Of course, since Li Yalin has given everyone a ring, then Ikaros and Saeko will naturally not be stingy. At this time, Saeko and the others have already prepared the food. It is exactly at this time, Li Yalin also gave them the exchanged items.

First of all, Ikaros, Li Yalin chose for her a Bless Resisting Ring that can increase by 50%. As long as you bring this ring, Ikaros’ full Magic Defense will bring it up a level.

Next, Astraea’s is the Dragon King’s Claw that can increase attack by 50%, because Astraea itself is the strongest here in melee combat. Now that the equipment is equipped with Dragon King’s Claw, it is estimated that it will be a first-level Supreme in melee combat. It is also difficult to beat Astraea above.

The gift to Nymph’s is the same as Ikaros, which improves the Bless Resisting Ring. In fact, regarding Ikaros and Nymph’s equipment, Li Yalin can be said to have spent a lot of brains, but after much deliberation, there is no particularly suitable for them, because Ikaros and Nymph their attributes should belong to the technology category, so Magic Equipment is right For them, the effect is not great, only a limited number of equipment can have an effect on them.

But then Saeko and the others will be much easier to handle. First of all, Saeko is naturally the Dragon King’s Claw who is the same equipment as Astraea. And Rei is the Dragon King’s scale of the equipment. After all, the Paladin’s Rei’s defense is not low. Now that the equipment is on the Dragon King’s scale, it will bring it up a level in defense.

And Saya got Kei’s Thunderbird’s Tooth, which increases Magic Attack by 50%. For a Mage Class like Saya, it is almost the same as Divine Artifact.

Asami, Miyu, and Rika get Phoenix’s Feather, which can increase hit and avoidance by 30% at the same time, because both Asami and Miyu can be regarded as agile Close Combat Class. So Phoenix’s Feather on equipment is perfect for them, and Rika, as a long-range attack class, is also very useful for her to increase hits.

But like Shizuka, a full Support-Type Class, Li Yalin had to choose Qilin’s Horn, which can increase Magic Defense by 30%, so it can be considered as Shizuka’s Magic. Defense.

In the end, Yuriko’s equipment made Li Yalin a little bit troubled, because Yuriko’s Class is indeed a bit difficult to handle, but in the end Li Yalin still prepared Yuriko’s Qilin’s Horn, which is the same as Shizuka, which can be regarded as adding a little bit to Yuriko. Magic Defense.

But after sending so many equipments, Li Yalin found that Alice hadn’t sent anything, but Alice was very sensible and didn’t ask Li Yalin for anything, but Li Yalin couldn’t favor one another. And recently Alice is still learning Magic, so Li Yalin also gave Alice a Magic Power Ring.

In this way, all the equipment has been distributed. Of course, Li Yalin did not publicly explain the attributes of these equipments given to Ikaros. If they say it now, then even if Rose and the others don’t say anything. , But there will be some grudges in my heart.

Actually, to be honest, although these equipments are given to everyone, but because everyone is not a class in «Wind Fantasy 3», everyone cannot play the biggest role of these equipments. Of course, it cannot be said that these equipment are useless. Normal attributes can still be used, but if you want to have a better degree of integration, it is estimated that it is difficult.

Also, Li Yalin did not give everyone more equipment, just one piece per person, because the sudden increase in strength takes some time to adapt, especially the equipment given to Saeko and the others. The strength gains are all too great, so now one piece per person is more suitable.

After everyone ate dinner, Kiruvere and the boys first left, and Maris returned to his cabin, and the women in the room were chatting together, but at this time Li Yalin and Angy discussed about Healing Potion.

“Big Brother Yalin, I will go to Tanni Capital City’s Mercenary Guild early tomorrow morning to send a message to my father. I believe I can decide on the auction of this potion within a few days, and when the time comes that Dragon King’s The scale can also be auctioned together.”

“That’s good, but how many bottles of potion do you want in the first auction?” Li Yalin nodded asked afterwards.

“For Healing Potion, you can take out more, about 30 light bottles, light 20 bottles. But for Magic Power Potion, don’t have too much light 10 bottles, light five bottles are good. Now, if this auction is successful, we will continue to add it next time.” Angy said after pondering for a while.

“That’s okay, I’ll leave it to you.” After that, Li Yalin took out a hundred bottles of potion from Evolved Space and handed them all to Angy.

“Big Brother Yalin? You are…” Looking at the apparently extra potion, Angy asked in surprise.

“The rest will be given to you, that is, as a labor fee.” Li Yalin smiled and looked at Angy.

“What! I didn’t help Big Brother Yalin for labor expenses. Angy was very sad when Big Brother Yalin said this.” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, Angy was a little reluctant.

“Okay, okay, I was wrong, but these are the gifts I gave to Angy’s on the spot.” Li Yalin touched his nose said with a smile.

“That won’t work either. Anyway, I won’t accept it.” Angy’s attitude at this time is rather tough.

“If I say yes, it’s okay. Why are you so wordy? If you don’t accept me, I’ll be angry.” Li Yalin’s face was stern, and his tone became a little blunt.

“Okay, I know, I can’t accept it!” Although I can’t see Li Yalin’s expression, Angy can still hear the change in Li Yalin’s tone. She is afraid that Li Yalin is angry. Quickly agreed.

“This is my good Angy.” Li Yalin instantly changed to a smiling face.

“Who is yours! And Big Brother Yalin lied to me, really, ignore you.” Seeing this, Angy didn’t know that Li Yalin was teasing herself, so She turned away from Li Yalin.

This night was soon spent in everyone’s happy laughter and cheerful voices, but the 2nd day waiting for everyone is the continuation of the game, Milley Academy’s orthodox students have been wiped out, so Headmaster Wendy only put his expectations on Li Yalin and many beautiful women. Although Individual Competition is not very important to the Academy, the Academy generally puts its energy on the group tournament, but one more. In terms of honor, no one will dislike it, so Headmaster Wendy found Li Yalin early in the morning and said that he and the girls must continue to work hard to win glory for the school.

However, Li Yalin just showed his best effort. Originally, Li Yalin didn’t have any desire to win the championship. He was completely forced by Sally and the others. However, Li Yalin is very concerned about Saya and Rei’s competitions. After all, their ranks are not very high. This kind of competition is suitable for them to participate.

There are only 92 people left in the game today, but it is still divided into four venues for the competition. There are two venues for eleven games, and the remaining two venues for twelve games. , And still have to re-draw lots before the game.

This time drawing lots Li Yalin did not draw No. 3 Stage anymore. Instead, he got No. 2 Stage with Miyu. Fortunately, everyone still didn’t have one after drawing lots. Encountered, in other words, everyone can basically advance, only Rika is more dangerous. After all, only Rika in the top 100 is the third Rank High-Level strength.

After coming to the No. 2 Stage, Li Yalin and Miyu both looked at their numbers. Well, Li Yalin was in the fourth game, and Miyu was in the eighth game. The interval between matches is not very long.

Since the remaining students are already very good, the time of the game will increase slightly, but the overall speed is not slow. No, it will be soon. Li Yalin is on the court.

“Yalin, cheer!” Miyu smiled and made a cheer gesture to Li Yalin.

“Don’t worry.” Li Yalin slightly smiled and then came to the venue.

“Oh! Now we will start the fourth game. I will continue to explain to you. The first player to appear is Milley Academy’s Schoolmate Li Yalin. Schoolmate Li Yalin has just turned 18 this year, but his strength is indeed It’s extraordinary. And Schoolmate Li Yalin also has a very elegant nickname, Mysterious Noble’s Son! That’s because Schoolmate Li Yalin is so mysterious, because he has never taken off his hat, and His opponent has never been able to take off his hat. In previous games, the goal of all Schoolmate Li Yalin’s opponents is no longer to beat him, but to take off the Schoolmate Li Yalin’s hat to see its true colors. But no one has succeeded so far, but this also reflects the high strength of Schoolmate Li Yalin. Today, I don’t know if Schoolmate Li Yalin can still maintain his unbeaten record? Let’s wait and see!” Li Yalin Gang Stepping onto the venue, the commentary on the side has already begun to introduce Li Yalin.

But this introduction is also true, because Li Yalin wears this gorgeous warrior suit, plus his golden long spear, so everyone basically thinks Li Yalin is an expensive young man from an Aristocratic family. Master. In particular, Li Yalin’s high strength in the competition has also allowed Li Yalin to accumulate a lot of fans.

“Okay, the next appearance is from Ice and Snow Kingdom Icebound Academy’s Schoolmate Vivian, as Vivian from Ice and Snow Kingdom’s Schoolmate is naturally a powerful Water and Ice Elements Mage, especially her With one hand of Ice Element Magic, we all marveled at its huge lethality under the gorgeous attack. Along the way, Schoolmate Vivian has received some powerful opponents, but she has also stubbornly passed these setbacks. Next, What kind of miracle this icy Dancer will create, let’s continue to appreciate it!” Then the commentator introduced Li Yalin’s opponent, but Li Yalin didn’t expect this time his opponent turned out to be a beautiful woman, and it’s from Icebound Academy’s beauties.

Thank you Qixiandi and braised suckling pig for your rewards~~~ I continue to ask for votes today, I don’t know if there is a recommendation next week, if I run naked, I’ll be a handsome guy. tragic up~~

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