Teresa of the Faint Smile

“Forget it, it’s up to you.” Knowing that Ophelia’s mind can no longer be changed, Li Yalin can only follow the trend. Later, Li Yalin summoned Nymph and Shizuka from Evolved Space. Because Clare is a fusion of Teresa’s flesh and blood after all, then Clare’s naturally also has Teresa’s aura, although I don’t know what Teresa has achieved for so many years. Degree, but with the combination of Nymph and Shizuka’s, it should still be possible to find Teresa’s.

“Shizuka-nee, Nymph, I have to ask you again this time.” After Li Yalin smiled slightly at the two women, he explained his meaning to the two women.

“I am very happy to be able to help the younger brother!” Shizuka said with a smile, and then she began to seriously prepare to use the spell.

“Yes, I am also very happy to be able to help Master.” Nymph also smiled sweetly, and then Nymph immediately became a strategic state. After locking Yoki on Clare, he launched the radar. Go northward.

Seeing Li Yalin out of thin air, summon out of Nymph and Shizuka, Ophelia and the others are naturally very surprised, but seeing Li Yalin and the others look serious, Ophelia and the others did not ask, but At this time, Li Yalin seemed more mysterious in their hearts. Even if Elena had signed a contract with Li Yalin, she did not know much about Li Yalin’s now. After all, after arriving in Holy City, Elena Started to team up with Clare, so Elena and Li Yalin don’t spend a lot of time together.

Although Nymph’s radar has a very wide search range, it still took a lot of time and a lot of distance. But maybe Teresa suppressed his Yoki very badly, or Teresa simply Not here, the final result was nothing after all, which made Li Yalin a little frustrated. After all, the only clue has been broken. The continent is so big, where did Li Yalin look for Teresa?

“en?” At this moment, Li Yalin suddenly felt someone approaching. After turning his head abruptly, Li Yalin realized that four silhouettes had slowly approached him and the others. This made Li Yalin very surprised. You have to know that including Li Yalin himself, there are three Seventh Rank Experts in this team. Now it is incredible to let these four people get so close to him to find out.

“Attracted by the breath of it’s been a long time since we last met, it seems that it’s not without gain.” Before Li Yalin could speak, one of them had already stood up first. He came out and said that after hearing the other party’s voice, Clare had already instinctively covered his mouth, his eyes were also wide, and tears could not stop streaming.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you, didn’t expect that you have grown into The Organization’s Warrior, Clare.” While saying these words, the leader slowly lifted the cover The hat on his head, and what appeared in front of everyone was the strongest No.1 in The Organization Warrior, Teresa of the Faint Smile.

“Teresa!” Finally couldn’t help the feelings in his heart. Clare had flew up and hugged Teresa’s arms, and Teresa, as before, gently stroked Clare’s hair, and the two seemed to have another Back many years ago, the little girl who was no one to rely on and the strongest female Warrior who always smiled.

“Long time no see, Teresa.” At this time, Li Yalin also stepped forward to greet Teresa. After all, in his incomplete memory, he seemed to have had some contact with Teresa.

“It’s you, you were so ruthless at the beginning, you just helped me and ran away, causing me to lose an arm.” At this time Teresa obviously recognized Li Yalin, too. Although there was a bit of complaint in what he said, it was like an old friend meeting between the two, and there was no feeling of strangeness at all.

“Sorry, there were still some things that I needed to deal with at the time, but did your arms grow well?” Li Yalin touched his nose a little sorry, who knows why he had to run in the first place, but Seeing that both of Teresa’s arms were intact at this time, Li Yalin also secretly sighed in relief.

“Well, I barely grow out, but I am not a defense-type Warrior, so even if I grow my arms again, the strength is still very weak, but it took me a long time to retrain. What about this arm.” As he said, Teresa waved his arm, which could be regarded as a gesture to Li Yalin.

“Big brother, you just called her Teresa? Is she the legendary The Organization’s strongest Warrior-Teresa of the Faint Smile?” After hearing Li Yalin’s conversation with Teresa’s, Ophelia hurriedly Asked.

“Well, she is the Teresa, but after so many years, it is estimated that her strength has risen to the next level.” Li Yalin nodded slightly, but now Li Yalin But I can’t feel Teresa’s true strength, and I don’t know how far Teresa has reached.

“Since it’s an old friend, I don’t think you will forget us?” At this moment, the three people behind Teresa also lifted their hats, and Li Yalin naturally recognized them. It turns out that the three of them were involved in the crusade against Teresa’s Ilena, Sophia and Noel. It seems that the change of the plot made them escaped, and Ilena’s arm was not cut off by Priscilla.

“It turned out to be you. I haven’t seen you for so many years. Are you okay?” Since the other party has already spoken, Li Yalin couldn’t just ignore them, so Li Yalin had to slap them. call.

“You are really cold.” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Sophia complained a little bit, which made Li Yalin sweat a little, and it seemed that he was not very much like them. Entangled?

“Thanks to you, we have had a pretty good time.” Ilena, who has pointed ears like elves, is not like Sophia. She is only slightly towards Li Yalin a nod, but It’s like an old fashioned one.

“Didn’t expect you guy is still alive, I don’t know how your strength is? Tell you, our strength is not the same as before!” It was Noel who said this. She has the same temperament as Sophia, she is very cheerful.

“It looks like you are doing really well.” Looking at the spirit of the other person, Li Yalin also said with a smile.

“But why are you here with Clare? Remember that you didn’t have much intersection at the beginning?” Clare’s Teresa had already calmed down, but now she asked Li Yalin.

“This…A lot of things have happened…” Li Yalin’s face was reminiscence, which made Saber on the side unable to help but pinch Li Yalin.

“I haven’t seen you for so many years, you are still the same as then.” Seeing this, Teresa is also slightly smiled, but then Teresa made a please gesture and said: “This is not talking. Place, come to our house.”

So Li Yalin entire group, led by Teresa’s, came to a mountain range not far from here, and there are several places here. The house, and it’s also very hidden here, it’s a good place to hide one’s name.

“It seems that you have a good time.” After entering the room, Li Yalin also randomly found a place to sit down. After looking around all around, Li Yalin smiled and said to Teresa.

“It’s okay, everything is self-sufficient, which is pretty good.” Teresa slightly smiled afterwards.

“Why stay here for so long, I have been looking for you all the time.” At this time, Clare seems to be back to the past. Since seeing Teresa, she has never let go Teresa.

“Sorry, although I wanted to find you after I recovered from my injury, we accidentally discovered something about The Organization’s plot, so I had to give up looking for you and be here with everyone Be incognito, while practicing while observing The Organization secretly.” While touching Clare’s hair, Teresa also said to Clare in an apologetic tone.

“The Organization’s plot? Is it about making Yoma and Awakened Being?” After hearing Teresa’s words, Li Yalin said suddenly.

“You know?” Li Yalin’s words made Teresa also startled. She didn’t expect Li Yalin to know about The Organization’s.

“Of course, what I have to do now is to unite with The Organization’s Warrior to eliminate the cancer of The Organization!” Li Yalin is also a nod. Although this Quest did not stipulate that the Organization must be destroyed, Li It is better for Yalin to decide to destroy The Organization.

“But it’s not that simple and easy to do.” Teresa and the others were surprised when they heard that, didn’t expect Li Yalin to have such lofty ambitions.

“I also know this, but in a few months, The Organization will abandon a large number of Warriors, and that time is a good time for us to destroy The Organization’s.” At this time, Li Yalin already had With a clear plan, Li Yalin now seems very confident.

“How do you know that The Organization will abandon a batch of Warriors?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, everyone was very puzzled. Does Li Yalin have the ability to predict the prophet?

“This…when the time comes, you will know it.” Li Yalin didn’t say anything, but said something mysteriously, and this also aroused everyone’s interest even more. It was how everyone dealt with Li Yalin, and Li Yalin did not reveal a word.

“By the way, since you are planning to fight The Organization, don’t live here anymore. You should go back to Holy City with me.” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin Suddenly made such a suggestion.

“Holy City?” Teresa and the four of them all looked at each other, but then Sophia asked, “Isn’t Holy City not allowed to enter The Organization’s Warrior? How do we get there? “

“Don’t worry, leave these to me.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, he had already made plans in his heart.

Awakened Being Dauf

Finally, after discussing for a while, Teresa and the others decided to go to Holy City with Li Yalin, and at the same time they can also guide Clare and their Sword Technique , You must know Teresa’s perceptual preemption, Ilena’s high-speed sword, Sophia’s arm strength, Noel’s speed and Ophelia’s Rippling Sword, everyone can learn from each other. Although Ophelia’s Rippling Sword is difficult to learn, after all, this trick is based on the premise of Ophelia’s soft body.

After returning to Holy City, Li Yalin first discussed with Bishop Kamuri about Teresa and the others. After explaining what he meant, Bishop Kamuri agreed to Li Yalin’s request. , After all, Li Yalin is the seed of hope that has brought mankind. Now it’s just a few Claymores living in Holy City. What does that matter? Especially now, Li Yalin is very popular among Holy City. , Li Yalin’s signature white cloak dress has penetrated into everyone’s heart in Holy City.

In the next month, Li Yalin took the girls he contracted with Teresa to start a new round of training together, and the training results this month are naturally comparable Obviously, girls like Saeko and Rei, who are good at close combat, have learned a lot of abilities, and even Li Yalin has mastered a lot of the use of Sword Technique.

And not only Li Yalin and the others, but the two hundred youngsters trained by Li Yalin in Holy City have made remarkable progress. Most of them have reached the Third Rank. The degree, like Galk and Sid with better talents, has reached Fourth Rank Low-Level strength, of course, this is also inseparable from their efforts.

Although the strength of these two hundred people does not seem to be very high at this time, it is already very amazing in Claymore World. You must know that an ordinary Yoma is just Third to Fourth The strength is only about Rank. If it is High-Level Yoma, the highest is only Fifth Rank that’s all. Only Awakened Being can reach the strength of Six to Seventh Rank.

Awakened Being aside, if you are facing ordinary Yoma, these people already have the power to fight, even if the opponent is High-Level Yoma, then the number of people can definitely kill the opponent, and At this time, these two hundred people have only trained for less than two months. If they continue to train, sooner or later they will grow up to be able to stand alone.

For this, Bishop Kamuri can’t laugh from ear to ear. Because of this, Holy City’s strength has been greatly increased, and Holy City’s security has also been greatly increased. Because of this, there are already Many refugees whose homes have been destroyed have settled in Holy City, and because of the oversee of Claymores, they are not afraid that Yoma will be mixed in. It is really a good deal. Recently, Bishop Kamuri is studying whether to expand the Holy City. .

Although every day in Holy City’s is fulfilling and I am also very happy to practice with the MMs, Li Yalin thought that he should find someone now. However, it is not entirely right to say that the opponent is human, because what Li Yalin intends to find is to rule Abyssal One of the Western Lands-Riful of the Western Lands.

After expressing their wishes with everyone, they discussed the probability of the matter together. Although they are not optimistic about this action, Teresa still expressed support for this and intends to go forward with Li Yalin. Go, but Li Yalin refused, because Li Yalin planned to find Riful alone.

Of course, Li Yalin’s opinion was met by all the beautiful women opposed to it. Li Yalin was also a little depressed. Is this family still in charge? However, Li Yalin also knows that everyone is worried about their safety. After all, it has not been a day or two since Riful’s foul name has been spread out. If Li Yalin is allowed to meet Riful’s alone, it is impossible for anyone to agree.

In the end, everyone agreed. Li Yalin can go to see Riful alone, but everyone has to stay in Evolved Space. This way, Li Yalin’s travel alone will not be delayed, and everyone can go to Evolved Space. In practice, for the power of the beautiful women, Li Yalin finally had no choice but to agree.

The first time that Teresa and the others saw modern buildings and various supplies, they were all shocked. Everything in Evolved Space made them feel so novel. Of course, Li Yalin has set up a large training field in Evolved Space. Everyone used to practice here, but now Teresa and the others also started a new round of practice here with Saeko and the others.

After loading all the girls into the Evolved Space, Li Yalin rode a Unicorn alone on the road, because according to the original plot, three months after Ophelia was killed Clare only came to Mount Zakol, and after rescuing No.9 Jean, the Battle of the North has just begun. So in other words, Li Yalin has plenty of time now. He can rush to the north to rescue the No.7 Eva’s Team after seeing Riful, and can wait for the arrival of the Warriors abandoned by The Organization.

On this road, Li Yalin killed a lot of Yoma by the way, but because Yoma’s rank is indeed not high, Li Yalin can’t break through to Seventh Rank High-Level at all, but I believe If it succeeds to kill an Abyssal One, Li Yalin can definitely raise his strength to Seventh Rank High-Level.

Although I don’t know where Riful is at this time, Li Yalin still came to Mount Zakol in the original plot. After arriving in the small town of Mount Zakol, Li Yalin can already feel that there are many Yoki nearby. Among them, Yoki is big and small, but there is a Yoki that makes Li Yalin feel the palpitations most. It seems that Yoki should belong to Riful’s.

Since I have already felt Riful’s Yoki, Li Yalin did not stop in the town, but went on straight ahead, heading directly to the source of Yoki in the mountain range, but halfway up, Li Yalin had already encountered several humans transformed from Yoma blocking his way.

“Hey, wait a minute, I advise you to go back. I heard that a monster appeared in front of you.” One of the Yoma said to Li Yalin, but this made Li Yalin feel very interesting. Knowing that Li Yalin is alone now, these Yoma can eat themselves without being able to persuade them, it seems that Riful still has a good idea.

“Although I can let you go, I cannot guarantee that you will not harm people in the future, so you should rest in peace.” Suddenly, Li Yalin said something that made Yomas feel unfathomable mystery , But then they understood the meaning of Li Yalin’s words.

I saw countless light blades fall beside Li Yalin’s at this time, and all these Yoma were wiped out in the light blade in an instant. This is one of Li Yalin’s unique tricks-Brilliant Cold Honor Shot, its power can not be underestimated. After this move was sent, Li Yalin continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, but the body of Yoma that had been beheaded by the light blade just now told others what had happened here.

Before reaching Riful’s lair, there were a few Yoma stuck in front of Li Yalin’s, but Li Yalin didn’t care. Instead, he took a few Brilliant Star Strikes and sent them back to their hometown. , But what really makes Li Yalin care about is that the bursts of Yoki coming from the ground, besides the largest Yoki belonging to Riful’s, there is also a Yoki that should not be underestimated. It seems that it should be the No. of the once-male Warrior. .3, Riful’s lover Dauf is now.

After Li Yalin killed these Yoma, Dauf had already emerged from the ground. At this time, Dauf, who revealed his real body, was really ugly in Li Yalin’s eyes, so Li Yalin also Make up his mind and send Dauf back to his hometown to get married in a while.

Although the Yoki emitted from Dauf’s has reached Seventh Rank High-Level at this time, it is still slightly inferior to Li Yalin who is fully armed at this time, especially Li Yalin can still be used Various skills, in this way, wanting to kill Dauf is simply a matter with no difficulty, but the underground Riful is a big trouble at this time. I don’t know if Riful will have a good talk with himself after killing Dauf.

“You are the intruder this time? You can’t feel Yoki at all! And it’s hidden! Look at me to show you your true face!” At this time, Dauf seemed to be very dissatisfied with Li Yalin. Since Li Yalin and Dauf were not in the cave at this time, Dauf’s movement was not restricted. When he said this, Dauf had already moved towards Li Yalin and pounced.

“You guy, let’s go out after the plastic surgery!” Li Yalin really doesn’t comment on Dauf’s appearance. I really don’t know what Riful’s vision is, he actually regards Dauf as his own. My love, Li Yalin really doesn’t understand this kind of non-mainstream idea.

At the same time Dauf attacked, Burning Angel Spear in Li Yalin’s hand also shot at the same time. Knowing Dauf’s thick skin, Li Yalin was the powerful Phantom Critical Strike when he started, and Li Yalin’s gun After the tip collided with Dauf’s palm, Li Yalin’s gun tip easily penetrated Dauf’s palm, and then pierced Dauf’s throat.

After piercing Dauf’s palm, Dauf’s reacted very quickly, spit out an iron rod formed by Yoki directly from his mouth, and directly attacked Li Yalin. Hearing only the sound of “peng”, Li Yalin’s gun tip hit the iron rod. Due to the impact of the iron rod, Li Yalin’s attack deviated from the trajectory, and finally only pierced Dauf’s arm.

Although he just stabbed his arm, Dauf still exaggeratedly covered his arm and yelled loudly. While yelling, Dauf even left his tears. This made Li Yalin really feel that Dauf is nothing short of one. top grade, so Li Yalin couldn’t help but laugh.

“You guy beat me, it hurts! I’m going to kill you!” Dauf is like a tank at this time, with Yoki steel bars appearing in his hands and mouth, all aimed at Li Yalin.

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