“No, I can’t take it.” Although Schley’s really likes the sword in front of her, she wisely told her that she would never accept it. If she accepts it, then she will face Li Yalin’s in the future. Time is really going to sink.

“Well, you are welcome.” But Li Yalin didn’t know Schley’s mental activity, so Li Yalin put Crystal Sword-Cursed Flame into Schley’s hands.

“Um.” With Cursed Flame in her hand, Schley really couldn’t bear to let go anymore, but at this moment she looked at Li Yalin with a bright and intelligent face, and her cheeks were flying up. Blushing.

“Is that right?” Seeing that Schley didn’t refuse any more, Li Yalin also said with a smile.

“That’s great Schley, I don’t want any weapons to send me.” But at this moment, Orfina grabbed Schley’s hand and suddenly said softly.

Hearing Orfina talking like this, Li Yalin’s body couldn’t help being covered with goosebumps. Even Schley shivered, so Schley said irritably, “Orfina, can you speak well?”

“Tch! Why didn’t I speak well?” At this moment, Orfina suddenly returned to her normal tone, but then Li Yalin gave Li Yalin a blank look.

“Okay, everyone, stop making trouble, look, Yalin’s Healing Potion is going to auction.” Seeing this, Yuriko hurriedly stepped forward to round the field, and at this time Li Yalin’s Healing Potion had already started shooting. So everyone’s attention is also focused on the potion auction.

“Then what is going to be auctioned are several potions from a mysterious person. The ten potions of the first group being auctioned are called Minor Healing Potion. This kind of Healing Potion is for any strength. Characters are effective, because this potion restores a fixed value of life, and the healing effect of this potion is also very powerful. Based on the maximum life of a Combatant with the strength of Third Rank, a bottle of this kind of potion is completely OK. Restore all the lives of this Third Rank Combatant, so in other words, for Mage Class, this kind of potion can be said to be a life-saving potion! Not much to say, let us start bidding now, the starting price of this group of potions is Three thousand gold coins, and each increase in price must not be less than one hundred gold coins. Good! The VIP in the 17th private room has already given the price of three thousand and five hundred gold coins!” Just after Auctioneer announced the start of the auction, Someone started bidding.

“Oh? There are four thousand gold coins in the 20th room, what? Five thousand in the 11th room! Six thousand gold coins! The seventeenth is another six Thousands of gold coins…Okay, then 13,000 gold coins are sold for the third time!” The final result is that this group of Healing Potion was photographed at the price of 13,000 gold coins in the 11th room. This makes Li Yalin sigh that there are so many rich people.

“Okay! Let’s start the second group Minor Healing Potion auction…” The remaining two sets of Minor Healing Potions will be auctioned at 12,000 gold coins and 14,000 gold coins. The price of coins has been sold, but this is just the beginning. The next auction is Light Healing Potion.

“So now, the name of the group of Healing Potion we are going to auction is called Light Healing Potion. The effect of this potion is twice that of the Minor Healing Potion that was auctioned just now. The starting price is now 5,000 pieces. Gold coins, each increase in price shall not be less than two hundred gold coins!” At this time, Auctioneer started the Light Healing Potion auction again.

However, when the Light Healing Potion was auctioned, it was much hotter than the Minor Healing Potion. Many private rooms started to compete. After all, although the Minor Healing Potion is good, it can also be bought in the Church, but this light type If the Healing Potion effect is twice that of Minor Healing Potion, then even Church’s person is interested in this kind of potion.

Finally, the prices of the two sets of Light Healing Potion were sold for 50,000 gold coins and 61,000 gold coins respectively. Of course, this kind of figure may be a lot for the Mercenaries on the first floor. It’s astronomical, but for the people in the private rooms upstairs, it’s just one hair from nine oxen.

“Now the Healing Potion has all been auctioned off, but don’t relax, the potion that will be auctioned next will catch your attention, because this kind of potion is the first time it appears, because of its effects. Similar to the legendary Spirit Spring, this is the Magic Potion that can restore its own energy!” Although Auctioneer’s words have not yet fallen, the noise of the Mercenaries on the first floor is endless, and everyone is discussing the issue of Magic Power Potion. .

“Please be quiet, everyone. This set of Magic Potion has been appraised by our Mercenary Guild professional Appraisal Master, and now the authenticity of its effect has been confirmed, so you can rest assured. Now I will introduce it to you. Now, the name of the group of Magic Power Potion we are going to auction is called Minor Mana Potion. A bottle of Minor Mana Potion can fill up all the energy of a Third Rank Magic Class in a short time, and this Magic Power Potion can not only supplement Magic, and even Battle Aura can be added. So now this group of Minor Mana Potion is five bottles, the starting price is 10,000 gold coins, and the price increase shall not be less than 500 gold coins. Then start bidding now!” After Minor Mana Potion, Auctioneer started the auction for Magic Power Potion.

However, everyone in this auction is indeed a bit crazy, because this kind of Magic Power Potion is really too rare. I only heard that it will be found in the collections of major Royal Family or top powers. Some of these potions that can restore their own energy are now on this auction floor, and there are actually such top potions auctioned. Then when will you not buy them at this moment?

“Ten thousand!” “20!” “Thirty thousand!” The price of Magic Power Potion is constantly increasing. The prices of the last two sets of Minor Mana Potion are 140,000 and 160,000 respectively. The price was sold, and the set of Light Mana Potion was even more frightening. He sold a sky-high price of 500,000 gold coins, which made Li Yalin a little stunned. Just now, a set of Healing Potion sold 10,000. The price of three, Li Yalin, has already lamented that there are so many rich people, but now these five bottles of Light Mana Potion can actually sell 500,000 gold coins, is this really too outrageous?

But the more outrageous thing is yet to come, because the next auction item is Li Yalin’s Dragon King’s scale. As the final auction item, of course everyone will pay more attention, although Auction House has not said What is the finale Item this time, but looking at such a mysterious and secretive look, I know it must be a good thing.

“Now, I want to introduce the finale auction item to everyone. To be honest, when I heard what this auction item was, I was really shocked. . It’s really incredible that this legendary thing like didn’t expect actually appeared in front of my eyes. Now I still can’t believe it, but after identification, this Item is indeed It is true, so in other words, everyone is really blessed this time!” Before the auction, Auctioneer had already stunned everyone’s appetite.

“I believe everyone has heard of Giant Dragon, right? Indeed, those legendary Giant Dragons are now closed on Dragon Island, and the row is Dragon Island, the head of the Three Great Forbidden Land. No one has entered for thousands of years, and now no one has seen Giant Dragon. In this way, those Knights riding Wyvern can already be called Dragon Knight, but Dragon Knight ten thousand years ago really Is it just this Lesser Dragon Knight? Of course not. The Dragon Knight thousands of years ago is the legendary giant Dragon Knight. Legend has it that they are holding Epic-Grade weapons and riding a Giant Dragon under their seats. They are blocking ten thousands Hero! Although it’s just a legend, no one can deny the existence of Giant Dragon’s.” Auctioneer continues to tell the story, but the Mercenaries in the audience can’t listen to it anymore.

“Which of us don’t know what you said? Hurry up and tell me what the finale is!” My Mercenaries are already yelling in the audience.

“Well, now we will start auctioning the finale Item of this auction-Dragon King’s scale!” As he said, Auctioneer opened the curtain on the tray in front of him, and there was a crimson on the tray. Its scales revealed its true face.

“Now we are going to auction a piece of Magic Equipment-Dragon King’s scale. It is made of giant Dragon King scales and various precious materials. It has only one effect. It can greatly increase the User’s own defense. After our Appraisal Master’s test, after the equipment is on this Dragon King’s scale, it can withstand the full attack of any Class below the Fourth Rank, and it is also not small for the Class above the Fifth Rank. The resistance effect of this piece of equipment. Now the starting price of this equipment is 5 million gold coins, and the price increase shall not be less than 500,000 gold coins each time. Now the bidding starts!” After introducing the Dragon King’s scale, the final bidding began. .

However, after the auction began, there was no shouting in the audience. Everyone stared blankly at the Dragon King’s scale in the tray. The scales of crimson became more visible under the light. It is dazzling, and the strong magic aura exudes from it, as well as the sense of majesty, all telling others that this scaled Master is a king.

“Is there no one bidding?” Li Yalin in the private room asked somewhat puzzledly.

“Of course impossible, but…” Yuriko on the side pondered for a moment, but his subsequent performance made Li Yalin startled, because Yuriko actually offered 6 million gold coins.

“Now the high price of 6 million gold coins is shouted in the private room No. 7, oh! The private room No. 11 shouted seven million, what? The private room No. 25 shouted eight hundred and nine. One hundred thousand! Oh my god, there were ten million gold coins in the 15th private room…” But these money are just small numbers. In the subsequent crazy price calls, the price of Dragon King’s scale is rising. The final price was set at 58 million gold coins, which was successfully auctioned by Private Room 11.

Seeking tickets~Seeking collections~~~

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