Li Yalin and Tyr did not stay in the warehouse. Instead, they came to a restaurant under the guidance of Tyr. In the private room of this restaurant, Tyr had already prepared the meal and was waiting for Li Yalin to take a seat.

“Big Brother Tyr, you came here prepared, looking at the food already set on the table.” Li Yalin said to Tyr with a smile.

“Of course, even if there is no such thing as tea, I would like to invite Brother Yalin to have a meal, and then have a good chat with Brother Yalin. After all, we were not very happy last time. “Tyr also smiled and made a please gesture to Li Yalin, and then he pulled a chair away and went on.

“In that case, I will deference is no substitute for obedience.” After all, Li Yalin also casually found a chair and sat down.

“Haha, that’s right!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Tyr also smiled and poured Li Yalin a glass of wine.

“Talk to business, since Big Brother Tyr has paid for the first shipment, then I will give Fairies’ Language to Big Brother Tyr first, I believe even Big Brother Tyr has already got Fairies’ Language, then the next three batches of goods will be completed with great care.” Li Yalin did not drink this glass of wine, but first took out Fairies’ Language and put it on the table.

“This…I’ll pick it up after two more shipments.” Tyr looked at the Fairies’ Language on the table. Although the expression was already very heartwarming, he did not agree.

“It’s okay, I believe you, Big Brother Tyr.” Li Yalin ignored Tyr’s refusal and directly squeezed Fairies’ Language into Tyr’s hands.

“Well, I’ll accept this, but you can rest assured, Brother Yalin, I will definitely deliver the next three shipments as quickly as possible.” I can’t help but Fairies’ Language said to myself Temptation, in the end Tyr still accepted Fairies’ Language, but Tyr also made a very sincere promise to Li Yalin.

“Isn’t this over? Then, regarding the tea issue, I can provide Big Brother Tyr with tea, tea sets and tea making methods, but you need Big Brother Tyr yourself for the rest. Going to run it.” After seeing Tyr accepting Fairies’ Language, Li Yalin brought up the topic of tea.

“Are there any particulars about this tea?” Tyr is also very curious to hear that there is still a way to make tea.

“Actually, I don’t know this very well, but I can give you a book. Here is a detailed record of the Brewing Technique about tea and some notes.” About tea. Li Yalin really doesn’t know much about the culture, but Li Yalin is the one who ransacked the entire world of the Apocalypse. Isn’t it easy to find a Book of Tea from the search? It is enough to translate the text into Heavenly Wind Continent general text. Anyway, there are supercomputers in the Super Military Factory. As long as Feifei issues an order, a brand-new tea book can be quickly made.

“This is very good, but tea is a good thing, but it is better not to take out too much at a time. After all, things are rare and expensive. We can send out a small amount of tea to invade the nobles of major countries. In this way, we can get a lot of profits.” At this point, Tyr has quickly entered the shrewd merchant mode and began to think about how to maximize the benefits.

“In this case, I will first take out a ton of ordinary tea, and then take out dozens of tea sets.” Listening to Tyr’s words, Li Yalin also thinks it makes sense. After all, the richest people in this world are the aristocratic class and the Imperial Family class. As for ordinary civilians, do you expect them to sell tea? It’s good for them to have enough to eat, and even if there are a lot of tea in Li Yalin Evolved Space, it can’t hold the people on the continent to drink, so I don’t need to think about the topic of small profits but quick turnover. Earn aristocrats and Imperial Family. Our money is king.

“A ton of tea? Brother Yalin, do you have so much? But this is good, it will be enough for us to sell for a long time.” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Tyr was also slightly Surprised, he didn’t expect Li Yalin to be able to take out so much tea at once, but this would allow Tyr to have more plans to implement.

“This book is about Book of Art of Tea, and this is tea brewing item, Big Brother Tyr, please take a look first.” At this time Feifei has already translated Book of Tea, so Li Yalin I also took out Book of Tea and a complete set of tea sets, intending to let Tyr take a look first.

“Oh? Then I have to take a look first.” Seeing Li Yalin took out the Book of Tea and tea set, Tyr also quickly picked it up and began to look at the Book of Tea.

“I told you! Don’t bother us! We will never agree!” Just when Tyr was looking at Book of Tea seriously, a girl’s voice came. In Li Yalin’s ears, the sound should be outside the private room, but how could Li Yalin hear this sound so familiar.

“I’m telling you the truth! Tanni Capital is my domain! Here I say it! Don’t look at what Ice and Snow Kingdom you are from, but you have to listen to me when you get to my site Yes!” While Li Yalin was still reminiscing, a very arrogant male voice came from outside the door.

“Fuck me!” Li Yalin stood up immediately when he heard this. This kid is so arrogant. Even if he has such strength, Li Yalin is not so yelling, so Li Yalin decided to go out immediately. Give that kid a lesson, Li Yalin himself is not arrogant yet, there are people who dare to be arrogant than him before him. Isn’t this looking for Bian?

“Ruze I know exactly what conspiracy you are playing, don’t make excuses for that many! I tell you this is impossible, at worst we are perish together! I won’t let you succeed!” The moment Li Yalin was about to go out, another female voice came out of the door, but Li Yalin heard this voice. Isn’t this the Arania that I knew before? Vivian should be the first to speak, no wonder It sounds so familiar.

Since I am an acquaintance, I should help more, so Li Yalin opened the door and strode out. When Tyr saw him, he put down the Book of Tea in his hand and also followed Li Yalin out. .

“Since you already know, don’t let me spend that many words, obedient will go with us, so that it won’t suffer, otherwise my brothers are not decorations!” After Li Yalin left the house, Li Yalin saw the guy standing in the hallway talking loudly.

Although this guy speaks very arrogantly, he looks pretty good, some handsome guys, but his arrogant face is very annoying, and he has completely made his face completely. Destroyed, it feels like the bad guy at first glance.

“I want to see how you make them suffer.” After walking out of the private room, Li Yalin stood beside Vivian and Arania’s, and said directly to each other.

“Schoolmate Yalin!” Vivian and Arania were surprised when they saw Li Yalin. After all, Li Yalin’s strength was in their eyes yesterday. Since Li Yalin is here, So today’s matter may have a more perfect solution.

“Oh, Schoolmate Vivian and Schoolmate Arania, it’s a coincidence that I can meet you all here.” Li Yalin laughed at hee hee and said to the two women, as if they had met by chance.

“I don’t know what can I do for the two Young Lady? I am a full-time janitor and have absolutely rich experience in cleaning pests. As long as the two Young Lady give an order, I can serve them for free. A Young Lady cleans the pest.” After saying hello, Li Yalin saluted the two women slightly, and then made a very gentleman action.

“hee hee, the guy in front of you is one of the biggest pests, and he also leads a bunch of small pests. We need your help to clean them up, but we won’t let you work for free. We will get rewards after completion!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Arania smiled and pointed at the guy named Ruze’s and said.

“This is no problem at all, so I am waiting for the rewards of the two Young Lady.” After Li Yalin was another gentleman’s gift, he turned and looked towards Ruze entire group.

“Who is your guy? Tell you! I feel bad about Lao Tzu’s good deeds, Lao Tzu made you unable to eat and walk around!” Ruze did not notice anything wrong, like a hero like Li Yalin saves the He saw a lot of beauty guys, but in the end most of them succumbed to Ruze’s power and strength, so Ruze didn’t feel scared either.

“It’s so evil, don’t expect to see such melodramatic things here, this place is too dangerous, you should go home and have milk!” After listening to Ruze’s tone, Li Yalin shook the head, a look that is not unusual to take care of you.

“You guy dare to look down on people? Take off your hat and let me see who you are!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Ruze jumped in anger, so he pointed out Said loudly while wearing Li Yalin’s hat.

“I just won’t take you anymore!” Li Yalin folded his hands on his chest, looking at a joke.

“Then you don’t blame me for being impolite!” Seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, Ruze was so angry that he waved his hand at his henchman and made a On the gesture.

As soon as all the henchman under him saw such a gesture, they all yelled and rushed up, and slashed at Li Yalin. However, although Ruze’s has more than 20 people, because the corridor is not very wide, there are only two or three people that can attack Li Yalin’s that’s all. At this time, Li Yalin did not let the guardian Archangel take the shot, but Standing alone in front of the two women, one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand imposing manner.

Thank you for the reward you said the most, and then it is customary to ask for collection and tickets~~ There are vacancies in the bookshelf and brothers who have extra tickets~~

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