Early in the morning on the 2nd day, Li Yalin was woken up by Rei, because Tyr came to visit today, so Li Yalin quickly got dressed and came to the living room, while Tyr was sitting in the living room. Drinking tea prepared by Saeko.

“Why did Big Brother Tyr come so early? Why should I inform me in advance so that I can also be prepared.” After entering the living room, Li Yalin smiled to Tyr Said.

“The first batch of goods prepared for you has arrived, so I will come to find you in a hurry.” After seeing Li Yalin, Tyr’s face turned slightly red, because at this time Li Yalin did not hide his appearance, but Li Yalin did not find Tyr’s strange.

“Are you here so soon?” After listening to Tyr’s words, Li Yalin was also a little surprised. After all, the quantity of this batch of goods is very large. This is not something that can be gathered in a short while .

“Of course, after getting my notice, my subordinates are all working overtime and urgently mobilize, and try to collect the goods as quickly as possible. As for the first The second batch of goods can arrive the day after tomorrow.” At this point, Tyr’s expression is also a little proud, after all, this also represents the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce’s really has good strength.

“So, let’s go and see.” Li Yalin is also a nod. Now that the goods have been delivered, go and fetch them. After all, Super Military Factory’s rare ore resources have been reported. Exhausted, special types of Mecha can no longer be produced.

“That’s the best, but Brother Yalin, I have another question I want to ask you.” At this time, Tyr held up the teacup in his hand, pointed to the tea inside and asked Li Yalin Said: “This tea is unique to Brother Yalin, isn’t it?”

“Of course, the only one has no division, and only I own this kind of tea on the entire continent.” Li Yalin now looks as it should be by rights.

“Then Brother Yalin, how much inventory do you have?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Tyr’s eyes lit up, so he hurriedly asked.

“Very many, whether it is Low-Level or High-Level tea, I have a lot here.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Then Brother Yalin is interested in cooperating with me once to do the sale of this tea? In fact, even if it is me, after drinking this tea for the first time, I have a feeling of wanting to stop. It is indeed fragrant and refreshing. , I believe that as long as this thing is sold to continent, it will definitely cause a great sensation.” Tyr thought about it for a while, but said to Li Yalin.

“Tea trading? Is this really okay?” Li Yalin hesitated. Although he knew that tea was a good thing, he really didn’t think about the business. It really deserves to be the Chamber of The boss of Commerce, his vision is always so sharp.

“Of course there is no problem. I believe that tea will cause a new wave on the continent, but let’s go to see the goods first. Let’s talk about tea later.” Tyr pointed at Li Yalin wink, then said a little wittyly, but this made Li Yalin feel that Tyr in front of him is a bit like a playful girl.

After shaking his head, as if trying to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart, Li Yalin hurriedly told himself in the heart that Tyr is a boy child, not a girl, and what he likes is also a girl. For Li Yalin But there is no love.

This time I went to see the goods. Li Yalin was only going out with Tyr. As for the girls, they stayed at home. Originally, Sally and Asami were clamoring to go, but for For the sake of safety, Li Yalin also denied their wishes. After all, it is an eventful time, and it is better not to go out casually.

But Saya and the others are still very worried about Li Yalin’s safety. They originally planned to let Ikaros or Astraea accompany them, but Li Yalin also refused, but in the end they couldn’t stand the persuasion of the beautiful women, and finally brought two The name Archangel walked together.

Along the way, Tyr is very interested in these two Archangels. After all, their outfits are very similar to Li Yalin and Ikaros, and Tyr, the final of the Martial Great Competition, is naturally there. So the scene where Li Yalin played against Angel and Ikaros was naturally very clear to him, but Tyr was very self-knowing and didn’t ask each other rashly, but the curiosity in his heart could not be avoided.

Without words all the way, Li Yalin followed Tyr to a warehouse, saying that the security of this warehouse is also very strict, basically achieved three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. Of course, this is also because the stock of goods is very large and precious, and it is reasonable for Tyr to be so careful in dragons and snakes mingle in Tanni Capital City during the tournament period.

“How about Brother Yalin? Are these okay?” After opening the warehouse door, Tyr said to Li Yalin with a little pride in his tone.

“Well, it’s really good.” Looking at the ore piled up in the warehouse and the Low-Level Demon Core, Li Yalin is also satisfied and nodded, although it is still a little insignificant compared to the hidden treasure before. , Just this amount of ore is enough for the arsenal to consume for a while.

“Here are only ore and Low-Level Demon Core. As for High-Level Demon Core and amethyst coins, they are protected by someone inside, but Brother Yalin wants these goods How to take it away? Do I need to send someone to the place you specify?” Seeing that Li Yalin’s face didn’t show any difference, Tyr’s was also disappointed. After all, he was planning to see Li Yalin’s shocked gaze. , But now Li Yalin’s performance is very stable.

“Don’t bother so much, just look at me.” Li Yalin did not accept Tyr’s proposal, but Li Yalin waved his hand and directly collected all the ore and Demon Core in the warehouse. In the Evolved Space, Tyr was shocked by this move. After all, the quantity of this shipment is not small. The Demon Core alone is worth millions of gold coins, let alone a huge amount of ore. Li Yalin actually took everything away with a wave of his hand. It seems that Li Yalin has a very huge spatial equipment!

“Brother Yalin is still good for you!” Tyr said admiringly at Li Yalin, originally planning to see Li Yalin’s shocked expression, didn’t expect to be shocked, but think about it Also right, since Li Yalin can come up with that many precious Magic Equipment and potion, it is not difficult to have a Spatial Ring with a huge capacity.

“It’s okay, let’s take a look at High-Level Demon Core again.” To Tyr’s shock, Li Yalin was only slightly smiled and didn’t say much, but Tyr was just a little stunned. Afterwards, it resumed as usual. After all, Tyr himself had seen a lot of big scenes. Although a little surprised, his good psychological quality allowed Tyr to guide Li Yalin to another room.

“This is where the amethyst coins, High-Level Demon Core and ore are placed.” Before a house shrouded in Magic Barrier, Tyr stopped his footsteps, and then turned to Li Yalin introduced.

“Turn off the barrier.” After Tyr finished introducing Li Yalin, Tyr moved towards the air and said something. Then I saw the barrier that originally exuded a strong magical breath and disappeared without a trace in an instant At this time, Li Yalin also felt that there was a strong energy fluctuation on April 3rd nearby. It seems that there is at least a Sixth Rank expert guarding here on April 3rd.

“Come in, Brother Yalin.” Tyr made a please gesture at Li Yalin, and then greeted Li Yalin into the house. After entering the house, Li Yalin can see that there are also a huge number of amethyst coins piled up in the house, as well as many energy-emitting ores and Demon Core.

“There are a total of one million amethyst coins here. This is the largest number of amethyst coins I can collect at this stage. The High-Level ore and High-Level Demon Core here are also The value is about 8 million gold coins. As for the ore and Demon Core outside the door, their value is about 2 million gold coins, so the total value of this first batch of goods should be 20 million gold coins Up and down, in this way, I intend to pay all the accounts in four installments.” At this time, Tyr also gave the list of goods to Li Yalin, intending to let Li Yalin check it out.

“Okay, I see, this is not bad. If the payment has not been paid after the tour, we can continue trading in Milley Royal Capital, Big Brother Tyr, you don’t have to worry too much, take your time Just come.” Li Yalin did not check the list, but then put the list in his pocket, and then relieved Tyr, so that he does not have to worry, after all, the goods received now can already make Li Yalin earn flipped.

“That’s fine, if it’s too fast, it’s estimated that the Chamber of Commerce will be tight, but before the conference is over, I believe we can also conduct three transactions. For my subordinates’ ability, I still believe it.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Tyr also let go of the big stone in his heart. In addition to sighed slightly in relief in his heart, he also appreciates Li Yalin even more.

Although Tyr wants to quickly collect the goods of more than 80 million gold coins is not impossible, but in this way, Chamber of Commerce will also be under great pressure. After all, these goods are not A small amount, now Li Yalin actively proposes to slow down time trading, Tyr’s pressure will also be reduced a lot.

After Li Yalin collected the amethyst coins, ore, and Demon Core in the room into the Evolved Space, Tyr proposed to go outside to discuss the tea issue, which Li Yalin also readily agreed, after all Li Yalin used to search too many things, now it is a good choice to exchange tea leaves for some Demon Cores and Ores.

Thanks to Lily Han for the reward~~I also continue to ask for collection~~Of course, if there are extra votes~Please vote for Xiaoshuai~~bye thanks~~

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