In Evolved Space, Li Yalin is discussing with Little Elf Feifei whether or not to use Character Exchange, because from Feifei’s, in fact, Character Exchange can be increased by one quota every month, but only when redeeming You need to spend three times the Energy Points, but now is when there are few helpers, so three times the Energy Points is not so unacceptable.

In the end, Li Yalin decided to summon a character first, and then take the girls who have signed a contract with him to the next dungeon, so that everyone can quickly improve their own strength. .

I have been thinking about Character Exchange Li Yalin for a long time. After all, there are many characters that Li Yalin wants to redeem. However, after thinking about going to Li Yalin, I decided to redeem Saber from “Fatestay.night”. King of Knights Artoria.

The price to redeem Saber was originally 600,000 Energy Points, but now after spending three times the price, Li Yalin only used 1.8 million Energy Points to redeem Saber. Although it costs a lot, the Saber exchanged is only the strength of the Seventh Rank High-Level, and it does not reach the Saint Rank. The main reason for spending so many Energy Points is that Li Yalin used Saber’s Noble Phantasm Invisible Air, Excalibur, and Avalon was all redeemed together.

Especially Excalibur and Avalon. One has super attack and the other has invincible defense. The cost of these two Noble Phantasm can occupy a considerable part of the energy points of 600,000. But it is 50,000 points more than summon Ikaros’s 550, but all of this is worth it. After all, Li Yalin also likes this kind and upright little lion.

“Sevant.Saber follows summon, I ask you, are you my Master?” After summon came out of Saber, Saber’s first sentence turned out to be the same as what he said to Shirou. This made Li Yalin stay for a while, but he was still nodded.

“Sevant.Saber, follow summon, Master, please give instructions. From then on, my sword will be with you, and your destiny will coexist with me. Here, the contract is completed.” , Saber signed a contract with Li Yalin. Of course, this contract is the same as Saeko and Ikaros, but it is also very important that Saber can also use the energy of Li Yalin to restore Magic Power. With the use of moves, Saber’s strength is not limited to the strength of Seventh Rank High-Level.

“That, but you don’t need to call me Master, just call me by my name. I am Li Yalin. If you like, call me Yalin.” After the contract is completed, Li Yalin After touching his nose, Li Yalin was really a little excited after seeing Daoist Saber.

“Yalin… well, it sounds pretty good.” Saber did not call Li Yalin Master as stubbornly as Ikaros and others, so Saber also nodded agreed to Li Yalin’s suggestion.

“Well, can I also call you Toria? After all, calling you Saber feels a bit too exciting.” At this time, Li Yalin continued.

“…” Saber did not speak, but gently a nod, but this also made Li Yalin happy for a long time, but after being happy, Li Yalin knew that there was still a lot to do by himself. So Li Yalin hurriedly told Saber: “Toria, I will go out first, and then I will bring some people to meet you, you know there are many things we need to do.”

“I will still follow you Let’s go together, after all, my mission is to protect you.” But Saber doesn’t want to leave Li Yalin. After all, since she was released from summon, she has understood her only mission, which is to protect Li Yalin for forever.

“It’s not necessary anymore, I will be back soon.” Li Yalin moved towards Saberslightly smiled, then flashed back to his room.

Later, Li Yalin gathered all the girls who signed the contract with him, and the reason was that Li Yalin was going to the next World to do Quest. When I heard Li Yalin’s words, girls Of course I have to follow along, so Li Yalin immediately sent everyone into the Evolved Space. As for Rose, Sally, Schley, Orfina, and others, for the time being, Li Yalin didn’t want them to know so early. Anyway, after entering the dungeon, Heavenly Wind Continent The time on the Internet stopped, so let’s talk to them again when I have the opportunity.

After entering the Evolved Space, Li Yalin found that Saber had already chatted with the girls. After all, the girls who signed the contract with Li Yalin felt in their hearts, so everyone did not become hostile after meeting. , But after introducing themselves to each other, they started chatting on chirp chirp twitter twitter. Although Saber is not good at chatting, because the content of the chat is about Li Yalin entering the next World, Saber is also cheering up Want to know more about Li Yalin’s.

Actually, the next dungeon Li Yalin has already been chosen, and that is «Claymore», because among the remaining two dungeons, only «Claymore» is suitable for quickly raising the level. As for the ” In Rental Magica, that many supernatural existence makes Li Yalin very painful, so Li Yalin decided to choose «Claymore».

Especially the girls’ current strengths vary. The lowest Minami Rika is only Third Rank High-Level, while Ikaros is already Saint Rank High-Level. The gap is indeed too big. However, the ordinary Yoma in «Claymore» does not seem to have a very high level, and is suitable for girls with lower levels. Awakened Being and Abyssal One are more realistic Ikaros and their best opponents for leveling, especially It’s Saber, Li Yalin intends to promote her to Saint Rank in «Claymore».

After everything is ready, Li Yalin has chosen to turn on «Claymore» dungeon, but before turning on dungeon, Li Yalin has also told the women, for the time being they are still Staying in the Evolved Space, and Li Yalin first explored this World. After finding a suitable leveling place, Li Yalin asked everyone to come out for leveling.

So from this, Li Yalin came to Claymore World alone. This is a world where Yoma is rampant. There is no concept of country on the whole continent. There are only countless large and small towns. There are villages entrenched in every corner of the continent, but the place where Li Yalin appeared this time was not in the village, but in a forest.

After Teleportation to Claymore World, Li Yalin’s mind had some memory fragments that did not belong to him. What surprised Li Yalin was that his favorite Goddess Teresa was not dead, and Actually, I still have some entanglements with myself.

Li Yalin recalled carefully before discovering that when Ilena led Sophia, Noel, and Luciela in the crusade against Teresa Era, Li Yalin had intervened in this matter, and just after Priscilla awakened, At the moment when Teresa’s head was about to be cut off, Li Yalin also stepped forward to prevent the tragedy from happening and rescued Goddess Teresa, but left the place immediately afterwards, completely ignorant of what happened in the end.

Recalling this, Li Yalin was really angrily stomping his feet, and he was naturally very happy to save Di Goddess, but why did the dog day arrange for him to flash people without saying a word? Even if you talk to Di Goddess and introduce yourself, it’s good! This can also leave a good impression on Di Goddess.

Although it is very uncomfortable, Li Yalin can’t change this fact. After checking Quest, Li Yalin is a little embarrassed. First Quest is to save Elena. About this Elena, Li Yalin still has some impressions. She is a friend of Clare’s contemporaneous period. She became Warrior a step later than Clare, but she ushered in the boundaries earlier. When she feels that her own boundaries are coming, Send a black letter asking Clare to kill herself.

But apart from this does not have more information about Elena’s, and even the rankings are not clear. In this way, the key to finding Elena’s lies in Clare’s. Only from Clare’s can Elena be found. Otherwise, it would really be a needle in a haystack. But since Teresa is not dead, Li Yalin doesn’t know whether the butterfly effect has slapped Clare out. If Clare is really gone, then it’s really a bit difficult to do.

Second Quest surprised Li Yalin even more. It turned out to be contract Teresa. Is Teresa so impressive? Although it is Teresa of the Faint Smile, the claymore beauties are basically icebergs. When facing humans, they seldom express their inner heart. Even Clare uses his perseverance and strength to open it. With Teresa’s heart, now let Li Yalin go to contract Teresa, this is just like cracking a joke.

When I saw Third Quest, Li Yalin was completely entangled, actually to kill an Abyssal One, so now Abyssal One is Riful, Isley and Luciela, and Luciela is also one , If you want to kill an Abyssal One, you can only choose among these people, right? But in the end, based on the principle of humility to women, Li Yalin decided to give up this kill quota to Isley, who called him the only male in Abyssal One.

And Fourth Quest, it turned out to be able to save Claymore as much as possible in the Battle of the North, it is really vague to say that this Quest gives it, what is it called trying? But forget it, anyway, Li Yalin has already planned to kill Isley during the Battle of the North, so saving more claymore beauties can be regarded as part of the business. Li Yalin can’t bear that many claymore beauties were under Isley’s hands. Kill the Awakened Beings.

After watching Quest, Li Yalin looked up at the sky, it was not very early, so what Li Yalin needs to do now is to leave the woods immediately and look for a small town, except In addition to a place to live, more information is still to be found.

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