After unfolding Seraph’s Wings and flying into the sky, Li Yalin quickly discovered that there was a small town not far from the woods. Since there is no who is all around, Li Yalin also spread his wings directly. Just flew out of this small forest.

After flying out of the woods, Li Yalin walked towards the town. It took less than ten minutes to walk. Li Yalin had already arrived at the entrance of the town, but after entering the town, Li Yalin Yalin can clearly feel that this small town is lifeless, and the people walking on the main street are not at all happy at all, basically everyone is in danger.

After arriving at a hotel, Li Yalin walked up to the boss at the front desk and said: “Give me a room and tell me where I can exchange money.”

“This A guest, I advise you to leave this small town.” At this time, the boss of the shop had no intention of doing business at all, but instead whispered to Li Yalin.

“Why? Did something happen here?” After listening to the shop boss, Li Yalin already felt that Yoma might exist in this small town, and Li Yalin could also vaguely feel that There are two unusual auras in this town. It should be said that they all exude a Dark Attribute-like aura. Although they are hidden deeply, Li Yalin can still feel them.

“Yes, there was a cannibal Yoma here a few days ago, and five people have been killed. Although the Town Chief has hired Claymore, who knows these half-human and half-yoma Will the guy be mad and kill us all.” At this point, the shop boss’s face was already full of sadness.

“Oh? Have you hired Claymore? I would like to see it.” Hearing this, Li Yalin’s mouth showed a slight smile, Zhengshou couldn’t find Claymore, and now it happened to touch him. When Claymore was commissioned, Li Yalin wanted to see who this Claymore was.

“What?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, the shop boss was stunned. After all, he lived such a long time, and it was the first time he saw someone treat those half-human and half-yoma Claymore interested.

“How much can this be worth?” Looking at the dull look of the shop Boss, Li Yalin also understood that the fear of Yoma among residents of this continent has deepened, even if half of Claymores is Humans, but ordinary persons would not treat them as similar, so Li Yalin didn’t say much to the shop boss, just took out a ruby ​​and threw it in front of the shop boss.

“This…” The shop boss was dumbfounded by looking at the ruby ​​on the table. This ruby, which is about the size of a table tennis ball, is very rare, and it also shines with scarlet light. Something very precious.

“The small shop really can’t buy this gem. Even if we gather all the money in our entire town, we can’t buy this gem.” The boss of the shop is also a person who knows the goods. Naturally, he also understands the precious nature of this ruby, but it seems that he is also a very honest person. Although his eyes are full of desire, he still tells Li Yalin the truth.

“Hehe, go and collect as many Bellars as you can, as long as the price is reasonable, this ruby ​​is yours.” Li Yalin is very satisfied with the attitude of the boss, in fact, this one Rubies are only one of the worst in Li Yalin’s collection. Even if they are given to the shop Boss, it is not without exception. However, Li Yalin is indeed a Bellars, and Bellars is a common currency on the continent, so Li Yalin also needs some This World’s money should come in an emergency.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go now, this guest, wait a moment.” Upon hearing Li Yalin’s words, the shop boss quickly got up and ran towards the back. It seems that he really I really want this ruby.

After a while, the boss of the shop came to Li Yalin’s with a baggage, “This guest, here are half a million Bellars, this is already all my cash possessions, I don’t know if it’s possible. ……” At this point, the boss of the shop can’t go on, after all, the money is indeed not worth mentioning for this ruby.

“Okay, this ruby ​​is yours.” Li Yalin opened the package and took a look. The package was also full of Bellars. Bellars are not actually made of gold, they look a bit like copper. , But it is slightly different. It should be an unknown metal. Although half a million Bellars is not much, it also makes Li Yalin quite satisfied.

“Thank you for this guest, please come with me now, I will prepare a room for you.” Seeing Li Yalin actually agreed to the exchange, the boss’s face was already full of excitement Even the haze caused by Yoma in the town was wiped out of his expression. At this time, he was graciously leading Li Yalin upstairs.

The room arranged by the boss for Li Yalin is indeed good. It looks very clean. It seems that this is the best room in this hotel, so Li Yalin is also quite satisfied.

After ordering the shop boss to go out, Li Yalin sat on the bed casually, and the long sword on his back stood beside the bed. In fact, before entering the town, Li Yalin had already I put on a hooded cloak, and I also carried a Sword of Silver on his back. This Sword of Silver was exchanged by Li Yalin when he was bored before, and it was also equipped with a matching silver scabbard. Although it looks very luxurious, it is also a weapon that is very close to Elite-Level. At that time, it also cost Li Yalin 20 Energy Points.

After sitting for a while, Li Yalin also felt a little bored, and when he was about to enter the Evolved Space to connect with the girls, suddenly Li Yalin felt an unusual breath Entering the small town, and at the same time, the residents’ exclamations came from the window.

After Li Yalin opened the window, he could see from a distance. A lonely silhouette came from the opposite side. There was a blonde long hair, fresh and pure and a pretty face in between. There is no expression, and the iconic silver eyes are so deep, so the ordinary person simply cannot face her directly.

Looking at the look of this Claymore, Li Yalin instinctively felt that he had won the big prize. This person should be Flora, who is now ranked No. 8 in The Organization, and the title is Flora the Windcutter, Battle of the North When she was killed by the Silver-eyed Lion King, Li Yalin still felt the pity in bursts. After arriving at Claymore, she didn’t expect that the first Claymore to see was Flora.

At this time, Flora has come in front of Town Chief, and Town Chief’s all around, although they look around many residents, they are all muttering something quietly, and they all have the same face at this time. Looking at Flora in fear, as if that beautiful face could eat people, which made Li Yalin feel quite funny.

Since the protagonist has arrived, the good show is about to begin. From the breath, you can feel that Flora’s rank at this time is probably about Fourth Rank High-Level, but you must know that Claymores is If you can release Yoki, I don’t know what level Flora will reach if it releases Yoki.

At this time, Li Yalin could not sit still in the room, so he also walked out of the hotel and came to the main street, and the position he was standing at this time happened to be in a human form. Next to Yoma, Li Yalin wanted to see what kind of ability Flora has.

“This is the agreed money, please confirm it.” At this time, the Town Chief was also holding a baggage in his arms, and said tremblingly. It seems that he is also very afraid of Flora. .

“No, after finishing the work, there will be someone to collect the money, that is, if I die, there is no need to pay.” Although Flora’s voice is very gentle, but Town Chief’s The answer is still a bit hesitant.

“Then you can clear Yoma now?”

“Of course, I should start working.” After Flora finished saying this, her silhouette was already instantaneous Disappeared in the same place, and at the same time she appeared behind a middle-aged man. Everyone present did not see her drawing the sword, but after a few sword lights flashed, the middle-aged man instantly disappeared. It was divided into several pieces, and purple blood was sprayed from his body, which is the characteristic of Yoma.

“Kill!” The residents who saw this scene fled in all directions. After all, if someone dismembered their body in front of them, anyone would be terrified.

“The first one!” Flora ignored the scattered crowd, but disappeared instantly after saying this. Afterwards, Flora appeared where the second Yoma was located, but Li Yalin had already escaped this Yoma at this time. After all, after Yoma was dismembered, the dirty blood would fly around. Li Yalin didn’t want to His white cloak was stained with blood.

However, after Flora killed the second Yoma, she had already noticed Li Yalin. After all, Flora had already confirmed the location of Yoma before, and Li Yalin, who was standing next to Yoma, was naturally included. In Flora’s eyes, but after beheading Yoma, Flora magically discovered that Li Yalin had already not been on the former place. Could this person also discover the existence of Yoma? A question mark appeared in Flora’s mind.

But at this time Flora didn’t think much, just turned around and left the town after beheading Yoma. This Quest can be completed so quickly and without much effort, Flora’s heart is too Quite happy.

But just after Flora turned and left the town, Li Yalin also quietly followed along. After all, he finally met a Claymore, and Li Yalin didn’t want to simply miss it.

Two people walked one after the other about 8 minutes after the other, Flora stopped suddenly, but she didn’t turn her head, but said directly: “You follow me to the end like this What does it mean?”

Thanks to ゴーシュ? スエード, the memory of the star dust, not broken ‖ do not disperse, beat the tiger and Lily Han’s rewards, saying that the first protector of the book appeared ~ that is not broken ‖ do not disperse, everyone applaud~~ Finally, please Tickets and tickets are also collected~~

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