“Everyone here, now I am here to announce that the Dragon King’s scale for this auction has set a new record in our Auction House, breaking the previous record of 12 million gold coins. , And now I believe that the highest record of 58 million gold coins will be difficult to break. Everyone, will be the ones who witnessed this miracle!” Under the rendering of Auctioneer, all the Mercenaries present were cheering Up.

In the No. 7 private room, Li Yalin and everyone are slightly taken aback. Li Yalin has never thought about this Dragon King’s scale worth 110,000 Energy Points, this time The auction sold at such a high price. One must know that one hundred gold coins are worth one amethyst coin, and one amethyst coin itself can be exchanged for one hundred Energy Points. In other words, one gold coin is directly You can redeem a little Energy Points. In this way, if you just exchange the money directly into Energy Points, you can also redeem 58 million Energy Points. But what if you exchange these money into Demon Core? Then Energy Points will increase by doubling. Although Li Yalin is not short of Energy Points, I believe no one will think that the direct money is too much, right? So Li Yalin is also very happy that he can earn so much money.

But Rose and Sally on the side are completely different. What is the concept of these 58 million gold coins? Even if Milley Kingdom’s treasury only counts the gold coins, there are only about 300 million that’s all. In other words, Li Yalin earned one-fifth of Milley Kingdom’s treasury at auction this time? This is too shocking.

But like Yuriko, Shizuka and Miyu, they don’t feel anything. After all, they don’t lack anything. In Evolved Space, as long as you need things, they are basically prepared by Li Yalin. That’s all, after all, Li Yalin didn’t search for so long in vain.

“Well, now that it’s over, let’s go home.” Seeing that the Mercenaries downstairs have gone away, Li Yalin also proposed to leave.

“Wait a minute, Big Brother Yalin.” Then Angy stopped Li Yalin.

“What else? Angy?” Everyone who was planning to go out together all looked back at Angy.

“Actually…it doesn’t matter, but Big Brother Yalin, are all so many gold coins really used to buy ore and Demon Core?” Angy said a little nervously.

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled. Hasn’t he already said it before.

“But with so much money, is it too much just to buy ore and Demon Core? It’s important to know that there is a certain share of the supply in the continent market, and Demon Core and ore are in the market. Every country can be regarded as a strategic material, so if Mercenary Guild buys these, a few million is enough. Now these 50 million gold coins are too much.” Angy The Organization said. Said after his own language.

“In this way, the remaining gold coins should be replaced with amethyst coins as much as possible. If there are still remaining, then help me buy some gems, jewelry or various A small item with energy is good, anyway, you are responsible for spending all the money.” Li Yalin said to Angy with a smile.

“But…” Angy wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Li Yalin.

“No, but that’s it.” After Li Yalin finished speaking, he smiled and scratched Angy’s little nose and walked out of the private room.

“Mr. please hold your steps!” After everyone walked out of the private room, a familiar voice suddenly came over, which also made everyone stop.

“It turned out to be you.” Looking back, Li Yalin realized that it was the Boss of the Magic Equipments Shop. Seeing that he was rushing over, it seemed that there was something to say.

“This…I don’t know if you have time, Mr. Boss wants to meet you. I don’t know what you want?” Magic Equipments Shop’s Boss’s expression is very sincere. However, Li Yalin was also very interested in his boss, so he urged everyone to let them go home, and then took Yuriko along with the shop boss to see his boss.

Why does Li Yalin carry Yuriko? That’s because among the people, Yuriko’s is the oldest and has seen the most things. At critical times, Yuriko can always give Li Yalin the best advice. So on this occasion, Li Yalin will definitely bring Yuriko’s.

Leaded by the Boss of Magic Equipments Shop, I walked a few streets after leaving Auction House, and finally came to a seemingly luxurious hotel. Going upstairs to a private room, after Li Yalin pushed the door to enter, I saw a teenager sitting on a chair, looking at Li Yalin with a smile on his face.

“Hello, you are Mr. Li Yalin, right?” Seeing Li Yalin and Yuriko entered the private room, the teenager first stood up and said hello to Li Yalin, but this time Let Li Yalin startled, it seems that the young man in front of him has already investigated himself, so he should be more cautious.

The boy in front of Li Yalin is not tall, probably only in his early sixties, he is in his early twenties, and has short fiery-red hair. He looks very handsome and can be said to be top grade. The Little Handsome Brother is one, but his voice is a bit more feminine. If it weren’t for his flat chest, Li Yalin would even think he was a girl.

“Hello, may you be?” Looking at the boy in front of him, Li Yalin felt that he should be more polite, and first ask him for his name.

“Ah, look at my head. My name is Tyr, and it’s Magic Equipments Shop’s Boss. This is Chief-In-Charge of Tanni Capital City’s Magic Branch. Basically, Tanni Capital City’s business He took care of it. I believe you know each other, but this Young Lady is…” The boy first introduced himself, then introduced the Boss of the Potion Shop a little bit, and finally asked Yuriko a little curiously. Tao.

“Oh, this is Takagi Yuriko, but since Mr. Tyr knows my name, I believe you should be very clear about the name of my family.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but the words already included There was some medicinal smell on fire.

“Don’t get me wrong about this. I also saw your name at this Academies Great Competition. Although I have only seen one of your matches, I am very I adore you.” Tyr certainly heard the medicinal smell in Li Yalin’s words, so he quickly explained.

“It turns out that this is the case, then it seems that I misunderstood.” Although I don’t know what Tyr said true or false, but it sounds very comfortable, so Li Yalin didn’t care about it anymore. He asked Tyr directly: “I don’t know Tyr Boss what is your purpose of looking for me this time?”

“You are so polite, you just call me Tyr.” Tyr smiled to Li. Yalin said.

“Then I will be welcome, you can also call me Yalin, as my friends call me.” Li Yalin was also slightly smiled, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly eased.

“Well, I heard that you are only 18 years old this year, so I will ask you to yell Brother Yalin. In fact, the main purpose of inviting Brother Yalin this time is to make friends with you. My friend, what do you think of Brother Yalin? I heard about Brother Yalin that you want to sell Dragon King’s scale. I am also very satisfied with the way my subordinates deal with it. To tell you the truth, I was very happy to hear the news of the Dragon King’s scale. It happened that I was not far from Tanni Capital City at the time, so I rushed over overnight. I watched a few games when I was fine yesterday, and it happened to be one of them. It’s Brother Yalin that your game really opened my eyes.” Tyr looked at Li Yalin and said sincerely.

“Make a friend?” Li Yalin didn’t expect Tyr to say that. Originally, Li Yalin thought Tyr was planning to do some business with himself, and didn’t expect Tyr actually proposed it first. Make friends so request.

“Yeah, make a friend.” Tyr said firmly.

“Aren’t we friends now?” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“You mean…Yes, we are friends now.” Tyr was a little surprised when he heard Li Yalin’s words, but then he also said with a smile to Li Yalin.

“Then, let’s have some food first, and we’ll talk over the dinner table.” Finally, Tyr suggested that everyone have a meal together. Of course, Li Yalin readily agreed. After all, Li Yalin had lunch. Yalin hasn’t eaten yet.

“Actually, I have been very lucky to have filmed the Dragon King’s scale. This is also thanks to you.” At the dinner table, when it comes to the Dragon King’s scale, Tyr is already somewhat Said excitedly.

“You took the Dragon King’s scale?” Li Yalin didn’t expect Tyr actually took the Dragon King’s scale, although the previous Boss of Magic Equipments Shop said that he was going to be on auction I took the Dragon King’s scale, but Li Yalin didn’t take it seriously. He only politely told the boss of the shop before the auction, but now it’s actually taken. It seems that Tyr is really rich. what.

“Yes, although I spent a lot of money, I managed to shoot them. There are also those magical potions, Healing Potion and Magic Power Potion. I took a set of each. My harvest this auction is really good.” After drinking a few glasses of wine, Tyr’s cheeks are already flushed, but he seems to be quite sober.

“It seems that you are very interested in these.” Li Yalin asked with a smile after taking a sip of wine.

“Of course, I do Magic Equipment, and we also have a shop for potion. Anyway, we do everything, and I have been very interested in these things since I was a kid. By the way, I But it’s still a Third Rank High-Level Alchemist.” After a few glasses of wine, Tyr has completely let go. When it comes to Magic Equipment and alchemy, Tyr has shown a spirit of 120 points.

The new week has begun again~ I hope brother sisters will continue to support Xiaoshuai~Here, Xiaoshuai also asks for tickets~ Please collect~~~ Xiaoshuai will also return everyone with a stable update~ ~

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