Speaking of Ice and Snow Kingdom’s Icebound Academy, they are all famous on the continent, and they are famous for producing beautiful women. Because all Icebound Academy is Water Element Mage, it’s no surprise that there are so many beautiful women.

Let’s talk about Li Yalin’s opponent Vivian, she is an authentic beauty, with long blue hair, a cyan Water Element Mage Robe, and the handle inlaid with blue Demon Core Magic Staff, as well as that delicate face, all show the charm of Vivian as a beautiful and beautiful woman as a Water Element. Although Vivian is indeed a rare beauty, the competition still has to continue.

“The game begins!” After the referee gave the order, the game has started. Water Element Mage Vivian first blessed himself with a Magic Shield of Cold Ice Armor. But at this time Li Yalin didn’t bless him with any Magic. After all, his opponent was just a Fourth Rank High-Level Water Element Mage. If you treat it with extreme caution, then Li Yalin would look down on himself a little too much.

Li Yalin directed at the opposite Vivian a nod, and made a please gesture to indicate that she could attack, but didn’t expect, this gesture angered the beauty Mage Vivian. Because in Ice and Snow Kingdom, the rights of men and beautiful women are completely equal, which is more like Earth. This is because Ice and Snow Kingdom is located in the southwest corner of Heavenly Wind Continent’s. It is covered with snow and ice all year round and is sparsely populated. However, here is the belief in Ice and Snow Goddess.

Ice and Snow Goddess is one of the Lord God uploaded by Heavenly Wind Continent. It is said that she is kind and charitable, but she is also strong and independent, and Ice and Snow Kingdom is also said to be helped by Ice and Snow Goddess It was established by a group of suffering women. But these are just legends, but it is an indisputable fact that Ice and Snow Kingdom Rei has more Water Element Mage.

And Ice and Snow Kingdom not only has more Water Element Mage, but there are also surprisingly many women here. Although the proportion of women on Heavenly Wind Continent is much higher than that of men, Ice and Snow Kingdom But even more so, the ratio of men to women has probably reached the point of 1 to 7, more than double the ratio of 1 to 3 on the continent.

Not only that, Ice and Snow Kingdom is still led by a queen, which is similar to Phoenix Dance Kingdom. Speaking of Phoenix Dance Kingdom, it can be said that the real world is women. Phoenix Dance Kingdom respects women, where men simply have no status. According to legend, Phoenix Dance Kingdom was founded by a group of women who avoided war. I heard that they got a treasure that can give women powerful power. Because of this, Phoenix Dance Kingdom is famous for being a female Warrior, and it’s legendary. Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Guardian Kingdom Divine Beast or Phoenix.

But now let’s turn to the topic, because Vivian is a very independent and self-reliant woman, so Li Yalin’s actions that others seem to be very gentlemen mean to despise her in Vivian’s eyes. , So Vivian was very angry and sent out the Water Dragon Wave, moved towards Li Yalin and attacked.

“Look, Schoolmate Vivian did not show mercy in the game at first, and directly used the Water Dragon Wave. In the previous games, Schoolmate Vivian’s opponents were basically defeated by this trick. Under the Water Dragon Wave, but this time this trick Water Dragon Wave will work? What tricks will Schoolmate Li Yalin use to resist?” At this time, the tournament commentator has started his commentary.

Looking at the Water Dragon Wave coming in front of you, Li Yalin just swung the tip of the gun, and stabbed a shot that seemed random, but this spear seems random, but in fact this spear is mysterious. , Because this spear happened to hit the weakest point of the Water Dragon Wave. As a result, Vivian’s Water Dragon was easily broken by Li Yalin.

“Oh! Schoolmate Li Yalin cracked Schoolmate Vivian’s Water Dragon Wave very easily. Is it now that Schoolmate Li Yalin wants Counter-Attack? No, Schoolmate Li Yalin did not make the first move. Now It was Schoolmate Vivian who was the first to make the move. Schoolmate Vivian issued a freezing technique, which is not so easy to crack. Oh? Schoolmate Li Yalin jumped up, what? He actually shot in the air? At such a distance Distance, Schoolmate Li Yalin’s long spear can actually attack Schoolmate Vivian, which is incredible!” The commentator is now giving a very detailed explanation.

However, Vivian saw that Li Yalin’s gun shadow was approaching, and he quickly blessed a Frozen Shield in front of him. In this case, it would not be easy for Li Yalin to break Vivian’s defense.

But things are often counterproductive. The moment Li Yalin’s gun tip touches the Frozen Shield, there is indeed a slight pause, but after Li Yalin’s slight effort, the Frozen Shield is instantly destroyed by Li Yalin. Now Vivian only has Cold Ice Armor to resist Li Yalin’s long spear.

But since the Frozen Shield has been destroyed, Cold Ice Armor won’t do much, so Vivian quickly backed away. While backing up, he meditated on spell silently and showed Li Yalin a show. Recruit Freezing Spell and prepare to freeze Li Yalin.

Seeing the Freezing Spell attack, Li Yalin would naturally not sit and wait for death, so Li Yalin immediately took shape and dodge this Freezing Spell, but the range of Freezing Spell is not small, so Li Yalin dodges The range is naturally relatively large.

Marely this came, but it gave Vivian a chance. Seeing Li Yalin dodge, Vivian stopped backing, and quickly used his whole Magic Power to launch a large-scale attack against Li Yalin. ——Ice Rain Spell.

The attack range of this Ice Rain Spell is very large. Almost all within a radius of ten meters are covered by icy rain. Although the power of icy rain is not great, it can’t stand it much. An ice rain is like a sharp knife. If it is an ordinary person, it simply can’t hold up for a second in this Ice Rain Spell.

But Li Yalin is not an ordinary person. Although this Ice Rain Spell is a range attack, Li Yalin is still very simple if he wants to dodge. After all, the distance of ten meters is not very far, just If this comes, the opposite Vivian will have more chances to attack.

So at this time, Li Yalin immediately applied a Holy Protection Wall to himself, but the Holy Protection Wall propped up a protective wall in Li Yalin’s body, and it can greatly offset the enemy’s attack, but if If it is this kind of Ice Rain Spell, it is totally unwilling to break the defense of the Holy Protection Wall.

However, when Li Yalin was displaying the Holy Protection Wall, the audience all around on the court were all exclaimed. After all, Li Yalin had never used Magic in previous games. , Now it is the Magic Shield of Light Element to get started. However, although the audience was very surprised, the surrounding Light Element Mage, Priest and Holy Knights were all even more surprised, because they could clearly feel the strong Great God exuded by Li Yalin when he played the Holy Protection Wall. And the pure power of light, this can’t deceive people.

“Oh! Schoolmate Li Yalin actually used Light Element’s Magic Shield to withstand Schoolmate Vivian’s Ice Rain Spell. This is really incredible. In the previous game, Schoolmate Li Yalin was all I used my martial skill to win. Is the Schoolmate Li Yalin true strength a Holy Knight? But Holy Knight shouldn’t be using this kind of Magic Shield. What is going on?” At this time, on the commentary stage The commentator was also very excited.

“Are you still the Mage of Light Element?” Seeing Li Yalin using the Holy Protection Wall to resist his Ice Rain Spell, Vivian was also very surprised.

“It’s not surprising.” Li Yalin shrugged slightly, but then suddenly long spear shook, moving towards Vivian pierced straight.

“You sneak attack!” Seeing Li Yalin’s long spear hit, Vivian quickly greeted the enemy with a Water Dragon Wave, but it had no effect at all. Li Yalin broke the Water Dragon Wave casually. And the offensive has not weakened in the slightest.

Seeing things so far, Vivian only gritted his teeth and gathered all the Magic Power. Regardless of the long spear that Li Yalin was about to hit, he just continued to chant spells, and Li Yalin was about to attack. When he reached Vivian’s, a sharp blue light suddenly burst from Vivian’s Magic Staff.

“Oh my God, Schoolmate Vivian actually launched High-Level Magic-Frozen River. The power of this magic trick is only in the Forbidden Spell-frozen for thousands of miles. With the current strength of Schoolmate Vivian , Is she really intact? And Schoolmate Li Yalin, can he place this equivalent to Sixth Rank Expert full strength attack High-Level Magic?” The commentator on the commentary stage was already standing excitedly. Get up, even the audience all around, this game has entered the tense final moment.

Because the power of this move is really amazing, even the referee on the field had to evade his striker temporarily. I saw that he had already run off the stage to avoid it. After all, this referee was nothing more than It’s just Sixth Rank Low-Level just now.

The power of Vivian’s Frozen River’s trick is indeed amazing, and it also surprised Li Yalin slightly. He didn’t expect that only the Fourth Rank High-Level Mage in front of him could actually go beyond the ranks. To display this kind of BTMagic, Li Yalin can resist such an offensive, but it also takes some effort, so Li Yalin simply has no plans to fight hard.

When I saw Li Yalin body flashed, I had to withdraw from Frozen River’s attack range. But at this moment, Li Yalin found that Vivian had fainted on the competition stage, and the repercussions of the higher-level spellcasting had also appeared. Frozen River had no control of the spellcaster, and had already attacked Vivian in turn.

At this critical moment, Li Yalin instantly used his life-saving stunt-Dimensional Jump. Teleportation came to Vivian’s, and immediately used Dimensional Jump again, taking the two of them to a safer place. local.

Fortunately, Li Yalin and Vivian are closer to the center of the spell. After the Magic is activated, the sunlight reflected from the huge ice surface makes everyone in the room unable to open their eyes. I helped Li Yalin a lot, and no one noticed Li Yalin’s Dimensional Jump.

It’s a hundred chapters, it’s really not easy. Thank you for the reward of children’s shoes and the customary ticket request~~~

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