“But…” Just when Li Yalin wanted to say something, one silhouette appeared behind Li Yalin and the others.

“What are you doing here?” At this time, a silhouette of a petite girl appeared behind the crowd, and she said to everyone with a look of doubt.

“It’s Awakened Being!” Because of the farce just now, everyone simply didn’t pay attention to the movement of all around. At this time, they were so close by the Awakened Being, and everyone felt a little annoyed.

“Two Claymores, and three ordinary persons, but then again, you just exudes a good smell from your body.” At this time, Awakened Being obviously refers to Li Yalin, And while she said these words, Awakened Being also began to transform.

I saw countless tentacles stretched out from the back of Awakened Being who was still a girl at this time. Soon, Awakened Being has fully displayed his posture in front of everyone. At this time, Awakened Being Already more than ten meters high, the head alone is as high as May 04 meters, and the Yoki emanating from its body at this time has completely reached the level of Sixth Rank High-Level.

“You guy dare to disturb me? I’m going to tear you apart!” Ophelia, who was disturbed by Awakened Being, was very upset at this time, because she was intoxicated by the long-lost family relationship, so at this time Ophelia looked very angry.

“Tear me to pieces? You said something very funny, I don’t know which of us will be torn up.” At this time, Awakened Being also showed a strange smile on his face.

“It’s just a monster, don’t forget to be there!” After speaking, Ophelia instantly released her Yoki. After just experiencing Half-Awakened, Ophelia’s Yoki went to the next level. , So the Ophelia Sword Technique at this time was even more fierce. Although the opponent Awakened Being stretched out countless tentacles to attack Ophelia, all of them were cut off by Ophelia’s Claymore.

However, Li Yalin will not let Ophelia kill Awakened Being so vainly. You must know that Awakened Being is also rare, and Sixth Rank High-Level Awakened Being can bring a lot of experience, if It would be a huge waste to kill Ophelia.

So Li Yalin also made an emergency shot, and directly a Brilliant Star Strike accurately hit the head of Awakened Being. The Brilliant Star Strike whose level has reached LVMAX is quite powerful, directly in the head of Awakened Being. A big hole was opened, and then Li Yalin instantly cast a Dimensional Jump and appeared on the head of the Awakened Being, facing the Awakened Being is a Fist of Firmament. Now Fist of Firmament can be said to be Li Yalin’s most powerful single attacking move. Now, even some dark Combination Skills are completely incomparable.

Because Li Yalin this fist was shot from top to bottom, the head of Awakened Being was directly blown to the ground by Li Yalin, but the blood of purple was also splashing all over the sky. Fortunately, Li Yalin It flashed faster, otherwise his white cloak would be splashed with blood.

“Big brother, you are amazing!” Seeing Li Yalin solved Awakened Being with one punch, Ophelia stepped forward and hugged Li Yalin like a little child. It seems that after experiencing awakening, Ophelia’s temperament has also changed a lot.

“This…can you play it a little bit?” Called the big brother by the beauty who looks older than him, Li Yalin’s heart suddenly felt a little strange, but Li Yalin still didn’t plan to What does it have to do with Ophelia? Now there are enough beauties in Evolved Space. If such an endless contract goes on, then Li Yalin will really become the king of the harem.

“Why let go? Isn’t that good.” Ophelia didn’t seem to hear Li Yalin’s idea, so she still held Li Yalin’s arm tightly.

“Didn’t he tell you to let go!” At this time, Clare suddenly pulled out his Claymore and pointed at Ophelia.

“che, weak guy.” Ophelia ignored Clare, but continued to drag Li Yalin, but from this it can also be seen that Ophelia has indeed changed a lot, if Clare had been If you dare to talk to Ophelia like this, then Ophelia would have gone straight to kill people without saying a word.

“Well, the main purpose of my coming this time is not actually on the Awakened Being, but there may be people I know Clare and I might know around here.” At this time, for transfer. Topic, Li Yalin also said suddenly.

“Someone we know? Ah! You mean…” at first Clare I was confused when I heard Li Yalin’s words, but Clare reacted instantly, and she looked incredulous at this time. Looking at Li Yalin, he didn’t even notice that Claymore in his hand fell to the ground.

“It’s just possible, but I’m not sure.” Li Yalin is nodded, but he doesn’t have any confidence in his heart. He just came over and took a look with the mentality of giving it a try.

“Who are you talking about? Why do both Yalin and Clare know each other?” Elena is a little puzzled. Although Clare has known Li Yalin before her, it seems that the two of them spend time together. It’s not long, either.

“He is a very difficult to deal with person.” Li Yalin smiled mysteriously, but did not say the answer.

In the original plot, it did not indicate where Ilena lived in seclusion, but it should not be very far from this town, but even so, the scope of the search is indeed too large. If they only rely on Li Yalin, they can’t find it at all, so Li Yalin can only determine the approximate location, and then ask Nymph and Shizuka.

Since it is necessary to determine the approximate position, flying into the air is the best choice, so at this time Li Yalin has already launched his Seraph’s Wings, one speeding up into the air and starting to look around stand up.

According to the original plot, when Ophelia was fighting Clare, Clare once fell off a cliff, in the woods below that cliff, Clare was rescued by Ilena. However, after observing by Li Yalin’s, it seems that there are cliffs in the east and the north, but the specific cliffs need to be tried one by one.

At this time, Li Yalin didn’t know. After he spread his wings into the sky, how much impact he brought to Ophelia, Clare and Elena below. They never thought that Li Yalin was like the legendary one. Angel usually spreads out a pair of wings and flies into the sky. You know, on this continent, there is also the legend of Angel, but unlike Heavenly Wind Continent, Angel is just a legend here. Angel is the Spiritual God who saves the world, so it is enshrined in Holy City’s Cathedral The most is also the legendary Angel, one can imagine how much shock Li Yalin brought them at this time.

“Okay, let’s go to the north first.” Because the cliffs on the north are closer than the east, Li Yalin directly suggested that everyone go first after returning to the ground. Look north.

But after returning to the ground, Li Yalin instinctively felt that the atmosphere was a little strange. Clare and the others looked at themselves with complicated expressions, which made Li Yalin feel a little strange.

“What’s the matter? Is there anything wrong?” Li Yalin said somewhat puzzled, but then he reacted. After seeing their wings for the first time, Rose and the others seemed to see themselves the same way. Yes, no wonder it has such a strong sense of sight.

“Big brother…” Ophelia approached Li Yalin a little confused, but this made Li Yalin feel a bit sorry. It seems that Ophelia has made up his mind to call herself the big brother.

“Are you here to save my Angel?” Ophelia looked at Li Yalin complicatedly. At this time, her heart was really messed up, especially her pitiful face made Li Yalin. Can’t help but step forward to comfort her.

“Don’t worry, it’s not just you, I want to save all The Organization’s Warrior, I must destroy The Organization!” Touching Ophelia’s head, Li Yalin also said softly.

“Well, my first goal now is not the centaur guy. I will help your big brother destroy The Organization’s together.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Ophelia is also a well-behaved person. In front of Li Yalin’s chest, but what she said made Li Yalin startled. Could it be that the plot has changed again? Shouldn’t Ophelia’s enemy be Priscilla? How did you become Isley now?

“You said that your first target is a centaur? Do you have any hatred with him?” Anxious to know the answer to the question, Li Yalin had to be cautiously probed.

“Originally, a woman with a horn came to the village where I lived before, but when she was about to destroy the village, the centaur appeared, and they had a big fight in the village. In order to protect me, the big brother died under the sword of the centaur, so after that I swear that I must kill the guy who killed my big brother!” When it comes to her big brother, Ophelia is still a little sad. , But her answer was confirmed by Li Yalin. The original plot was changed again. Priscilla actually met Isley in the village of Ophelia, which was a bit of a spoof.

“Well, if this is the case, I guess you should have investigated. The centaur is called Isley, who rules Abyssal One of the Northern Lands. He is called the White Silver King. His strength is not yours. It’s comparable now, so you have to work harder.” After confirming what he thought in his heart, Li Yalin said to Ophelia, I believe that with the power of hatred, Ophelia must grow faster.

“Yes, I know he is Abyssal One, but even so, I will definitely kill him, but now all I have to do is help the big brother destroy The Organization together.” Although I heard In this way, Ophelia’s belief in strengthening strength has increased a lot, but Ophelia’s first choice now is not to seek revenge from Isley, but to help Li Yalin first. It seems that Ophelia has already put Li Yalin as the first in his heart. Up.

Seeking monthly ticket~Seeking recommendation~Seeking all kinds of support~~(To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! )

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