocre in all aspects, but mediocrity does not mean low strength. After all, there is no one who can break into the top 100 tournament. One is mediocre, so Miyu also put out some true strength during the game.

Because of the Phoenix’s Feather that Li Yalin gave her, Miyu’s speed and response have also been greatly increased, and the dart shooting rate has also increased a lot, so this game is under Miyu’s Burst It was over, Miyu also won.

After the second round of the final, Li Yalin and the other women all passed the competition, even Rika won. This time, everyone who participated in the competition started talking about it. , Because Rika’s own strength is only the Third Rank High-Level, it’s incredible to enter the top 100 of the tournament, but now relying on the weapon in her hand that is somewhat similar to the Dwarf musket, actually broke into the front of the tournament. Fifty, all the forces of all parties began to pay attention to Rika.

After all, this kind of weapon is every power yearn for something even in dreams. After using this weapon, even the Expert with Fourth Rank High-Level strength can be defeated. If If one’s own country has this kind of weapon, then the future development can be imagined. Although these people think well, and Rika’s HK41 is indeed very powerful, it is more than enough to deal with the strength of Fourth Rank opponents, but if you want to defeat Magic Shield of Mage above Fifth Rank or Warrior above Fifth Rank with ordinary bullets alone Battle Aura is still a little difficult.

Even the current Rika is not just shooting ordinary shots, but is stepping up research on the problem of spell attaching to bullets, so that it can effectively improve the lethality of guns.

Seeing Rika’s dedication, Li Yalin was also very happy, so after inquiring about Feifei, Li Yalin spent a lot of Energy Points to transform the HK41 into a normal shooting The super sniper rifle with three modes of bullets, blasting bombs and incendiary bombs. This greatly enhances the power of the gun. It also makes Rika kiss Li Yalin and kiss her face, making Li Yalin blush.

After the game ended, Headmaster Wendy came to find Li Yalin again. Now Headmaster Wendy is really full of red light. After all, seven people in his Academy entered the front of the tournament. Fifty people. In this way, he was greatly improved in front of the other Headmasters, and he would have the face to see anyone.

“Teacher Yalin, congratulations to you for winning the game again.” Headmaster Wendy said with a smile at hee hee.

“Headmaster Wendy, are you okay?” Seeing Headmaster Wendy’s smile, Li Yalin couldn’t help but flutter.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I just want to come and see you.” Headmaster Wendy rubbed his hands with an expression that he wanted to say but said sorry, which made Li Yalin’s goose bumps stand up. Seeing this old fox look like this, Li Yalin doesn’t know where the other party wants to make small tricks again.

“Forget it if it’s okay, I’ll leave if I have something else.” Li Yalin wouldn’t follow the wish of this old fox, so he pushed the boat along the water and decided to turn around and leave, but he hadn’t waited for him to get out Step, he was pulled back by Headmaster Wendy.

“Don’t go, Teacher Yalin, I still have something to say.” Seeing Li Yalin was going to leave, Headmaster Wendy quickly said his intention.

“Um…Teacher Yalin, actually this time, I heard that you have Magic Equipment that can increase Magic attack power, right?” Headmaster Wendy asked somewhat sorry. But despite this, Li Yalin already knows what Headmaster Wendy’s is. He wants him to be sorry, sorry, that is also impossible forever. If once Headmaster Wendy shows a sorry expression, then it means he must have pretended to be sorry. , And there must be a conspiracy.

“Who did you listen to?” After listening to Headmaster Wendy’s words, Li Yalin’s frowned, didn’t expect Headmaster Wendy to know that he has Magic Equipment.

“Of course it’s Teacher Orfina and Teacher Schley. When I saw them both today, I just saw that they both wear rings on their hands, and the Magic Power fluctuations on them are also a deception. But mine, so of course I have to ask where this ring came from, so they said that you gave it, and then I came over.” Headmaster Wendy was honest, and then used a pitiful expression again. Looking at Li Yalin.

“so that’s how it is.” Hearing what Headmaster Wendy said, Li Yalin’s heart is quite balanced. Anyway, this is not a major event. Let Headmaster Wendy know it. Right.

“Then…Teacher Yalin, look…” Headmaster Wendy still looked at Li Yalin a little nervously.

“I do have the equipment that can increase Magic attack power, and I have even the equipment that can increase Magic Power, but Headmaster Wendy, you should know that these things are not in vain, you want these As for the equipment, do you want to get something to change?” Li Yalin smiled at hee hee and looked at Headmaster Wendy, which made Headmaster Wendy of wily old fox shudder.

“Well, Teacher Yalin, you also know that I am a very clean person in my life, so I am simply penniless. How do you ask me to give you the money!” At this time, Headmaster Wendy was Suddenly I cried poorly with Li Yalin.

“I don’t want money. Money is simply not important to me now, but you can trade Demon Core and various ores, the more the better.” Money is simply for Li Yalin It’s not a problem, so Li Yalin simply doesn’t need money. There are hundreds of millions of gold coins stacked in Li Yalin’s Evolved Space, but Demon Core is the more the better. Although Li Yalin does not lack Demon Core now, But who would think he has too many Demon Cores?

And all kinds of ores are what Li Yalin needs now. After all, the Metal Converter on the Super Military Factory side can’t convert all kinds of rare ores, although there is no problem in making ordinary Mecha now. But if you want to make a relatively high-end Mecha, you won’t be able to make it without the ore that Jean regrets.

“This is okay, but I need to check the goods first!” Headmaster Wendy thought about it after hearing Li Yalin’s request, and then agreed to the request.

“It’s okay to see the goods, what kind of Magic Equipment do you plan to get? I’m an absolute young man.” Li Yalin’s current expression is almost the same as that of profiteer, he can see Headmaster Wendy Cold sweat drenched.

“Well, I need equipment that can greatly increase Magic attack. Of course, if I can increase my Magic Power equipment, it would be better.” Finally, Headmaster Wendy said himself The equipment you want.

“A lot? A 10% increase is okay?” Li Yalin asked casually.

“10% increase?” Headmaster Wendy was stunned by Li Yalin’s words.

“Too little? What about the increase of 50%?” At this time, Li Yalin threw another blockbuster and directly blasted Headmaster Wendy.

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